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Everything posted by nekkichi

  1. nekkichi

    does that one man title imply they're going major soon? hope they won't sign with tokuma or any other flopex trax that will squeeze the last drop of autotune out of them
  2. nekkichi

  3. nekkichi

    hoping for a single or mini this year
  4. nekkichi

    painful hateful cackle at their naming realness agreed on first two & third would be a typical sadie copypaste track I can hear Mao rehearsing rinkaku's gray whale style chorus already
  5. they must be biting their fingers so hard right now, screwing the vast asian market with kvlt looks and that shitty sound over 10 thousand CDs and moderate touring
  6. nekkichi

    ugly cackling @ gazette performing in Russia this august http://www.kubana.com/en/participants2013_108.htm I have no idea who's funding this fest, but they had miyavi last year (which wasn't advertized much tho)
  7. nekkichi

    ^ I can only hope they won't water it down with re-recordings (I'm not really familiar with their earliest obscure indie releases, and so are their current teenage fans probably too) & I guess they will shove all one coin singles in @ madygrain in a world where ~sales~ matter they will be releasing about 3 more full LPs before dissolving.
  8. nekkichi

    @ Furik I'm pretty sure the best of release is WMG cashing on brq popularity before their contract expires. I'm not sure if I care for the album, though. It's pretty obvious they won't reach sug life amazingness under different producer, and most of their recent singles, while not bad (esp. in a 2012 VK scene sense), are quite bland. having a faint hope they will leave boring kannivalism bullshit for kannivalism, since that one isn't disbanded officially (?).
  9. nekkichi

    I wouldn't mind if they released 雨と夜に墜ちて and droid as b-sides for deus ex machina single and scrapped the rest boring album that adds nothing to their has-been-impressive discography
  10. nekkichi

    assclenchingy cheap tbh, their looks are nice tho couldn't believe they were major until remembered verusaruzo's last PV on the same label
  11. nekkichi

    I like! Wish hazuki looked more androgynous/less ugly/got over major miyavi sindrome tho
  12. nekkichi

    smh same thing?? no?
  13. nekkichi

    I am jealous of some 3DS only titles (screw you, atlus & hope capcom goes bankrupt for not bringing a legit MH sequel to vita), but I cringe every time I see realtime 3ds graphics, so I'll pass on that one.
  14. nekkichi

    psp had only one serious competitor, now they both have to face apple, samsung, nokia and nexus. my money went to . if sony doesn't suddenly publish a dozen of AAA grade portable games through '13, next years smartphones would essentially make vitas hardware irrelevant.
  15. nekkichi

    I find it kinda funny I haven't seen anyone playing sony handlehelds during my past 3 months in SEA. I've still seen people carrying around PSP's around this time last year. this year. all 13-25 year olds are all stanning for iphones. I haven't seen a single 3ds btw too.
  16. nekkichi

    red one (guilty pleasuring @ nicole scherzinger's singles since hearing her at nars corner last week though)
  17. nekkichi

    what he said basically. I honestly think sony will either merge vita and xperia (because vita is technically a smartphone with comfy gamepad) or will just shut their flop portable division completely. unless they have a strong Japanese line-up planned for Q2 2013 that is so secret that no one heard about it so far (which I doubt tbh).
  18. nope. I also hate that they are covering their finest kisou/vulgar/wtd songs which honestly screams about complete lack of ideas, topped with urge to get quick cash. I hated all of their self covers except for hydra666 and already smell a fail album incoming. bottom of dead valley butchered by their lame ass recent sound mixing & kasumi seasoned with falcettos would probably end my interest for present deg. anyway expecting a qt h naoto sex pot revenge moi-même-moitié look like its 2002 all over again!11
  19. nekkichi

    http://youtu.be/-QgOugsaZdg single CM, comment and 3 track snippets
  20. nekkichi

    I'm so glad he's wearing eyeliner again tbh.
  21. nekkichi

    so they are hurrdurrcore again tour with lynch, sign with king records. you'll maybe than become a half decent band one day.
  22. nekkichi

    so division arrangements are too complex to be ripped off apparently
  23. nekkichi

    best news since 2011 maybe. ~
  24. nekkichi

    makoto is kind of meh imo, but I'm excited!!
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