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Everything posted by nekkichi

  1. nekkichi

    weren't they time period limited, so that would probably be their last release?
  2. nekkichi

    if you squint rly hard u'll see drowned sioux corpses they've stolen this singles outfits from
  3. nekkichi

    we're in for one lit up 9/11 sisters 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
  4. nekkichi

    Ruki's IG: hai guise buy my shit it's made in japan xoxo me: actually it's about time we had that conversation x https://www.bbc.com/news/av/world-asia-49448757/migrant-workers-exploited-in-japan
  5. pick one musical experience that will torture you for the rest of your life:


    I - Vanitas -white-


    II - this video



    1. ahnchc
    2. Arkady


      @nekkichi Sorry, I tought it was a "pick among yours", not "pick among those 2". 😔

    3. Tokage


      rihanna singing vanitas -white-

    4. Show next comments  90 more
  6. nekkichi

    **Jessie J
  7. first they've signed kaya, now it's those cueens; we got an industry hunTy at vicTor repping talenT? lovery shoes x
  8. lmao @ yumeshito dropping his mediocre major (?) band to record a mediocre major-sounding VK album that will hit 300 pre-discount bin sales at best they didn't even bother squeezing a token ‹««【【【【hEaVy LivE bAnGeR】】】】»»› they would typically squeeze in a type F single b-side
  9. nekkichi

    I'm mildly traumatized the vocalisté thought those two vile acapellas needed an individual CD to maintain ~the purity of the listening experience~ instead of opting to cut them to 45 sec intro/outro SEs fading into white noise, or something, like, more humble than what they released.
  10. $50 for a bloated single with like 2 good songs only, dim bitches better overdeliver on their next album.

    1. ahnchc


      "bloated single" honestly has to be the funniest description of a musical release i've ever seen

    2. nekkichi


      well it is what it is luv

  11. ummmmmmmmm on the bright side they aren't on starwave (yet) so there's still hope for this project I used to like her voice back in the day, but the OP post song sounds like absolutely uninspired shit
  12. nekkichi

    I hope they fire Shou ASAP and replace him with the congested nose robolesbian that is sanging that and that's that on that
  13. nekkichi

    oh no, it sounds like you probably have a life offline and therefore have missed the most recent bullshit bitchfest a local has started over VK encores x
  14. highey expecting kyo's snoring sounds to take over the majority of first 7 minutes, followed by a sudden pig squeal and a 2.30 chugfest ASOM-style
  15. we need to hit that targeT sisters
  16. nekkichi

    uncle nobody (2)
  17. oh my god oh my GOD FFS



    1. Gesu


      Nani the bloody hell

  18. short ver. now, longer ver. on itunes, longest ver. on 『average flatulence』 PV DVD/BR next year I guess
  19. nekkichi

    toshiya finally looking snatchedT again
  20. don't cut urself with all that edge punkygurl
  21. I have no idea what exactly you're arguing over, but a 5-6 track set-list + 2 tracks going on repeat for encore is a normal debut performance for a vk band; those guys either debuted an entire album or 4-6 singles worth of material at that live; the encore tracks will probably be either the lead singles, or one of them will go as an album PV track.
  22. nekkichi

    they shouldn't have deleted silent song video, even if it had p shitty sound compression tbh
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