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Everything posted by nekkichi

  1. nekkichi

    they sound like an evil aikaryu/irodori/kiryu mock band
  2. nekkichi

    the grabzette know how to be SURPRISING, SUBTLE and UNEXPECTED
  3. white girls have this blessing/curse of having resentfully delicate skin which doesn't work well with bristly beards you guys might handle it better, idk
  4. ^ there's a this rare strain of men who develop very nice and soft beards, it's ok to kiss w. them it's probably ok not to either way.
  5. nekkichi

    i hope he dives back to fragment era perfection sometime, this is boring and painful to listen to tbh there's about enough bad rock music done already, why does he bother making his own.
  6. well at least they haven't lied, that's quite a lot of cheese
  7. idk if scruffy eastern europeans r your thing, but I assume you'll enjoy placebo bonus videos when they're out

    1. Furik


      im fappin so it must be good

  8. I believe new placebo album is called loud like love smh
  9. nekkichi

    I didn't say chaboo was anything better. I don't like most of their current stuff at all - I do dig when they roll out a nice chorus once in a while (hide & seek is a good example.)
  10. nekkichi

    I enjoyed TATTOO tbh. pain of catastrophe was a terrible mess, it was over the place & seven basically happened exactly before 12012 made that GLAY cover and it seemed like a such pathetic attempt to grab cash both off their 2 jpop era fans and 3 vk era fanboys that were still following this band by some reason.
  11. nekkichi

  12. nekkichi

    he does that with every current band, it never helps. dir en grey is what p. much funding his label these days. not to mention that 12012's relevance peaked at play dolls, no one gave a fuck about their jpop albums despite being on a major label
  13. nekkichi

    it it didn't scream dir en grey rejects/unsraw wannabe and was closer to their indie-indie sound, it would have been received much better.
  14. nekkichi

    I honestly thought they were on hiatus for like 3 days or so, but it's been over a month apparently, oh well.
  15. new fad incoming ((from vk's only true visionaries))
  16. can't get enough of this faultless treasure box, D and gazette covers r like flawlfree twerkalicious gold
  17. nekkichi

    I don't see how much sony impact is this, since gazette basically pionereed fangirl prostate milking b4 they were major (5 reila tracks spread over 3 CDs) and dim scene limited ed. dvd is one of the most expensive major vk releases I can recall ( ¥ 9,765 starting price) @ Furik they had filth in the beauty and dir en grey had beautiful dirt, so this title is indeed hardly original
  18. nekkichi

    I think there's a lady gaga thread for it.
  19. nekkichi

    rediscovered shochu calpis cocktails this week & feel happier than ever too bad I can't just buy them in stores since leaving Asia D:
  20. so this is basically very low budget UnsraW w. shitty drumming I would be happy if they reform again tbh.
  21. nekkichi

    I really like this look (glasses are still very tacky)
  22. they hired a wrong drummer for this tbh ~ but glad to see yuuki back
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