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Everything posted by nekkichi

  1. nekkichi

    because throwing sobriquets around is so cool yaaasssss
  2. nekkichi

    they're gonna spend 2015-2017 releasing this tours documentaries alone tbh
  3. nekkichi

    『because latin is so 2011』
  4. nekkichi

    I don't understand why they decided to ship this as a single download instead of releasing 2GB episodes, but it legit looks better than majority of ps3/xbox 360 launch games, and renders at the same/higher resolution; it is also supposed to run at the currently going through phase out hardware (i.e. iphone 5), while newer and more powerful iphones are coming this fall. it's a stupid move, and I don't like it, but visuals-wise it's looking pretty neat to me.
  5. can't stop cackling compulsively @ nicel shitsinger off nekci menij revival episodes

    1. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      the more the merrier

  6. nekkichi

    where is that bgm from? I skipped most of their recent stuff, but it sounds nice
  7. nekkichi

    I'm not sure what you mean here tbh, considering some south east asian countries have been long known as hubs employing tweens in sex trade. japan seems fairly puritan, outside of lolicon subculture, which hardly formalizes into irl offense.
  8. nekkichi

    production costs. The insider added animated films required tremendous amounts of money, so there is pressure for the films to be successful so Ghibli can cover its costly production expenses as well as, I'd imagine, remain healthy and profitable. By the insider's count, each film apparently needs to make at least ten billion yen (US$100 million) to cover all its production costs as well as, I'd imagine, turn a healthy profit. Even with a relatively small staff, the insider puts Ghibli's annual labor expenses at supposedly two billion yen ($19.7 million). Note: These numbers are unconfirmed. Last fall, the Asahi Shimbun, one of Japan's largest papers, reported that while other animation studios have shipped jobs overseas to save money, Studio Ghibli had hired more permanent full-time employees in Japan, making the films incredibly expensive to make. Asahi reports that even though The Wind Rises had made 9.23 billion yen ($91 million), the film had apparently yet to turn a profit. The Tale of Princess Kaguya, apparently, cost even more to create. "The Tale of Princess Kaguya from director Isao Takahata made 5.1 billion yen ($50 million), and for the studio, it was a flop," the source told News Cafe. "There's no choice but to dissolve the studio, because it's unable cross the high hurdle of announcing a new film on an annual basis." http://ohnotheydidnt.livejournal.com/89831187.html
  9. nekkichi

    mte, a rammstein parody band is something I did not see coming from those guys at all never judging vk bands by their styling again
  10. nekkichi

    ugh, nooooooooooooo it means they're writing another boring ass album atm go away angelo, no one needs you after those pierrot revival hints
  11. nekkichi

    idk if this is an internal japanese POV?? my female gaijin friends got police involved, and they actually took really fast action in those few cases. #patriarchy #not_all_gross_pervy_men
  12. nekkichi

    ^ it's more or less common. google "chikan".
  13. nekkichi

    that's an interesting way to build up hype for the new ablum
  14. 3k downloads ≠ 3k lost obligatory sales like, gathering scrobbling data on the popular releases for a few weeks after could give a more or less accurate idea of how much replay time those releases are getting chances are a lot of downloaders won't give a lot of that stuff more than one or two spins before deleting it and never bothering w. it again
  15. I'm not fine with the assumption that 3k downloads absolutely equals 3k instant preorders
  16. I'll just leave this here (hi Masa!!!) http://www.tweaktown.com/news/39241/britain-decriminalizes-online-game-music-and-movie-piracy/index.html
  17. judging by what I c here in vancouver, rich asian men get both (white) pussay & (white) d. I am not sure if they resort to dating websites though
  18. so...corpse paint is the new white background in vk pvs? kyo-sama, ha impact (liked the chorus, reminds me of aikaryu by some reason.)
  19. nekkichi

    I'm saddened that his acute gacktitis is beyond treatment at this point that being said, I like the pv sample (backdrop goes straight into "cliche VK PV backgrounds" thread btw) & those live snippets are fabulous, idk what everyone here is complaining about
  20. nekkichi

    metal should break chains and free minds [2] omg @ people fighting over this no1curr label puppet band for real please don't drag kyary into this, bb. ponponpon is flawless in comparison.
  21. vo. serving an cafe frontman on lsd realness yaasssss
  22. nekkichi

    ^ they were referring to the original track by dir en grey
  23. vo. caught bathing in mediafire uploaders blood I suppose?
  24. nekkichi

    there goes the myv we used to love (crooning in my best LDR voice)
  25. nekkichi

    sounds like an updated idea off horizon sessions recycle bin. idk it's a perfectly valid approach to write shitty cookie cutter stuff to earn moneys siavi style, but his solo work isn't drastically better at this point
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