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Everything posted by nekkichi

  1. nekkichi

    are you referring to this ohp message? http://pigmy.jp/0318.html 【バロックよりお知らせ】 いつもバロックを応援していただき誠にありがとうございます。 バンド側の諸事情により、当面の間はVocal 怜/Guitar 圭、サポートメンバーを迎えて活動を行っていく予定です。 「reversion fruits」に関して、発表が遅れた事をお詫び申し上げます。 今後とも応援よろしくお願いいたします。 バロック I believe it only concerns their current tour.
  2. nekkichi

    lol, that tracklist looks like 1/3 shitty late duel jewel meeting 1/3 shitty late gazette meeting 1/3 shitty major gurugamesh needless to say, I'm HYPED for this, can't wait 2 hear his mad music powers
  3. nekkichi

    invisible hand of providence telling him to keep those growls low I assume not sure if he gets the message tho
  4. nekkichi

    >Yes, they are selling a lot better except they don't, no matter how hard sony's been pushing them (never 4get shiver animoo crossover) http://www.oricon.co.jp/prof/artist/313108/ranking/cd_album/ their king records albums sold consistently better & dim quality reflects its sales too. wubs failed to sell them twice in a row. now with this clearly uninspired beautiful fug marketing concept, their music better be good
  5. nekkichi

    p. much nobody is bashing this band, it's their recent music that doesn't deliver for 2 albums in row. third time's the charm ☆
  6. nekkichi

    excited for new stuff!!! division was a cesspool of their major career leftovers that didn't get a chance to shine on pre-toxic b-sides, so they're obliged to recycle more new old songs. also having a feeling that their russian gig won't happen (same as possible euro tour). and their marketing department gets a pickled dong bc division promo was maybe the best in all recent VK, and this shit sounds uninspired already tbh
  7. nekkichi

    the thing is that no one really cares who composed this piece of crap. ohayo is as independent as it could ever get for a vk artist, yet his music sucks all psc dongs combined. they also could film a pv for a different track off the album to represent his actual "talent" instead, he went the flopovision route. he's also not living off his sales, so your little exercises in solidarity look hilarious tbh.
  8. nekkichi

    they're getting ridiculous tbh
  9. nekkichi

    is he using a failed johny jr audition track as a lead single? very classy. p.s. the ~true meaning~ of this video
  10. nekkichi

    stanning 4 akane's wig. I'm glad they're getting "budgets", its their most decent video to date.
  11. nekkichi

    I don't see any reasons for them not to release an album each year. They aren't mad famous so no nation-wide touring, their VK years are pretty much over, so there's no need to release 20 + singles in 3 types between each album, and a 10 track album once in 12 months is not much since 3-4 of those already come from singles. Gzeatte technically roll out more songs per year than any other band, yet I don't see anyone calling them out.
  12. smh they deserved it for not hiring unsraw's shou.
  13. classy covers. not digging that glyphic something to the left of the title, tho.
  14. nekkichi

    madygrain trying so hard to resurrect boogieman with his mean posts in brq topics reminds me of myself judging post-visual deg. at least we can ~hope~, right? this belongs to MLP threads if there's one around here.
  15. nekkichi

    that's a weird touring choice, but good for vistlip I guess?!
  16. nekkichi

    oh sadie
  17. nekkichi

    k-roque look tbh still hoping their new tracks will deliver.
  18. nekkichi

    shadea is a far superior name 4 a relevant trannycore band
  19. nekkichi

    i wonder if that bootleg is a youtube2dvd converted video filmed by some polish fan with a half decent camphone. onshuu's 15 minutes of uncredited fame.
  20. tour dvd probably too. not sure if they will release a full album though, seeing how Kiyoharu has planned some major cashing on old VK fans money this year. two would clash together for profits.
  21. idk I think they will release something (at least a single or a double single again) by Christmas & this best of is just label cashing on them being relevant with this recent tour and such
  22. nekkichi

    they were luna sea's first major label or something, but I asked because so many no1curr indie bands made me doubt it was that victor, not some smaller indie one I haven't heard about.
  23. nekkichi

    victor is a major label, right? I'm glad they realize old D are so much superior than current.
  24. nekkichi

    2013 is the rillest bijuaru kei year of this millenium inb4 next shoxx having a cover story on idiot revival
  25. nekkichi

    cash all the moneys gurl 2013 just gets better and better sans for THE UNRELEVANT & the flopzette
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