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Everything posted by nekkichi

  1. nekkichi

    you'll figure stuff out once you get into my posts' overall vibe, I'm too lazy to re-type like two years worth of DSS ramblings again and again. in short, different sense and hageshisato were both promising singles for a shitty album. this album's single material sounds cool and somewhat promising and I see where they're getting back in their sound, which is good.
  2. I have no idea why you're attempting to defend an overrated no1curr band with a talent absent vocalist by putting other vk fans down. for all good that VK sometimes has to offer, nega brought nothing in this regard.
  3. nekkichi

    if their recent singles are actually representing the album's direction, I'll be there for it. I hope they recognize that pulling DSS twice will kill them commercially.
  4. nekkichi

    I'm fully aware that they're busy recording the best vk album of 2014 rn, but it's literally like the fatal believer + lotus + rinkaku + a bit of unravelling here and there
  5. nekkichi

    1:1 they both used to be really awesome, but I can't care less for the current bands of both PSC and DC for a few years already.
  6. nekkichi

    please disperse asap
  7. this sounds like a very good versailles album with all the hizaki filler out tbh, I'm happy with what I hear so far. (it has a little bit of kamijo filler, still less obnoxious.)
  8. those vocal cord problems started waaay before 2013/12 tbh
  9. nekkichi

    does it mean that the 6 track mini will cost $ 120 because his stans would anyway
  10. nekkichi

    instagram ftw tbh
  11. that bauhaus track seriously sounds like jinkaku radio at their peak, brb torrenting discog
  12. nekkichi

    couldn't come up with anything this humiliating myself!
  13. nekkichi

    lmao I wonder if pony canyon's gonna force-disband lmc now that they've got the original camp rock pioneers signed (and sug probably outsells lmc like 100:1) in that case we can still expect aiji doing something decent before he retires in a couple years a swan song solo project pierrot reunion album (failed) suicide attempt I mean, just look at those options
  14. nekkichi

    Break Under Top is a cool band name.
  15. nekkichi

    how dare you!! on the 5th day suteki-kyo-sama created english himself (all that before conceiving growling on the 6th)
  16. nekkichi

    might be a marketing decision, the PV was available on American itunes since day 1. it would be basically impossible to push a Japanese titled release in the west, I guess. considering he's writing all deg lyrics and majority of clever sleazoid and all of agitated screams of maggots lines are in English, he does to a certain extent.
  17. nekkichi

    that's one very pretty video on top of a cheezy, boring ass song he def has confidence in his own stans
  18. nekkichi

    it's an unsraw photoset circa 2010/2011 with an extra glazing of creativity by vk's only true reinventors after undercode's powerhouse innovators largely retiring from the scene.
  19. nekkichi

    he must hate being in dir en grey so f much to release this unironically tbh his recent godawful looks as a deg frontman suddenly become a form of silent protest performance art or something still smw waiting for pv bc. mika and takumi
  20. nekkichi

    now sis, where's that 2nd forbidden days rhapsody album u were working on, like, ages ago
  21. nekkichi

    you're blessed to have those asian fans so qt and so devoted, maiku-chan! <3
  22. nekkichi

    so they officially are not rihanna of visual kei anymore because riri is supposed to have two albums dropping next yr
  23. nekkichi

    singersen's videos r very cute, but her music sounds like a dubstep remix of any when she's not copying utada/yoko kanno (cough-cough, cables) (& I was basically lurking here for new work playlist jams. maybe those 2 rihanna albums next year, idk)
  24. nekkichi

    that's a very decent dvd playlist, I'm glad they realize how bloated their discog is.
  25. nekkichi

    omg @ elvis nine sourcing maiku's username for their album vk circle of life is complete tbh
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