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Everything posted by nekkichi

  1. nekkichi

    it's pretty much the same with cd prints, japanese bands can just rent a studio to record stuff and sell a print-run through daiki records and one of their million affiliates, they still need a label deal to book venues and market stuff though. we started speculating cula r a starwave affiliate after a) their sang went on spotify through kiwi b) the CD rip that sounded exactly like every other awful starwave release, which weirdly enough wasn't the case with PV I was hoping they signed with sharteuse agency and kamijo bc. david also originated there, but that's not the case apparently.
  2. i'm p sure they're aiming to sell it out during preorder phase and I'm not happy about it the basic 1000 copies vk print runs sell like crazy but kiwi is on something else with his order count
  3. nekkichi

    regardless of what happens to dim bitches next I'm legit thrilled issei departed so early x
  4. nekkichi

    based on my personal decade worth of staring at their antics at this point I think it's the most correct interpretation available.
  5. nekkichi

    oh wow wig come through goatse goddess!
  6. nekkichi

    guyse the flyers for Yoshiki X McD collaboration are up!
  7. oh my gosh yess!!! 😍😍😍 a youtube channel!!! 😍😍
  8. nekkichi

    the self-fulfilling curse energy of this tat is unreal tbh
  9. news forum:

    larc shit elf are announcing an announcement of an annoumcent for 2050 hjfer[pxlamdlkh


    my brain a day ltr:


  10. nekkichi

    they did their little nobudget glay copycat act relatively well for a while, the embarrassment of a former UCP band recording their major album streak is unreal tho.
  11. nekkichi

    that's a lot of ablums
  12. a themed burger king menu & l'arc~en~pissiel soda flavoring for 2020 white day week?
  13. I don't comment on vk utube, it's probably someone else noting the (quite blatant) similarities x just the lead singer tho
  14. nekkichi

    I might be wrong, but I believe oricon used to sell their extended chart archives with sales data back in the day, you should look this up (might not be relevant anymore since last time I had interest in that was around 2009 at the latest.) also oricon hasn't tracked digital sales until recently, so only their physical media data is accurate.
  15. the fact that three vocalist changes down the line gave them absolutely zero improvement listenability-wise is surely stranger than any fiction if lc5 or TM rev ever come back these sistrens can crowdfund their retirement
  16. nekkichi

    can we please go back to the time when VK bands released shit w/o over-promising full albums a year in advance/on an unrealistically short notice w/o having shit done? that would be really cool.
  17. nekkichi

    ummmm nice try sweatie but like does your gen know what a type F 『mail order 30 copies-only first press 』 b-side is????
  18. nekkichi

    and thus the "not like other girls"-kei was born
  19. nekkichi

    issei era and a good half of chedoara sound 1:1 like late para:noir/d.i.d. except with slightly with less vocal reverb and layering, it's one of the reasons I can't take them seriously to this day.
  20. nekkichi

    teaaaa I've also been amping my 『Яeal faИ』game ever since articlear EPs started coming out: I haven't listened to narcissist sensation's band in like a month by now (what month is it) and don't plan on touching them until that album gets leaked too (no preorders from this clown for now.)
  21. nekkichi

    good sis is probably finishing that album on a meth binge with occasional breaks for some extra bits of IG wisdom for the 『Real fanS』
  22. I'm sort of referring to the absolute brain-damaging mind fuck that was dexcore youtube demo album release with every track forcing english lyrics on screen. it was an experience.
  23. I wouldn't read too much into Kagami's creative interpretation of what English words should mean in his head tbh
  24. nekkichi

    they left universal for FWD when taboo or pain of catastrophe singles were released, whichever came first, and left FWD after their s/t album to form their own label; after the hiatus, Wataru went on to produce some random boybandish unit which seemingly went nowhere, and well you can look up everyone else on visunavi/vkdb
  25. nekkichi

    gotta lose bunch of members (all two) first
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