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Everything posted by nekkichi

  1. nekkichi

    what happened to their PV budgets wtf didn't they get enough cash from pierrot gigs to promote the lesser band are they disbanding next I don't understand
  2. yaaaasss yasssssss yaaaaaasssssss
  3. nekkichi

    I don't think they are distancing themselves from vk that much anymore, and honestly I'm v. fine with that (although toshiya had way better looks in the post-dss era, this one is a huge letdown.)
  4. I like it! the 4th track sounds very out of place though
  5. nekkichi

    the constipation is strong w. this band love shinya's hair
  6. I did not give them permission to recap my personal dramas, calling a lawyer asap
  7. nekkichi

    they write a lot of filler these days, but still smh manage to release a single brilliant song per release. same with this album, slip from my hands is perfect.
  8. I find him incredibly ugly, sorry
  9. I'm not very sad about this, he just doesn't look good enough to be in the same band as the glamorous decadent queen Kaya
  10. this phantasmagorical Queen of mistique conceptual album releases
  11. need more make-up, but music is awesome
  12. nekkichi

    I can understand people all getting sentimental and generous over 12012's (most possibly final) mini that should have been a 3 track single, but what's the point defending this lazy written POS album?? they'll be back to hurrrrrdcore once arche preorders depart firewall div. storage facilities.
  13. nekkichi

    1st spot >>>> omg @ that choreo werq I like that it's sort of better than their first release.
  14. nekkichi

    lmao what's his problem w. eriza though? can anyone please properly translate that two-tweet rant?
  15. nekkichi

    they took seremedy's career so it's better than nothing I guess idk that attempt at inventing moustache-kei looks awful like dude shave ur pubis or something
  16. nekkichi

    yaaaas Rukio yaaaassss you look so ruki "I will haunt you until the fade." what happened to swedish GED and why does he speak rike that
  17. nekkichi

    saikopass chorus is very cute, 4/5, listening again everything else just doesn't sound good at all
    1. beni


      Oh my gosh, I didn't even know about any of that. D: Still upset anyway about the disband. ><

    2. nekkichi


      I'm not even upset anymore, lol. all of my fav. deathgaze songs (namely sinner) are rip-offs, and I don't even like the originals lmao. gj at stylizing someone else's ideas, though.

    3. beni


      I never even realised or noticed. D: Still, it's sad when a band does disband, but how naughty! I'm hoping we do see them again though, to be honest. Just.. don't do any of that silly stuff again. xD

  18. nekkichi

    hiatus & pierrot reunion pls
  19. nekkichi

    this is awful, but i truly hope sadie are next
  20. lbr GANGSTA promo we were all waiting for
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