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Everything posted by nekkichi

  1. nekkichi

    ugh the title made me crave this immediately D: I need to find a Polish store or something asap, or I'll basically succumb to a horrible craving death
  2. nekkichi

    I like it, but they're deathgazing a little bit too much with this single tbh, it sounds like every tmoab-onwards mid-tempo track thrown together it's literally like the fatal believer + lotus + rinkaku + a bit of unravelling here and there
  3. nekkichi

    idk, watching 2nd DVD of code of vulgarism ruined a lot of things about deg/visual kei for me. I have no idea how much autotune/post-production went into the first disk, but bootlegged/unpolished parts sounded dreadfully. it was their peak era for many reasons & I still miss that band, but concert wise they're nowhere close to really well sounding vk bands (unsraw, early d'espairs ray or girugamesh for example)
  4. nekkichi

    does anyone else miss his 2005 flawless range and technical perfection I srsly have so many nostalgic feels about it
  5. nekkichi

    very elegant and coherent speculation! <3 I dig it!!!!! #vk_conspiracy_4_life this is where the real fun of still following this miserable declining subgenre lies, tbh
  6. nekkichi

    ^ in ~gackt years. you need to multiply that by 1.2 to get a historically accurate number. he changed his mind since 1997 when being 300 something years old was the shit, tho.
  7. nekkichi

    I have no idea why 9gbo disbanded (maybe every other member besides ryo just died creatively while being in that band), but this sounds like they took 9 goats boredom and multiplied it by every other member's irrelevance. I only like first track so far, everything else sounds like a bunch of recycled stuff, derived from two equally terrible demos (the "jazzy" vk one and the "lyrical" vk cliche track) oh, and the background growling gives 12012 a run for their money when it comes to being atrocious, why did it happen at all
  8. I am that rabid fan that makes you hate certain bands!! for this matter, I never frown upon other bands that have insanely possessed followers, I frown on the stans themselves
  9. nekkichi

    I like how their vocalist basically steals everything from but somehow fails to grab the sass that everyone he sourced from had to a degree
  10. nekkichi

    one and only everyone else sucked, kuroyume album got postponed & zoro never released a flawless autotunefest lp that I was smw expecting throughout the year
  11. nekkichi

    is it supposed to be a first post-visual gackt release or smth?
  12. nekkichi

    love the despa feel this track has, but I'm afraid the other two songs are going be the same tired recycled deathgaze stuff
  13. nekkichi

    having wealthy insane stans is one of numerous benefits of not shaving frontman's head through 20 years in the vk scene inb4 lunasea and buck tick reacting accordingly
  14. as an unsraw stan, I'm casting a straight transforming curse on you
  15. secretly waiting for either aoi joining them back and hiring his session members as fulltime ayabies or ryohei's comeback & megamasso disbanding all within next 6 months this epic band can not just stop like that, there would be a 3 years money milking kaisan campaign followed by member's retirement from vk && also can't wait to hear yumehito's jpop solo project, I wonder if we get another takeru with that one I think AYABIE is the new panic channel except w. shitty post 2005 music
  16. nekkichi

    I believe this is basically what you say about any up and coming gazette effort, but anyway I'm keen to assume you need to read his comment once again, he's understanding everything perfectly, and if there's no innovation coming from the same members again, it means they had very little to do with it in the first place, given the amount of label puppets in vk and such.
  17. nekkichi

    I hope they come back w. a new and improved vocalist, I can't stand guy who's singing for them rn. would have been a perfect band with aikaryu's kaworu fronting.
  18. nekkichi

    that's one aesthetically unappealing cover, but I guess when u sell urself out to western metalhead, the promotion materials should cater to that demographic accordingly. it's a huge step down from rinkaku and unexpectedly well done unravelling though. I wonder if there's gonna be a PV? I'm kind of under impression they're mocking 12012 w. this thing, but it's just an assumption idk
  19. kind of impressed that he susseeded at setting the already disastrous major ayabie bar even lower
  20. nekkichi

    gorl please, dir en grey last indies live was in 1998, before their first full album came out & wow at your delusion that grieva is doing anything better than deg waiting for your faves coming anywhere close to the slaying major dir en grey perfection
  21. nekkichi

    lbr they all age horribly & only queen shinya's magical shoujo powers are standing up to the ugly traces of passing time
  22. nekkichi

    I'm here for sodomy [2]
  23. nekkichi

    kyo needs some ripe prunes for that constipated face
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