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Everything posted by nekkichi

  1. nekkichi

    that's a very angelo tracklist.
  2. a decent 2014 mucc track woah wow coror me excited the smd part was really unnecessary, is tatsuro's ween even that stellar? we need a tanuki investigation brigade involved
  3. nekkichi

    good nightmare cosplay
  4. nekkichi

    so this album title basically proves someome from the band is reading MH, right?
  5. pumpkin spice chai mistos are giving me so much life this week (can't drink coffee, have 2 substitute)

  6. could this have anything to do w. toshi gig paycheck being 20x of what current Dir en grey career pays him impressed by Toshi delivering maria cross live vocal excellence & mashiro range, the living jrock legend, bless ha those screams come from heavens & angels do all support growling for him
  7. I hope # 10 and # 15 don't make it in the final cut, otherwise it's an amazing setlist
  8. tomomi is having a good year (although I doubt they will disband over losing a bass player)
  9. nekkichi

    didn't they post a recent FB apology about album recording coming later than expected or something
  10. I really liked the last song snippet from that MV, but everything else there sounds so dull
  11. the king of night has silenced asagi & is preparing to slay him with the power of art!! only one poser goth will survaivu and lead bijuaru kei to the former grory (I'm not hating. most of previews are absolutely magnificent.)
  12. nekkichi

    compared to this tired looking band, Shinya looks aging-prone tbh
  13. nekkichi

    I've always been under impression that KPP was created with international sales/touring/viral potential in mind - it would make no sense to restrict her exposure in this way. same with babymetal.
  14. nekkichi

    I can't believe he's going nigga now?? offt - I don't have exact numbers, but here's his oricon outline - http://www.oricon.co.jp/prof/artist/263818/ranking/cd_single/ his single sales were declining steadily all the way since going major past-miyavizm, but his recent two albums actually got the sales back. I'm not sure if that's his returning fans, or people got into collaboration album bc of other artists, and into s-t bc. it's been marketed better, though.
  15. is he doing post-rock now? or maybe even post-britpop? wtf is that name
  16. nekkichi

    you're always welcome ~
  17. nekkichi

    I won't be surprised if they start playing old material more or less regularly for their next big tour though (if the psychonnect dvd doesn't come out after all.)
  18. ^ beautiful, ty <3 their heavy tracks are amazing.
  19. which gazette track did screw steal for deadlock? I'm thinking something off DIM or stacked rubbish, something really familiar

    1. CAT5


      Now I gotta go DL this to see whatchu talkin' bout

    2. Elazmus


      Sounded like Psychopath at parts to me lol

  20. inb4 256 pages of his breakfast shots w. line camera filters thrown over
  21. ^ that's the lighting. he has a bright warn spot hitting his face, and his hands aren't lit. he's shot with an artificial studio light set-up and photoshopped in the background
  22. nekkichi

    are you telling me they aren't an independent self-produced band? not that it changes much, but they could've done less filler in that case idk and maybe learn how to sing live without relying on backup track so much
  23. nekkichi

    sounds really nice so far~
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