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Everything posted by nekkichi

  1. nekkichi

    > If he made a collaboration with a more famous vocalist and stuck to the guitarwork, I would most certainly bet on average sucess/radio play in the west agreed 2000000000000 %, he should team up with kelis so they would have sort of flopped together
  2. nekkichi

    division looks i n c r e d i b l e, I'm too ADD and dumb to play anything stealth-focused tho, and looks like it's one of those games. ugh.
  3. nekkichi

    he had enough time to make a career in a better band. he never did. and ayabie been just fine (been the finest, if I may) without a full-time drummer at all.
  4. nekkichi

  5. nekkichi

    I'm referring to surgically improved drones off korean beauty supply commercials. obviously, k-mart staff and tech support nerds don't meet the same definition of "ugly".
  6. nekkichi

    2nd PV gives me a boogieman vibe by some reasons, except boogieman suddenly feels underrated & Jui looks very ugly and very korean in the 1st spot.
  7. nekkichi

    it doesn't have a release date yet, even a very vague one, so I assume it would be next Christmas at the earliest. maybe even 2015. that leaves them with about enough time.
  8. nekkichi

    I've been a bit confused with FF XV/KH3, but yeah, they basically come to both ps4 and xb1 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kingdom_Hearts_III - wiki page & versus fighting trailer (one of those) has ps4 and xb logos at the end Japan (as the whole asia) is not getting xbox one on the launch tho, so I can see at least some of square enix ttiles being ps4 exclusive later unless MS begs and bribes, which they're good at.
  9. nekkichi

    ^ they only have 2010's zero available for purchase in my region
  10. nekkichi

    they sound like 2004 ayabie so it's not a complete wreck of a band at least
  11. nekkichi

    ^ that sounds pretty accurate. I didn't recognize him on the last band promo shoot & he's either getting married or moving to mainstream gayporn with that beard tbh
  12. nekkichi

    he looks like a thai moneyboy, that song sounds like a ricky martin reject & his hair is nagl & srsly dude, if you're trying to make an english single (and possibly sell it in the west) do it the rihanna way, pay your writers all of his english lyrics are so bloody atrocious
  13. nekkichi

    major bands...why u releasing live only singles
  14. nekkichi

    @ stylelover oh, so they thrown ps eye out to reduce end price, that's nice. (I missed on this completely tho) I can't stop cackling @ this gif, it's like everything about e3 in the most flawless context
  15. nekkichi

    each ps4 comes with ps eye as well... even tho it's much cheaper in manufacturing than kinect (no IR/lasers and no per-pixel depth calculations involved) seen a fresh batch of rumors that MS has manufacturing difficulties with their APU (cpu + gpu) chips, might result in less consoles delivered by launch and possible higher faulty unit rate (the issue they have atm is technically worse than RRODs in 360s) the sad thing is no matter how hard xbawks flops, they will pump a shit ton of money in it, and it's not going anywhere during next 5 years at least.
  16. how many chizuru for a dime PVs can a single music scene handle nice try, cannabis toast
  17. nekkichi

    http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2013-06-12-ea-we-dont-have-a-problem-with-second-hand-sales-as-they-are-today I really should stop gloating at ubi, they have great artists working on great games, but when the bad guy of videogames inc. says he's okay with 2nd hand sales, I just keep losing it.
  18. nekkichi

    @ stylelover sony have explicitly stated they aren't DRMing physical media. microsoft made a presentation, the only part of which everyone remembers now, is DRM restrictions on used bluray games. ubisoft and other turds have means to add DRM, and they will do it, and than I hope their games flop and when their servers go down, people bomb retailers with money-backs. on a side note, killer instinkt is adopting Japanese iOs games strategy where you get a game for free, but have to pay for perks and extra characters http://kotaku.com/killer-instinct-on-xbox-one-is-free-for-your-first-cha-512655221 no wonder it looks so shitty. oh and by the way, I just googled that microsoft xflops division head comes from EA, which really explains everything about how much they care for publisher's right (and means) to abuse their customers.
  19. nekkichi

    very much this —
  20. nekkichi

    nintendontcare tbh microsoft has a stadium of seats this year & hopefully they keep it up through the whole gen halo alone won't help them much, and KI honestly looks dated already (that was a good move, tho, my ~heart~ stopped a bit when I saw the trailer) the funny thing is that I would buy xbone at day one* if they announced an exclusive jet set radio sequel by sega japan, but this is never happening ofc * to sell it in two weeks
  21. nekkichi

    olololol @ evil vile bitches
  22. nekkichi

    tuning in to https://twitter.com/kazhiraiceo/
  23. nekkichi

    I assume paywall is subscription based services? I'm not sure where that gpu comparison comes from. it's manufactured by amd, but it's quite different from 360.
  24. nekkichi

    I'm hoping for some classy gothic roque for first track, something heavier for the 3rd one, and grazioso would probably max the tacky out.
  25. nekkichi

    so, Sai's rumor is confirmed through a neogaf source: > Microsoft is buying out publishers to not mention the PS4 versions of multi-platform titles, so you can assume if the presenter does not say "EXCLUSIVE TO XBOX ONE", that it will also be on PS4. > More in depth DRM info at Gamescom. There is no rental strategy, they're trying to just sweep it under the rug and hope people don't remember. > Cloud power was designed as DRM. It was Microsoft's idea, and they approached other publishers. EA and Ubisoft support, Activision slightly less so. > DRM plans are worse than what they have said. > Mirror's Edge 2 at MS conference. > Prince of Persia (reboot?) at MS conference. > Secret Phil Spencer game = World of Tanks. It is said that you still need Gold to play F2P games? > Paywall for Xbox One. > Dead Rising 3 as Xbox One exclusive. Exclusive DLC for another Capcom game. > No paywall for PS4, but it's unconfirmed. > Sony is very tight on their DRM policies, so no DRM info there's also another rumor coming, that unless microflop is announcing xbone specs today, the video chip is getting another downgrade, making their GPU about 30 % slower than ps4s. which, given less RAM allowed for use by game apps, doesn't look good, especially in perspective of 3 or 5 years, when developers will know how to better optimize their engines for ps4 hardware.
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