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Everything posted by nekkichi

  1. nekkichi

    but that's a symptom and not the root cause. the het/repressed not-het anglo whites out there have their consecutive fifth marriage by the time they hit 50s with an obligatory Iwanna and/or Cumiko flewn in for power-tripped free sex on the reg with a side of pirogi/tempura, and they still whore like crazy, they just aren't OTT about it as the hood hoe type (who probably would have made better choices if the community and the whatever accessible entertainment they have available in general didn't promote the ease and the glamorized picture of sex-addicted life and didn't give free tools to live it all out. some people don't have the internalized demand for anything else?.. I'm not even saying about someone hypothetically living a financially independent life just by being smart about selling sex and being careful (and to a certain extent lucky) about the act.) like fr I avoid sex and relationship threads on here, but I see a lot of problems with this victorian view of the coitus; the irresponsible sex was here for ages, I literally read an excerpt from a historical russian book just the other day mentioned someone shaming a peasant for bearing too many kids they couldn't feed, and their response was along the lines of "well I can't afford the classy fun the rich are into; the nights are long and we're just keeping ourselves warm that way" and like lbr we are not that different in terms of social stratas and classification compared to 200 years ago, we just learned to reflect on what's going on better now ("my twinflame fingered my sister are our karmic ties broken beyond repair now???????")
  2. nekkichi

    just a new spin on an old classic x
  3. nekkichi

    I literally can't @ binch releasing two albums while yoshitty been occupied with the ~finishing touches~ on the xjapan LP
  4. nekkichi

    i thot only the twitter institute of piss and cum handed out assignments of that kind, some next level royal homework tbh
  5. mercari is gonna be LIT when this song4u CD gets released x
  6. nekkichi

    there goes the opportunity to re:start her act as 『パトリック・プロジェクト feat. Patrick』
  7. nekkichi

    because Kammiez is still mentally in 1993 and is too high-profile for anyone to step in correct her idk?????
  8. nekkichi

    queen of giving the succ! love the artwork.
  9. nekkichi

    good sis is so deep in her insulated world she no longer realizes it were instore events, not fan shaming, that got her rival band the sales - and def not the $50 live-only offering
  10. nekkichi

    I'm not sure they're even aware of the connotations that their western stans layer on top of that ali-express carpark from hell *️⃣https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kagome_crest
  11. nekkichi

    we've heard that exact song so many times in this scene, but good for her we stan authenticity 👏 we moreso love creatives who lift their entire sound and aesthetics from the visual bands they supported for some five years ago and come up with some faux-deep bs now
  12. nekkichi

    tbh this is not even true, penicillin's latest release was one of their best ever (and way more well-done than majority of their peak stardom music), and there's still money in the scene as evidenced by kiryu at least looking back at the past decade tho I'd argue that VK of 2010s trapped itself by trying to appear mainstream and going softer/more electronic in sound which didn't bring EDM fans over because normies couldn't relate anyway, but did contribute to mentally unstable genré fans losing interest and moving on because there wasn't enough genuine shock value and hysteria for us there anymore. maybe shit will actually get back on track once this scene realizes the money is in crowdfunding and going over the top again /rant
  13. local dir en grey thread in one sentence:



  14. nekkichi

    put them on ice and give them an opportunity to come back themselves. a year after no communication likely taking place whatsoever you'll probably fill the place they occupied in your life with either different friends, or new hobbies, or just some self-love/TLC time. don't message them first ever again.
  15. nekkichi

    maybe that is the exact niche he wanted to occupy in the first place #a_concept
  16. nekkichi

    that thing so actively cosplaying Kiyoharu with her moves, hair flips, and angles for this video is so hilarious coupled with the track that sounds like someone musically shitting themselves over and over again with the only intention of publicly rolling in their shit in a cyclic horse laxative downpour episode
  17. nekkichi

    tourist stans do tho + their webstore has a few releases I wanted a few yrs ago because no one ever shared them but I'm too slow to find a proper shipping service because I mostly buy shit from yahoo shopping with buyee I still wonder if this means they're mostly shifting to online distribution or, indeed, we are questionably lucky to see that @VKISDEAD
  18. nekkichi

    alexa define delulu
  19. nekkichi

    yep. Alice9 and Kaya had done successful crowdfunding for their releases in the past, there's an ongoing campaign to bring Sui to Europe for a concert (I'm not following her so idk if they reached the milestone.) if paid fanclubs fall under your idea of subscriptions, those are out there for p much every prominent vk act.
  20. they haven't released literally anything decent in eight fucking years that passed since I literally CAN'T @ them all
  21. nekkichi

    TIW sounds like it was recorded on starwave so like w/e
  22. I'm not sure this is what vk scene needs rn, after that mess of an album too
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