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Everything posted by nekkichi

  1. nekkichi

    I just v much respect german TV for putting in WORK documenting all that & setting them up on cam, I'll have to watch it in chunks but she's def a role model for many!
  2. nekkichi

    we stan a TV debut 👏 I wonder if anyone ever tweeted them about the feature omg
  3. they should commence as a fulltime band tbh
  4. I rly doubt hypothetical despa reunion material would have sounded much better than this & at least karyu moved onto better things than hanging out with a bunch of disenchanted sell-outs the (very bad) rapping part in this track still is a new low for him tho, I stopped right after.
  5. artistic career expectations:


    artistic career REALiTi:



  6. nekkichi

    is this the pre-order link????
  7. are we already in hell or we're just rehearsing for the inevitable descent



    1. Keiyuh


      Yeah can't wait for an angel to come and say "how did you spend your teenage years" to only respond "crying myself to sleep" 

    2. nekkichi


      that's how I spent mine, I regret nothing tbh!!

  8. nekkichi

    holy shit what???????
  9. it is, but somehow Asagi's english inserts sound specifically tragic and grating; I get that he's aiming for a 🗡𝔥𝔦𝔤𝔥⚔️𝔣𝔞𝔫𝔱𝔞𝔰𝔶🗡 vibe but bitch you're 40 you sure can do better???? I've had a similar problem with that dragon song with bulgarian chore they did before, the ass-clench when she goes in a language she evidently has no command of is unreal he's probably larping out his own characters (cue their conceptual storybooks), the white look & wig looks like a nod to his solo project PV.
  10. nekkichi

    this basically. in retrospect everything they did up to wtd was impeccable with a fair share of random mistakes, but tbh there's no one in the scene right now capable of doing things right on the same level Deg did it back than.
  11. honestly issa bop but - 1995 europop loops are cancer - asagis whimsical engrish is wizardical cancer like ffs sing it in japanese
  12. nekkichi

    #stopbullyingkisou just saying
  13. does anyone else desperately miss lavish, creative, well filmed pierrot PVs



    I've been traumatized with angelo's two latest album videos enough (and they don't even do singles anymore, so where all that promo budget at like?????)

    1. saishuu


      imagine going from this to whatever they're doing now



    2. nekkichi


      EXACTLY!!! they literally did more interesting stuff during their indie days compared to rn



    3. saiko


      Literally I've just watched the 'Creature' PV and thought the same!

  14. nekkichi

    oh wow I didn't expect the samples/other tracks to be anything special at all, so far the rambling of kirito is in top-3 worst songs off the album lol I liked jihad ( ??? ), scene and the last track the most so far; curious what more of ファウスト sounds like.
  15. nekkichi

    lmao they're literally serving last indies/first major avelcain single ~vibez~ again nonetheless I'm glad good sis realized she's only good at one thing around dogra magra and stuck with it.
  16. nekkichi

    they could honestly play ayu remixes leading all the way up to that encore and it would make the whole concert like 100x better, I'm not even saying picking out their own decent songs for that could be of some help.
  17. nekkichi

    the edge of it all
  18. oh wow wig we stan an unretirement 👏 idc pissoire members band and I mostly never liked nega, but if San gets good sis Hiroki out of retirement and finds a sick new vocalist we can potentially have a next best VK thing happening soon.
  19. nekkichi

    I'm not sure I remember it right, but iirc that brand is mostly used for age-related hair thinning issues; if you're having issues with hair growth, you should get tested for iron deficiency first and rule out hormonal issues, otherwise topic treatments won't be as effective anyway. on that note, shiseido has a v. good shampoo + tonic combo, it's called adenogen, and they do actually encourage hair growth that doesn't stop if you discontinue using the product after some time, but be prepared to buy at least 3 months worth of product to get good results with it.
  20. exactly, and that was the only decent band off the entire UCP timeline
  21. nekkichi

    do they by chance have a full TIW PV filmed on a spy cam through a recording studio gloryhole
  22. genuine question was their vo. laid off at the office job that accommodated him after his departure from undercode? how do you even vanish for 10+ years and come back sounding worse than before whew pashya made some points back in the day, this shit sounds dead on arrival already tbh
  23. nekkichi

    I refuse to participate in the ongoing kisou slander this forum has developed a taste for over the past few years. granted the 『average western stans』 wilding out in their thread started this, but we can do better sisters, FILTH alone deserves more praise than a hole decade worth of their bullshit formulaic recent singles. looking back, uroboros was surprisingly good at the time considering the absolute horse shit they were throwing out through entire DSS TMOAB era with no signs of stopping until the actual album dropped, and everything about it surpassed the (extremely tepid) expectations. do I listen to any of it ten years later? like no, ffs no, never again.
  24. nekkichi

    she doesn't give your needs/feelings/space same priority she awarded to him by whatever reason, and she evidently puts enough mental effort to downplay his attitude/whatever he did in the past. she might keep some sort of internal rationalization in her head that she doesn't outright voice in your arguments. there might be a partial layer of stronger bonds between mothers and sons vs mothers and daughters - it's a stereotype etc but it's pretty accurate overall. I can't give out any advice in this situation, but given how much external perspective I've gained on family hypocrisy over the past recent years, there's very little chance for them to recognize that you indeed have a very serious and a very real reason to treat him the way you do, and act on that realization. it's either an ingrained internal double-standard for her precious first born, or crystal clear cynicism, and I've seen examples of both. there're ways to do that (a very serious conversation over your own view of what's going on and your clear disapproval of her repeating patterns of condoning him is a start), the problem is your best bet often times would be either developing coping mechanisms if you are otherwise better off staying with your family in your circusmtances, or just outright packing and leaving if you can afford the financial burden of moving out and have savings to do so. based on your side of story, the age and sex disparity, your can speak out, but there might be no one listening.
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