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Everything posted by nekkichi

  1. nekkichi

    hahaha wtf?? they def. went a little bit over typical vk allowance with those final fantasy-esque costumes, but holy shit, that was bad, and I am generally not harsh on indie pv's omg pv link in case anyone else hasn't seen it but still cares for DJ - the song is surprisingly okay, given they're serving soap opera, soap serenade and soap operetta with that track
  2. nekkichi

    I see a whole new chapter of overly sexualized miyavi fanfiction arriving after this movie tbh!! quuen Angelina reviving myv's relevance where tomomi ozaki falls short & praying to gods old and new that blu-ray directors cut features all miyabi scenes filmed in due le quartz pvc attire
  3. nekkichi

    what kind of d.i.d. no budget laser show hell
  4. nekkichi

    5. his tripled fiber diet is working and he has finally sustained a healthy poop regimen for a whole week.
  5. nekkichi

    the avoided sun and the singles preceding it are their finest imo, but their first album is a good early deathgaze knock-off if you like early deathgaze. all of their recent stuff sounds the same to me.
  6. nekkichi

    hazuki should consider never leaving home without a healthy smear of eyeliner tbh, this whole look is such an improvement.
  7. nekkichi

    this, this, this, this!! he's an okay vocalist, but he lacks literally any appeal or individuality, like a lot of vk newcomers in the recent years.
  8. it attracts even vampire much noble very design
  9. nekkichi

    to flop or not to flop I have to say I like the new song titles, but given how packed their recent release schedule is and how awful all of their recent a-sides and side-projects were, I have very little expectations for this release. I wonder if they're contemplating a disband after the next tour if the number of attendees does not reach 500,000 or something. I mean that title is p. suggestive.
  10. bless them for giving Kamijo time to re-record versailles discography with a full orchestra, a choir of 69 catholic nuns and a Mana-sama composing cameo to release as "「the REAL vampire best 〜do not purchase cheap replicas〜 death of Asagi」box set
  11. nekkichi

    this might be a sound release strategy and a much better option than releasing another live dvd no1 asked for (I'm just saying)
  12. nekkichi

    I expect a few live-distributed singles because they prooobably have some studio leftovers lying around, and again, I won't be amused if this indefinite hiatus will only last like 3 or 4 months after 12.12 and they will come back with a full album after that. on a side note, they need to track down whoever was producing their undercode stuff and give him a lot of money to make their shit sound right again.
  13. nekkichi

    also please remember that wataru is chick-chocking patriarchy fetishising cis-privileged scum
  14. but that's what 90 % of vk PVs rely on (the other 10 % are shot outdoors), regardless of performer's age tbh he needs a better make-up artist to get pretty again, but right now it's just another messy styling choice he made (and actually, it's one of the many since he went solo)
  15. nekkichi

    I vaguely remember that conceived sorrow, as well as few other tracks (fatal believer and something else) first surfaced as rather clean bootlegs from their pre-MOTB fall/winter tour. might have been one of those. I don't think any deg studio demo would ever have a chance to leak tbh.
  16. he's in his very late 30s, though, and I think it's the unfortunate yoshiki resemblance that gives the impression he's older, not his actual age (those shades still don't look good on him)
  17. gj @ stealing those red mittens during mdna's last tour in japan
  18. ur weave is long and pussy good and amber skin and eyes so green and I can not compete w. u jolene

    1. nekkichi


      (I can not stop humming it for like this whole day. HELP.)

  19. nekkichi

    Mika looks very ugly without makeup
  20. nekkichi

    they must really love kyo's facepaint thing, omfg! it made it through a tour, STFU PV and now a recapping dvd thing
  21. ^ yes, and he's serving some whispering aoi realness in the 2nd spot here http://www.bvccihaynes.com/contents/discography.html omg lol
  22. nekkichi

    first track sounds great so far, but they need to record less filer imo
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