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Everything posted by nekkichi

  1. nekkichi

    it should be a fully produced solo LP, different for each respective book, to justify that pricetag.
  2. nekkichi

    vo. gives me a hyde on a tight budget vibe nice song, and PV is somewhat creative signing with tokuma seems like a good choice for them. ScReW come to Paraguay!!!! 
  3. nekkichi

    http://i126.photobucket.com/albums/p96/kyotakumrau/Kyo/PZ-0003_zpsadfb5186.jpg is this a bubblewrap cover? $ 100 per book is retarded and gazette do that. you lost your relevance 10 years ago for this kind of trickery, dude.
  4. nekkichi

    is it his 2013-th birthday than?
  5. nekkichi

    this screams wishful thinking all over it. I'd be happy if versus isn't already canceled internally.
  6. nekkichi

    CPU doesn't matter much, RAM and graphic card do. a weaker CPU means less production costs, but it doesn't mean weaker graphics or anything. I'm not even sure games use it much, except for AI - all physics and cloth/hair simulation are GPU accelerated. the 360 CPU issue is a matter of poor quality check or rushed production, if anything. xbox, fap and gesture termination situation does not seem realistic (unless billyboys moan "xbawx, stick it in my backdoor" - and it happens); however, microsoft patented this http://appft.uspto.gov/netacgi/nph-Parser?Sect1=PTO1&Sect2=HITOFF&d=PG01&p=1&u=%2Fnetahtml%2FPTO%2Fsrchnum.html&r=1&f=G&l=50&s1=%2220120278904%22.PGNR.&OS=DN/20120278904&RS=DN/20120278904 1. A method of distributing content to a user, comprising: providing a selection of content available to the user; for each content, presenting a licensing option comprising associating a performance of the content with an individual user's consumption of the content at a display device; receiving a selection of one of the content and a license display option for said content; presenting the content to the display device if a number of user performances allowed for the content is equal to or less than the license option for which the selection is received; and monitoring the presentation of the content at the device to determine the number of users consuming the content during the performance. 8. A computer implemented method for distributing limited play content to a user, comprising: transmitting a selection of audiovisual content to a display device, each content having one or more associated license option, each license option allowing a specified number one or more presentations to one or more users on the display device; receiving a selection of one of the content and a selection of a licensing option for said content; determining a number of users at the display device prior to presenting the content; presenting the content on the display device if the number of users at the display device is equal to or lower than that specified in the licensing option; and monitoring the presentation of the content to determine a number of viewers of the content during presentation of the content at the display device. so it will basically track number of people watching vidya, footbawl and playing games, and will possibly charge more for super-bowel team-viewing in perspective. and given microsoft's naughty little habit of leaking user data, dating back to windows xp, it's possible they will at least collect some data for marketing purpose, or will film you fapping and sell it to your parents. windows 8 sucked, as well as flop surface slate, and flop windows 8 mobile, however, they still ship an insame amount of windows 8 units (basically, any branded PC sold by dell, toshiba, HP., etc. is giving microsoft profits), windows 7 sales are going strong, and office/corporate software is where most of their money still is.
  7. nekkichi

    > the processors in this new XBOX are going to be drastically weaker than the ones in the XBOX 360 when compared to actual software. there haven't been any drastic advance in CPU technology in the past 5 or 7 years. xbox one is a 64 bit intel (?) based system with 5 GB ram available for games, 3 GB taken by OS and background processes. xbox 360 is a power pc system with 512 MB RAM. there won't be any drastic difference in graphics during the first wave of xbox one games compared to late 360 or native ps3 games. kinect should be connected at all times because xbox one is using voice commands as primary input, so kinect is idling until you say "xbawx, lick me dry" - then it gets turned on and works. I'm cautiously gloating atm, because the "one console = one entertainment centre" strategy never worked for ps3, however, the beer sipping, joint rolling redneck crowd could jump on this and bring their money to the devil. and microsoft still has office and windows sales to back this shit up even it turns out a complete flop financially.
  8. so those "anti-aging" tracks are apparently bb kanon cackling @ how shitty his bandmates look these days, recorded over respective instrumentals? jesus christ, dude, leave this flop band, sail solo, you're 2 cute 2 waste your time with that bunch.
  9. nekkichi

    he could serve some 1999 diru realness on that special live imo, instead of opting for hospital treatment seriously
  10. nekkichi

    what exactly are those two last tracks? audiobook of his poetry? bad yaoi screenplay, recorded in seductive voice? horror stories from his childhood? Aoi pay-per-call promo codes?
  11. nekkichi

    kaggra bc kiryu is an annoying irodori cosplay band, releasing same crap all over again.
  12. nekkichi

    lol @ him releasing 2 "best of" albums, while his only good song is oasis of mars & he later butchered it with re-recordings.
  13. nekkichi

    I'll just leave this here http://www.oricon.co.jp/prof/artist/324360/ranking/cd_album/ DOS is their worst selling release to date.
  14. nekkichi

    it's a nice gesture towards their long time fans, and an ok attempt at a meh song I like the zakuro vibe that live ver. of vanitas gives, btw.
  15. Singapore has ridiculous taxes for booze outside of airport duty-free, highest in the Asia I think.
  16. you can't teach an old dog new tricks, right? they've been stealing from gazette while the band lasted, and his host career is illuminated by a vivid yohio plagiarism (and how hilarious is that)
  17. nekkichi

    > presumably stolen from somewhere in an irrelevant GazettE single from who knows when. Piisu calling matina gazette singles irrelevant, what's going on here
  18. nekkichi

    that gorgeous wig didn't last long. his current styling reminds me of ayabie's aoi by some reason.
  19. nekkichi

    ^ learn 2 have fun, hunty
  20. nekkichi

    ugh lol and those are apparently Di'Vorcing (sorry in advance as I'm drunk and can't help myself, send me a truck full of aspirins tomorrow)
  21. nekkichi

    makes them an uncalled plan then.
  22. vo. dude is serving some daisuke solo project realness tbh, but I like how Yuana's look lacks a single tiny flaw.
  23. nekkichi

    ^ never say never, they might be teasing with this track smh (no money for PV filming, no songs to put on b-sides)
  24. nekkichi

    well you can spell it as grald or grard, or as weabooesque gurarudo probably too not that it matters with that sound
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