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Everything posted by nekkichi

  1. nekkichi

    I kind of like the explanation behind this disbandment to be honest
  2. nekkichi

    that dude in bridal drag gives Nahema a good run for her money tbh
  3. nekkichi

  4. nekkichi

    aoi needs to reassess his hair choices, that cut does not look flattering with his face everyone else looking fierce
  5. please refer to my post # 3 in this thread. I'm not attacking you or anything, but this thread has really turned into a looping broken record at this point.
  6. you can refer to my third post in this thread for anything not concerning nocturnal bloodlust. since you seem to love the fine art of demagoguery so much, I'm going to put it this way: I have never ever said anyone was forcing me to listen to this band, but I will be listening to their music, pirated or purchased, if it did not suck. On a side note, I'd love to see works cited for your thesis alone, 60 pages of stuff would require diving into market analysis that you seem to dismiss completely in your overly emotional way of handling conversation. no questions about that, it's still not dismissing the whole "lol look who's talking" vibe of the situation. jsyk, I'm going to label you a possessed stan for the sake of convenience to wrap the creativity/originality point up; regarding the support - this whole thread started because this band is not getting it and is publicly upset about that. plenty other bands are getting it despite business obstacles. piracy has not killed panic at the disco, who have been graciously used as an example by one of members here, who also have been a nobody band at some point. this band does not get good legal sales because their music is bland and mediocre and their fanbase hardly expands, not because Jorge, Svetlana, Punawit and Mateos have mediafired their discog. you seem to filter this point out of the thread completely, but I'll try to sneak it in again one last time. musicians are not entitled to being successful commercially.
  7. I'm going to break some news, but regardless of what one would see out of their window, the earth is not flat, and N.B. are neither good, nor even remotely original band. vk bands have sourced and have stolen, but this is pretty much the first time when you take the language (and the drag) away, and what you hear with N.B. shows literally zero creative evolvement, compared to the scene that they have been inspired with. considering I have been purposely ignoring the whole screamo/core nonsense while it lasted, I will add personal bias on top of their ingrained mediocrity, and this is where I will use the right to have my own opinion as a part of the argument.
  8. can we talk how intelligent and savvy Japanese samurai rockers are because we generally never hear of them procreating unless they're kiyoharu or play in glay-tier bands or retire from music completely
  9. I'm really glad you've said this yourself - which is very funny because you’re directing this to the same fandom that spawned Yohio and he seems p. happy with where he got I suppose (and he would have been a person one will expect to write all this stuff for you.) you literally spent a good chunk of your initial post explaining obstacles that are created to segregate cultural exchange, yet you come back to this point. indie VK exports are an exclusive, one of a kind, optional thing, unless there will be major distributor interest in this subculture. if you were in charge of record companies, you would force people to pay for listening to the radio in their cars. can you imagine how many baka-american gaijins listen to country.fm every day because it’s right there for free, while they could be special ordering nokubura’s most recent from amazon.co.jp? Also, “I deserve music” is literally an argument used by no one but you tbh, and you seem to enjoy your ability to tie any form of entitlement into discussion. we're pro-downloading because we came here to leech and stayed for the fun. how did you hear about visual kei? don't forget that a good chunk of that music has been legally purchased before making it here.
  10. I’ll clear things up as well, and reiterate my point: domestic sales are important, but the existence of paying foreign fans should come as an unexpected ( ✔︎ ) unplanned ( ✔︎ ) unpredictable ( ✔︎ ) addition to the revenue, given the such and suchs of isolated Japanese retail and distribution. A band that is a certified flop by local measure has really no right to ask their foreign casual listeners to pay, while they failed to attract dedicated audiences in their home market. yet your part of debate dives as low as “have you seen the struggle of that 7-11 onigiri wrapper who does this to support his ART?”. my bad, I can’t exactly see when you’re being more or less objective and when you trying to appeal by adding sentimental quality to your wall of text. and this has happened since ever, and is a normal part of the music business. artists are not entitled to being successful by definition, it's a combination of talent, hard work, luck and chance. chilean downloads have really killed no one aside from chilean bijuaru kei impersonators maybe. and they came out of local scenes, that for the most part are completely unknown outside, and those buckets of money came due to major labels seeing potential in one band out of dozen and investing into its marketing and promotion. this is the part that nokubura is supposedly missing at this point, assuming their talent is guaranteeing those sales expectations. and this is where really says nothing to me. if they are inefficient at promoting their music, coming up with a declaration for foreign fans (which started this topic) is not going to change anything, because, see how much they are going to profit from itunes. coming up with a paypal donation account and a polite explanation (“we struggle & please support us as a band directly if you can not buy our music by some reason”) would have done them more good than sending out desperate tweets In this case, I truly hope they will get even more fans in the same age group and stfu for good & become rich and famous. it’s not “fans need (sumthin-sumthin)”, it’s “bands need” to attract fans who will willingly go out of their way for them. we’re clearly on polar stances when it comes to expectations and responsibilities. you completely miss that N.B. in particular is incredibly disposable - we all mourned when Rentrer en soi disbanded, after its FWD management basically alienated their former fans and failed to attract new ones, but no one will miss this thing at all. there will be bands who will get recognition and sales, and there will be hordes of never-was tier bands. consider putting effort into sending your message in a digestible way, and resist that temptation of falling into personal nitpicks when your epic tirades r getting misunderstood, ty. Looking back, I'm like 200 percent sure you were basically contemplating a storm coming over your half-developed questionable chunks of opinion, so enjoy the tea while my sencha's still steaming I suppose?
  11. how many European or American bands of similar scale (compared to nokubura/D.I.D./12012) do you see touring Japan, or even Asia in general? and, by the way, my home country is getting about enough VK performers, despite complete lack of online sharing regulation, and high speed internet being more available than steady postal delivery. you don't have to like non-visual bands, but don't need to dive completely into an autistic/utopic mindset, which assumes a band can be successful and profitable due to CD sales alone (which has never been the case, more than that, actual bands are almost always in debt to the label due to ways in which contracts are written (good example here); in a sense, bands not being paid for the gigs, for example, fits your picture as "wrong" or "unjust", but exactly same thing happens with related creative industries, where people are disputing over royalties, hire professional lawyers to back them up and provide expertise on how not to get screwed. it is completely realistic to expect to work in music business and get paid and make living off it, it is even reasonable to do it as a performing/composing musician, but it is not reasonable to expect that within a single band's life span, especially when that band largely caters to teenagers (which is a highly volatile audience to start with).
  12. @ rasai you're doing a good job assuming everything about lack of sales/having to work multiple jobs is unique for bijuaru kei CD sales account for a very small number of overall monetary income in music ( http://www.bearshare.com/economic-of-music.html - good info on itunes sales value, btw) if a VK musician has to work for 7-11, instead of composing music/doing sound work for TV/radio/advertising - so be it. also, western musicians do not have the luxury of being employed at a host-clubs bc they r not kawai enough ^.^ I am not saying that surviving in vk is cheap and easy and there's no reason to be concerned with music piracy, but nokubura doesn't have enough merit to call people out, their music is below average even on the very small vk scene scale. > However, it isn't unheard of for bands to play on the promise of being paid when they arrive.. try getting paid gigs/having a sustainable career in performance art. this is not unique for music, and the only reason this happens is because bands allow being exploited. ps: please work on concision and overall delivery of your points, ty.
  13. nekkichi

    love how they're practically insulting other vk bands by announcing that their new album will only have 1/4 of it as old single tracks.
  14. [apologetic off-t]I don't participate in other forums, and have no idea of where Furik could be posting aside from mh, so I rlly hope spoiler-tagging did its job of hiding content you otherwise would've preferred not to see.[/apologetic off-t]
  15. nekkichi

    r ur meds working today
  16. and bijuaru-kei is single teenage girl's music?
  17. nekkichi

    schizophrenia can be treated more or less successfully if diagnosed early and his doctors know what they're dealing with (quick google shows that Japan has been pretty behind on this as of early 2000's); I'm not sure if he could afford was doing drugs (weed in particular can escalate schizophrenic conditions in predisposed individuals very rapidly), maybe getting clean and undergoing right kind of treatment can get him back within a year or so (I mean, Amanda Bynes is out of mental hospital and supposedly all right.) we probably won't know if this thing is a hoax to generate more drama/leave the scene while saving face & having qt fan made paper cranes delivered to record label office.
  18. nekkichi

    what the hell?! please hire satsuki as vocalist & hope akane gets better (idk how good is japanese mental health care, though) I wonder why they ended up cancelling the release though, assuming most of recording would've been done already
  19. I'm surprised how this lesser d.i.d. has consistently good (by VK measurement) pivs for their unimaginably bland singles get those 20,000 mediafire downloads masa
  20. nekkichi

    I'm glad natchin is putting his retirement money to good use. everyone else in this band is basically
  21. nekkichi

    here for this <3
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