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Everything posted by nekkichi

  1. into his life? all this stuff revolves around his (supposed) public band member activities, which he attributes to his own past as an entertainer. there's no private life intrusion, or anything, which could be exposing ha. (his private life must be boring af tbh)
  2. nekkichi

    I'm pretty sure they can pull a few more years off gazette sales alone. I'm curious if they will be signing more bands soon, though.
  3. nekkichi

    they have gazette, vivid and screw, and recently signed レイヴ to violently murder sug off-label career slay grandmama
  4. nekkichi

    oh my who would have thought Tomomi doesn't have their skinny asses signed indefinitely
  5. https://fbcdn-sphotos-f-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpf1/t1.0-9/10387670_10202357368751181_2957619871130796209_n.jpg the dude on the right is performing on the same stage w. Moi Dix Mois. w/e you're smoking russia please don't stop it
    1. Jigsaw9


      wow Carrot Top looks p normal there

  6. nekkichi

    well yeah & if accompanying PV is not gonna feature band members twerking I'm gonna be disappointed 4 real
  7. well their drummer is very pretty
  8. Myöhäistä on perzettä räpissellä, kun on paska puksuloissa #you_learn_something_new_everyday

    1. nekkichi


      И?СЕРТЕД. but seriously I just found this twitter posting karelian proverbs w. russian translations — 90 % depressivest read of the week, 10 % pure gold.

  9. nekkichi

    the embarrassment is strong can already imagine "u dont fakku wizzu me baka mazafakka HURRDURRRDDURRRRDURRRRRRRRCHUGCHUG" shaping into album of the year indeed
  10. nekkichi

    they're distributed by space shower music, idk if they are recording on another label
  11. any good post-butthurt bands to start this week right?????

    1. nekkichi


      buttwave fans are the worst!!!!! atonal buttstep >>>>>

    2. CAT5


      lmao y'all are silleh

    3. Show next comments  495 more
  12. nekkichi

    ty, I'm aware that jinkaku radio is proportionally better than post-britpop same way as Godney is superior to deathmetal. have you specifically asked at post-britpop forums about this? they might give you some better insight.
  13. nekkichi

    idk it's like one more vk band should fire half of their members & go full on autotuned electroclash something that song would totally benefit from some zoro-style treatment
  14. nekkichi

  15. nekkichi

    lol, plastic tree? jinkaku radio first album and preceding singles http://youtu.be/5NAoOoBYGMQ their next two albums are a mess and should be skipped tho the studs had a consistent britpop-ish sound: schmelz cure had this one-time perfect (radiohead could never) debut single - but it's not representative of their direction I don't think recent vk bands are fond of this sound, and I don't follow non-visual japanese music, unless it's smh related with past vk bands (see this for example)
  16. nekkichi

    if you've made it through all the tracks unironically, you might want to try the original salome version that kaya released some time ago gladsheim recording more or less sounds like his current live take on this song I def. prefer the original — small details like kaya's screams sounding better than his back-up band barking, and while guitars make it different, idk if it's a real improvement *cough-cough* thanks for starting this thread, though, I'm clearly unsettled by how little stanning the best & most flawless VK summer album 2006-2014 has received so far.
  17. nekkichi

    very heavy metvl & low bvdget
  18. nekkichi

    omg this sounds like drunk Finnish 2002 kagerou karaoke, ty for posting~
  19. nekkichi

    ¥42,500 for an obsolete mp3 player by a no1curr brand????? I hope that PV gets a separate release.
  20. nekkichi

    how dull is that
  21. nekkichi

    I highly doubt miyavi will do anything vk-related at this point.
  22. nekkichi

    fave Gladsheim tracks? mine are afterglow, digitalis and crimson nail, freya-grade perfection delivered in every of those <3
  23. nekkichi

    queen kaya keeps saving bijuaru kei from inferior lessers muddying up le genre <3
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