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Everything posted by nekkichi

  1. violets r blue, roses r red, bitch i'm signed to warner, asagi is buried/dead
  2. how do you pronounce their name again??
  3. watch out asagi, the king of night has spread his wings wide and is coming to slay you surprised he didn't include "death of hizaki" tho, maybe on a fanclub collectors ver.??
  4. lmao I just love how he went from being in iconic & forever underappreciated soroban to moderately sucking major ayabie before dropping that one and hiring some complete nobodies (plunklock who??????????) this woman has some serious ego issues tbh
  5. nekkichi

    lbr it's a sads disrespect album with that covering artists line-up
  6. I can largely fap to what I hear there. mad flavor sounds plain bad, though, but might be a grower.
  7. nekkichi

    this sounds like he had a head injury and now thinks it's still 1984 and his music is actually top notch cutting edge bopping slayage or something. at least he still looks qt.
  8. nekkichi

    lmao I like how they announce an immediate disbandment unlike that other band that no one gave enough fucks about so they broke their initial promise
  9. I'm so proud for Wicked Teletubby interviewing Toshiya in Japan https://pbs.twimg.com/media/BewUY_cCAAAVboF.jpg:large

    1. Flash-Fab-Supernova



    2. Tetora


      That guy couldnt look any more metal.

    3. Sakura Seven

      Sakura Seven

      wow! one of our own!

    4. Show next comments  525 more
  10. nekkichi

    isn't it the original baroque label?
  11. nekkichi

    no worries bb, every opinion counts.
  12. nekkichi

    @ Bear I feel you on the not exciting anymore part. I won't agree that their early lives sucked, they were an indie vk band after all (prettiness >>>>>>>>> everything else)
  13. nekkichi

    I get what you mean, however to me they really hit the rock bottom with grief, red soil and that zan remake videos kondoh is actually pretty good when he has budgets to execute his ideas, but i kind of agree that his videos are very formulaic. at the same time, this guy also directed kr cube and obscure, to me those are like the best visual kei videos ever made at all, on par with pierrot's excellent peak videos. isn't rinkaku done by the same team behind agitated screams of maggots?
  14. nekkichi

    still torn between that one and zan remake. inb4 AVERAGE LATIN featuring 3 multi-angle karma PV remake versions. @ Wonrei idk, I liked different sense. it was very similar to their kisou era PVs, I just wish the animu parts never made it in.
  15. nekkichi

    well they had a dvd-only red soil pv and something else for that previous pv collection. I'm not sure if they'll bother this time, though. oh, and I don't mean strictly nightmare's video when I talk about white room, there're approx 250 vk videos, filmed on a plain white bg.
  16. nekkichi

    so they're essentially on a late 12012 promotion budget with this single and, like, one video away from the typical white room VK PV fare lmao irl @ average latin
  17. nekkichi

    now sis, I'm referring to two narrowed down examples that don't represent operatic singing by any measure, is there any reason you're stretching academically trained opera singers here?
  18. nekkichi

    @ relentless is there any reason why you're comparing legit trained opera singing to kyo? his "falsettos" to date peak on rinkaku, and he essentially sounds like a drowning cat singing that even in studio ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=50KM1857nlM#t=119 ) sustain the stfu will probably sound way worse, and the rest of his range does not even sound that stellar anymore. @ Tetora I wanna see examples if you actually wanna go there, because what I hear more often is actually artists getting control of lower than their default ranges and switching there ( see kate bush w. her late mellow huskiness, or, god forbid, the gazette's ruki.)
  19. nekkichi

    singing in high pitch is way easier than doing a decent singing mid/low range voice kyo really reminds me of what happened to chris corner through, like, ten or so years (compare / ), they literally rely on the same pussy singing shortcutskyo has the luxury of fronting a still decent band, though, and is still being creative with his voice now and than.
  20. nekkichi

    very nice title track, can't really care for filler material.
  21. nekkichi

    oh! no worries bb, it's not one person, and I never bothered buying their past-2005 releases anyway. you're late for DSS discussion, I've thrown oricon links and done the fair share of speculation/exposing. Pretsy takes the wheel lmao. enjoy your stanning while you're here, and def. enjoy the band before you'll be moving on in ~ 2 years. dude, they turned 180 and went almost full on 2004-06 VK with all their promotion starting with rinkaku, and this video is essentially what they did in late vulgar/WTD eras visual-wise, except it's 2013 and kyo is balding. sound change or not, if you don't see this, please don't pretend you know how bands work in Japan.
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