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Everything posted by nekkichi

  1. they'll live x no one cares about rotating bassists
  2. nekkichi

    I only stan madeth gray'll for ending beyonce sorry OT glad to witness the collective pessimism on the upcoming MISC. MASC. CD!
  3. nekkichi

    I don't like most of the previews, 7 tracks is a short-ass album too, but I like their change of direction for now.
  4. I genuinely hope Santa left coal and an euthanasia voucher under their christmas tree this year
  5. nekkichi

    lmao don't worry none of those visual kei bands going mainstream do well w/o a label deal pitching their vile pop-rock shit as anime endings and daytime TV show openings, they'll be back in drag once Retsu scams a bunch of grandmas and does jail for doing that
  6. nekkichi

    unfortunately x
  7. nekkichi

    she's a utube troll getting good ROI off gender/identity politics outrage discourse, lmk if you have any other questions regarding her gender/that video x
  8. nekkichi

    we stan a sell-out 👏
  9. nekkichi

    homophobia is cancelled sisters 👏👏👏
  10. nekkichi

    I really hope they ran into random technical issues with twitter when posting that because intentionally posting a one second long preview after an underwhelming overpriced live single is not iT, good sis bought into her own hype too much.
  11. nekkichi

    I find most of this album really pleasant to listen, it's relaxed, spaced out and coherent, but I don't get what the outside producer was really hired for. still very disappointed in lack of truly standing out album tracks, anagram basically drives this entire release; I missed their previous album though so idk if they're stagnating or getting worse with their revival material.
  12. nekkichi

    can u imagine that toshiya and kaoru wearing 2D anime dominatrix attires would have been enough to force corebros hold their hormonal smegma in the entire time, avoiding the entire Kyo-sama disrespect drama we see as a result
  13. nekkichi

    that was the concept for play dolls, but not for other releases, as far as i can remember now
  14. nekkichi

    not just u
  15. nekkichi

    kii @ kyo etc and their denial that this is precisely the crowd they sold themselves out to dropping the visuals
  16. what happened to giving new singles cool and unbasic names i.e. 『APOSEMATISM』is visual kei losing its edge
  17. nekkichi

    they probably should microheadphone nimo out of that line-up eventually, but I'm glad Ivy is still serving hard
  18. nekkichi

    so you're out here spilling her business for likes and kiis instead of blocking her on FB and moving on like you probably should?..
  19. nekkichi

    (should we move this to random thoughts?) I obviously won't be fighting to get you to believe the gossip, but if drug/scam arrests themselves, and disproportionally high amount of sex/host club workers in the scene (both gya and bandmen) don't speak of the obvious yakuza affiliation (which goes outside of VK too, it's a Japanese popular entertainment trait, and it penetrates other Japanese businesses as well i.e. some Japanese banks were started with the intention to launder money for gang crime), we won't be getting any other tea. I don't even consider those ties as something inherently bad because there're people who legitimately belong to this scene because of their love of the music and theatrics and visuals, but there's no entirely "clean" way to enter the very strictly regulated mold of it - and in any case, Japanese music scene is not any different from global one in that aspect. Katy Perrys producer started out selling coke on SNL, certain bands p much use touring as a front to smuggle substances, everyone there is drugged out of their mind at some point or other (I was looking up SOAD tea and apparently they claimed they all were high out of their mind while recording their first albums in court.) I'm over both perceiving the bandmen is kawaii innocent angels and implying there's anything scandalous with the way the scene is funded/structured because I frankly don't care, I only care about music and aesthetics of a certain number of acts. I mean going back to the first line: this applies to the music scene globally, and I'm p sure it's fucked up on more levels than the entire VK scene with whatever fanclub gangbangs they used to throw around etc etc etc.
  20. nekkichi

    but do we really care tbh judging by free-will intentionally staying quiet (I think last time they were mentioned specifically was when they established a european branch p much exclusively to shill Deg, BIS (RIP) and kagerou, and that 『clowns against commercialiZm』NY gig that never happened), they're most probably exclusively handling shit with local companies in person and don't need any web presence/have no interest for us net stans. there's nothing of fanbase interest they produce themselves (that's handled by firewall div., resistar, etc) and they probably just manage their bands relations with distributors i.e. extort overdue baroque or kamijo royalties from warner or whatever.
  21. nekkichi

    holy shit her wig
  22. nekkichi

  23. nekkichi

    they're a legal owner/parent company of anything affiliated with FWD/sunkrad, this was explained on here in the past...
  24. nekkichi

    why don't they hire a proper violinist and a vocalist who can sing live, what is the point in dreadlock clown half-assing one thing and miming the other there're literally dozens of vocalists in this scene who would surpass his breathy live wheezing
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