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Everything posted by nekkichi

  1. this worked for lynch tho? it's not like their current sound warrants epic sales at all.
  2. I hope someone out there is already forming a parody band called 『D'espera†e Shar†』 to bully hizumi back into selling custom phone cases and goth glitter slime

  3. so they're practically sitting on a full album and started their public promotion with that?
  4. nekkichi

    we iz a srs band this iz a srs lewk realness (they look good)
  5. nekkichi

    I'm just wondering where y'all have been when those albums initially dropped and the locals were creaming themselves over the new-found heaviness they could actually imitate in their little going nowhere personal music projects x
  6. now that is a surprising addition to the typical deg thread stan galore #shook

  7. nekkichi

    the wind whispers: stream CHEDOARA ~ ~ ~
  8. like fr I can imagine them pulling every other ~reinventing itself~ VK band and trading the vaguely nostalgic debut single sound for absolute generic shit, initial l-style despairs ray were one step away from creatively dying off completely at some point and this project has the potential to achieve that
  9. nekkichi

    @ricchubunny are you all 'kyaaa!' 'kyaaaa!'
  10. sounds like they re-recorded some stale major d'espairs ray rejects, but decade dated sound aside, this is better than I expected. it's still v much not good.
  11. nekkichi

    when u r cackling at old gr*mes twitter replies and this kawaii little gem catches your eye: was visual kei predestined? are mitsu just temporal physical manifestations of immortal yokai? are all bandomen possessed by entities (that are only visible on the STI bloodwork results)?
  12. nekkichi

  13. nekkichi

    we probably don't/won't have credible teas on this. out of current gen of artistés, I'm pretty sure there are at least several who got their foot in the music industry through VK but actually earn the $$$ composing for other talent agencies, or writing idk advertisement jingles and dorama openings under their real names, or work with mainstream high-end performers; my guess would be on Hakuei (because he does those collabs more or less frequently and is open about it); maybe nightmare, or duel jewel members that you never see occupied with session bands that lesser known artists have to hustle with more or less all the time. miyavi did rakuten commercials, and at least used to be a good composer, so maybe he actually gets some extra money writing insipid acoustic jpop stems. golden bomber are probably loaded compared to pretty much anyone else atm too. tbh I wouldn't be surprised if he's from a wealthy family, or married into one. he's always used to be a few notches classier than everyone else in the gzt.
  14. my 2nd ignore list addition, god bless x

    1. secret_no_03


      Sadly doesn't work on mobile.

    2. Tokage


      why would you willingly deprive yourself of wholesome and inspirational content

    3. nekkichi


      my pleasure sisTer @IGM_Oficial


      @Tokage idk maybe I really need to feel slightly deprived to feel ~~~alive~~~, or something.




      @saishuu  did you just assume there already was an incel muted before that? the rampant incelphobia SMH!!!!

    4. Show next comments  93 more
  15. nekkichi

    don't butcher my screen name spelling ty
  16. nekkichi

    japanese parents actually have a sense of embarrassment for their children, and if little brats don't know how to behave they get put on ritalin and everyone lives a normal life again.
  17. nekkichi

    in todays "gifs that you can smell"
  18. nekkichi

    bought their band name trademark from psc I guess (or idk got it for free if psc filed for bankruptcy as was speculated on here)? they went independent as a9 because tomomi owned it.
  19. nekkichi

    this is the 2nd PV of this week accidentally re-using that trademark lynch. guitar riff from like 2004 did VK suddenly wake up to hazuki's BDE or what omg shitty intro aside, this sounds cute.
  20. tbh it will sound either like a sukekiyo album leftover but w better production, or another lotus/dozing green sounding track which is what they do when their albums underperform to lure stans back we never got album-only PVs for TIW except for ranunculus which is not cute.
  21. I have eaten the dicks that were in the inbox and which you were probably saving for magazine feature Forgive me they were delicious so spunky and so creamy
  22. well it's an upgrade for her, and a really bad look for the band, I honestly won't care if they disband & retire entirely at this poinT
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