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Everything posted by nekkichi

  1. nekkichi

    lmao @ that indefinite hiatus hardly lasting a single year
  2. if u like this band, u will pay a good price to validate ur love!!! (tomomi ozaki twitter)
  3. nekkichi

    welcome 2 mh
  4. nekkichi

    they def used some gazette tracklist generator for that album, stripping 3-word nonsense down to one word
  5. nekkichi

    I can feel ZIN's energy [2]
  6. more like 1994/07/19 tbh bc come ooon
  7. nekkichi

    please do not insult the kvlt stars and pioneers of russianhoe-kei genre w. this unworthy comparison, thank you ~
  8. nekkichi

    love this look
  9. get those 20 preorders, tokuma!! <3
  10. you can replace "pony canyon" with any other major label name, I guess? but this band doesn't even have a direction? they sound like SuG and look like 2007 zoro
  11. nekkichi

    I really hope they play it with yuuya, and "-1" stands for yumehito
  12. if anything, psc will promote them towards a pony canyon major contract in a few years, I can't see this "awesome" band getting any worse tbh
  13. nekkichi

    lmao @ this band if it really was kaoru propagating their 5+ years of horrible kvlt-m3t0l direction, this tool deserves to wear skirts that didn't look good enough on demi-god toshiya onto pink wigs, bitches, pimp that coming album.
  14. nekkichi

    oh nooooooo, barbie girl was such an iconikq single D:
  15. nekkichi

    praying to see teru in a decent band again before he starts aging tbh
  16. nekkichi

    sounds like a female vocalist tho?
  17. nekkichi

    most excited for elisabeth addict and nine melted fiction, omg, those titles sound so weird and so ~deep~ kind of explains lack of new dir en grey materia in the last year or two as well
  18. nekkichi

    they need to adjust composing to let his howling no slightest chance of creeping in tbh, it was all good until the chorus part started
  19. wubwubwubwubwubwubwubwubwub I actually like it, and it sounds better than an average angelo track, v. different from his solo stuff too.
  20. nekkichi

    omg they're gonna announce disband on april the 1st and a sequence of twenty five track singles the day after, how witty and clever of them!!!!!
  21. nekkichi

    there's nothing not wrong with it tbh, given how awesome √eight have been back than. he essentially disbanded an incredible and pretty unique group to start chugging out whatevercore that any other band has done better already and nobody really asked for.
  22. wasn't Siva an undercode band
  23. I heard one of undercode's retirement contract terms basically forces them to rival other band members by entering bland pop rock projects and whoever joins the most uninspired female fronted unit rips and devours the hearts of his rivals so far Cell wins, but this comes really close & we haven't heard that hamasaki ayumi & kisaki secret project TONExDEAFIES yet
  24. nekkichi

    did 12012 ghostwrite this album to make ends meet on their own label
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