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Everything posted by nekkichi

  1. nekkichi

    is that a self-rape pillow for fans who can't experience first hand abuse themselves? how considerate <3
  2. nekkichi

  3. nekkichi

    I hope this becomes a fad v. soon because I need a grieva symphonic album w. cheap ass synth rearrangements of their dir en grey ~inspired~ era material, but hageshisato sample sounds painful
  4. that chorus part is legit catchier than what gazette typically releases these days, but everything else about this band goes under #embarrassing #no_one_asked_for and #unnecessary relieving to see gazette's 10 years old ideas still lasting in this scene I wonder who was that genius visionary prophet who told them to separate pop-rock and harder sounding sides entirely and never mix both in one track
  5. #ringhtone_ideas #morning_jam
    1. Peace Heavy mk II
    2. CAT5


      LOL. Sounds like she's drunk karaoke'ing her own song

  6. they need a more handsome drummer, but kaya still looks majestical & divine so it's all right
  7. https://soundcloud.com/actuallygrimes/go-1/comments having a two day long endorphin seizure over hating hipster comments
    1. CAT5


      I'm not familiar with Grimes' music in general, but I like this. I think the trap parts are done tastefully too. This is also why avoid comment sections on most sites (last.fm, YT, FB)...as I'm not very keen on killing my braincells lol.

    2. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      Oh hey, she doesn't sound 12 anymore. Apparently this was originally for Rhianna?

    3. nekkichi


      @ CAT5 it's her most mature track to date, and it's not like I hate her early music (it simply does nothing for me), but I absolutely loathe the green-lipstick hipster crowd she used to attract like a military nano-magnet of sorts. @ Peace yep.

  8. nekkichi

    just this thread tho?
  9. nekkichi

    anything pre-2005. they should've shifted into vocaloid chiptune pop instead of embarrassing derivative crap that followed.
  10. nekkichi

    cute video, mediocre music, average vocals and boring look good luck finding fans with that package tbh (unless he's exceptionally well promoted by his label).
  11. crystal crown sample is epic indeed, other samples are quite average & unborn baby should've gone straight to the trash bin kamijo has done jazzyish vk better & asagi is dead
  12. are they on the major PSC? which is good both for the band and this boring ass label anyway
  13. nekkichi

    that was unexpected killing dir en grey new album's sales prematurely
  14. nekkichi

    ummm considering neko case , those people might as well be legit seriously sick and in need of treatment(I got your joke though, lol.)
  15. so sad grimes won't make a full album of bops like

    it's like her 1st track I don't find reflux-inducing
    1. Senedjem


      I respect the pride u take in ur lack of taste, nekkichi

    2. nekkichi


      @Senedjem your green "genesis grimes stan" OCC lip tar is nagl

    3. Show next comments  504 more
  16. nekkichi

    have anyone in major japanese entertainment ever done that?
  17. was there anything good about that relationship though?
  18. You Should Never Date a Cancer Clingy, emotional, and very private - it's hard to escape a Cancer's clutches. And while Cancer will want to know everything about you, they're anything but open in return. Instead try dating: Leo, Sagittarius, Gemini, or Aquarius I <3 the suggested list which in my case lists signs I downright tend to avoid except for Leos and won't probably clique with in the first place. (not even to mention I really like cancers, lol.) my results might be skewed bc I have no idea who 70 % of celebs they list at some point are so I picked keira knightley bc I find her revolting
  19. aristocraticy [2] don't really feel those videos, but his music is consistently well done moulin rouge reminded me of this video, gonna spend rest of the day crying over miyavi flopping and never recovering back
  20. nekkichi

    would love a deadman comeback or at least a new band from him
  21. nekkichi

    ^ I believe that's what "new full album" means, although most of their album music sounds the same tbh so it doesn't make lots of difference
  22. I'm gonna use this thread to s/o this awesome person who thought appropriating my username was cool and considerate at that time https://www.fanfiction.net/u/5579956/Nekkichi not that I have a ~deep and personal connection~ with it, but lol woman, respect my dignity, I have never tainted my nametag with fanfiction.
  23. nekkichi

    Gackt had a double track/SE called freesia on mars, so it's like 2 more to your list lol.
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