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Everything posted by nekkichi

  1. it's now illegal to be a gazette stan, when will kpop 👏
  2. nekkichi

    so, like, in four days?..
  3. nekkichi

    attention MH this is the energy you need to be saving for the dimlim kaisan thread x
  4. nekkichi

    most quiet flop awarded!
  5. nekkichi

    i'm so weirded everytime they're popping up in the news section here with no actual talk of this band in like artist sections, status updates, playlist talk, etc fr
  6. nekkichi

    GUYSE GUYSE WE R STILL VISUAL DON'T DROP US DON'T GIVE UR MONEY TO STARWAV...... oh fuck it didn't work out, we're booking an anime opening
  7. gr*mes: I released the worst piece of shit in my life that was art angels 😭


    also gr*mes: I just released same album twice BUT I don’t enunciate anymore (enunciating on oxybutyrate is HARD and work is inherently anti-feminist so anyway) and there’s more bass, STREAM M*SS ANTHROEXCTINCT!!!!! 😍

    1. seys


      she never said that she hates art angels lmao


    2. nekkichi


      she said this in an interview for cultured magazine:




      which got picked up by nme 



      I'm glad good sister does damage control through her twitter, but generally speaking, the procedure for removing misquoted first person speech involves contacting the editor directly asking for corrections.


      and based of her leaked texts alone I wouldn't trust this methheads backtracking on principle.

  8. nekkichi

    v on-brand for her 👏
  9. they always slay the cover art images for those documentaries tbh I wish they sold the posters bc. I didn't like ninth and don't care for the release itself:
  10. r u sure hazuki sis stay protected x
  11. nekkichi

    never cared for her drumming/best of luck etc, p sure they'll be just fine. I hope it's not another case of retiring to care for their granny or something though.
  12. p sure it's going to sound like absolute shit, but at least he's looking good again
  13. nekkichi

    did anyone else get the reference because i don't think it's iT
  14. sis stop it's either this, or extorting same gucci purses from bangya to resell them on yahoo a month later pick a less visual scene if you don't like the practice?????
  15. other important news, Kai dyed his hair babby pink
  16. they legit could/should've been covering BTS for clout with their looks since they came out as A9 and now branded back w/o changing like anything conceptually I rly don't get why this tragic band thought departing PSC would get them places given the immediate absolute downgrade on all counts
  17. nekkichi

    they'll be kissing the ground russian gya walk on v. soon at this rate
  18. nekkichi

    nnnnnn s/o givuss→アリス九→アリス九號.→Alice Nine→A9→アリス九號, having no copyright ownership sucks :'(((
  19. Uruha is serving tbh. tepid hope they'll at least debut something new on that next live
  20. ljs regardless of my own opinion on nega (they weren't the tea) and w/e happened over there I'm glad their stans have a reason to be happy, even if it's just for one day.


    that being said, TBS/articlear >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

    1. CAT5


      I always thought Jin sounded like he had punctured lungs, but you don't see me raining on anyone's parade 🤣

    2. nekkichi


      that thruss is def not cut for operatic singing, which largely constitutes his appeal tbh

  21. nekkichi

  22. nekkichi

    their own sales never reaching the level of dezert/girugamesh to be considered a successful sell-out is the biggest self-diss Retsu etc could ever come up with. I will be checking out their next releases for the laugh factor mostly, but we realistically need Akane to come back and end the young things.
  23. nekkichi

    papa kaoru ain't handing out blowies for internet arguments dove, u need to come with the cash x kyo is literally credited as a vocal coach on 2005 —> RES sangs 😕
  24. nekkichi

    she really shouldn't have made a comeback x
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