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Everything posted by nekkichi

  1. nekkichi

    I'm afraid you'll be largely unimpressed by todays VK (mejibray on a list of decent bands says lots about grade of the scene's stagnation), but baroque are back as of 2012. haven't been a fan of their comeback material, but it's better than nothing. lynch have been really strong recently - if you haven't listened their latest album, give it a try, it's awesome. if you liked RES, grab sucksucky's solo projects singles and mini - but lower your expectations beforehand, it's a major step down from any RES era work, except for 3-4 songs (and one of the good ones is composed by Mika, their drummer, lowering Suck-chans potential a bit more.) kaya, the true empress of dead and living, gay and straight, cosmic and earthly, is doing better than ever, but diehard fans may argue.
  2. nekkichi

    I guess I'll just carry on the new DVD thread's offtop - they basically get more exposure in the West, but Japan gives less and less fucks about their new releases when those releases suck. I mean come on, you can get all their disco in FLAC from the largest Russian torrent tracker with a tiiiiiny SEA-rock section, THAT'S WHAT YOU CALL MAINSTREAM SUCCESS BITCHES. my fav. albums of their are kisou and vulgar, plus WTD is quite awesome too - and all of those are in top-5; and it's pretty indicative that while TMOAB sold less than prev. album, uroboros sales crawled back. poor MOO reception is imo well deserved, and I hope they will do their math and understand that another shitty album would means 4 years of non-stop touring Chile, Poland and Slovenia in attempt to grab last bits of cash from those parts of fanbase who leech their CDs but will consider paying for gig tickets. same. I really hope they would be back to making creative stuff like they did some ten years ago and will at least dress nicely again,— or disband for good. I think it's safe to assume that MOO ranked 4th in oricon because not many major artists release stuff in August, it's usually Autumn when they're out hunting for money. = it got there due to lack of major competition, not awesome launch sales.
  3. nekkichi

    because they used to be pretty awesome, and all the recent news are making me cringe. not in the diengreystan universe, but it did elsewhere: it sold worse than the fucking TMOAB, but they obviously earned a billion dollars off the $ 15 american edition.
  4. nekkichi

    > In no1currsanymore solitude, sales aggravation and MOO flopping induced desperation ---- still they take the stage.
  5. nekkichi

    you do realize that from most of obsessed Christian's point of view those dudes did the right thing, since gays don't use seks for procreation and thus only indulge in sinful pleasures? that's a horrible story and stuff, but I'm not really surprised. rip poor dude.
  6. nekkichi

    hope they're already drafting new music meanwhile. shame for not including the making of direngrey clone out of 12012 (but I guess that stuff is worth a dedicated blu-ray documentary itself)
  7. nekkichi

    they would largely be not profitable. if they have 3000 fans in tokyo, they will do most of touring in small clubs and maybe one tour final concert in a concert hall if they have 5000 fans scattered all over americas, 4000 in Chile and 700/300 for NA/Canada respectively, they won't even get their transportation expenses back. like despairs' flop taught people nothing.
  8. nekkichi

    ^ it' is a vag-ra tier uninspired piece of shit. I gave it another listen the other day because I do really <3 hide and seek chorus, but for every step in the right direction they do a six mile long marathon run towards woods of mediocrity where Dir en grey were composing MOO (it's that forest from the MOO cover). I also can't stop thinking that they had ohaitzwill in mind when doing most of composing because they're obviously targeting dir en grey fan moneys with this CD.
  9. nekkichi

    it sold 16 more copies than diamond olololol 3,812 DIAMOND 3,828 mar maroon
  10. nekkichi

    ^ seven never sold well. now that I think of it, I'm really curious who actually produced PLAY DOLLS, who's that little man behind UCP curtain. can't believe a band who made an album that good is dumb enough to jump between tacky jpop cock and sweaty hurdurcore penis.
  11. nekkichi

    I *think* they're technically indie, because firewall div. is an indie label (but they can distribute releases through sony music, like most of Dir en grey singles, albums and DVDs are sold.) btw I've been lurking at oricon charts recently, and they either stopped tracking 12012 data or last album sold like 200 copies combined, I can't see it anywhere on their album sales summary. I think that mixing is a part of Their Style. Seven gave me headaches every time I tried to listen to it more than for 3 or 4 tracks at a time, and I'm not joking.
  12. nekkichi

    no, they just rigged the corpse so it can dance and sing with dynamite tommy's puppetry
  13. nekkichi

    omg omg omg, that picture!! awesome Gaareth Paltrow x Gaartney Love styling
  14. nekkichi

    > Btw2, He's living the dream that every western Visual Kei-fan could only dream about to do, but all of them are aware they will never get that dream to reality. I thought western VK fans dream of being eagle spread at Kaya/Kamijo vampire pegging party? > but I think he sounded too unsecure in the actual singing, like he's holding half of his voice potential back. Why hold back when he sings quite good. nice excuse for lack of any singing voice whatsoever, since it's a studio record and even his mixing engineer couldn't pull anything decent out of it.
  15. nekkichi

    who cares
  16. nekkichi

    lycaon co-produced that collaboration
  17. nekkichi

    yohio ✕ jui corraboration single ⎣ ♆he s♽und of your fl☯p ⎤ 01 the sound of your flop 02 let's flop together!! - seremedy ver. 02 let's flop together!! - vidoru ver. 03 - SE (type a mail order limited edition only)
  18. nekkichi

    > so from a smoker's (3 years now) point of view > stressful events/situations > unless it's stupid teenagers we're talking about > profile age: 17 lolforever
  19. nekkichi

    my external hdds are all lacie. brand loyalty and their quality + design are amazing. don't really know much about internal ones though.
  20. nekkichi

    ^ because he's obv a royal princess queen inside
  21. nekkichi

    he needs to do Kaya style ironic drag chanson, shitty pop-rock is not his genre.
  22. nekkichi

    how come Japan has more smokers per capita, yet cancer levels (esp lung/throat cancers) are still much lower than in US maybe they should have tested more nuclear bombs and put even more donkey shit into cigarettes for their market srsly, even being a passive smoker in north america sucks, people who put that shit into their mouths deserve every single cancer cell they've got from it > An advertising firm, Arnold Worldwide, found Wright and about a dozen others who developed cancer or other health problems after smoking for the ads well maybe they shouldn't have done it for the ads in the first place lol
  23. nekkichi

    so digging the rentrer en soi x unsraw vibe that's what Satsuki should have been doing atm I'm not really sad they're disbanding since their prev. releases are crap (except for awesomerilis), and hope to hear this dude again asap
  24. nekkichi

    starbucks coffee jelly drinks. they managed to end my beard papa's cream puff addiction, don't know what to obsess over next though ((
  25. nekkichi

    it's japanese spandy andy srsly: M6ulRO_3L50 except not terminally stoned for all his life
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