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Everything posted by nekkichi

  1. nekkichi

    I wonder what conceptual albums aside from Division he is referring to there.
  2. nekkichi

    HOLY SHIT THAT IS BEAUTIFUL attitude spot was 1000x times better than actual album content, but keeping my hopes high this time by some reason bowing & twerking @ their promotion department
  3. nekkichi

    I'm so glad DID have descended from the skies to SLAY all those basic ass vk-core lessers their remake rip-off single >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> this recycle nonsense
  4. omg lol thanks for explaining that yojio being relevant is def news to me
  5. nekkichi

    are they covering dir en grey's recent karasu cover for this album or they decided that RAVEN as a song title would somehow make this tracklist a little bit.... umm.... tacky? not feeling that look btw, Ruki's hair is a mess and Aoi-chan needs to serve some linetrap realness to look good, wtf is this ~manly attire
  6. I normally care very little about VK fandom poser fights over underage pussy (that seremedy and whatever shattered of it are targeting), but why money-grabbing I p much doubt Yohio's activities bring any income, he's the xbox to his father's cash stream tbh (if you get the metaphor)
  7. nekkichi

    kyo-chan's qtest selfie to date
  8. so... here's that str8 white male VK fan apparently one day you'll see yojio not wearing make up magics
  9. nekkichi

    you sound like one of those "sadie neva copy dir en grey so stop hating on them" people tbh this band obv is never to come close to ensoku's flawless talent and incredible creativity, but it's p. transparent where that name comes from, it's not like they took some 1993-started VK cliche and went w. it
  10. nekkichi

    qt guyliner awful kyopera
  11. I honestly wish he just would just give up on music tbh, but hope it gets mad famous & gets him lots of cash and fangirls or something
  12. awwww poor baby, I assume I get what he means with that name, there're, like, some rill loud grapes outta there
  13. nekkichi

    twink planet (still glad for them I guess??)
  14. nekkichi

    I would have never expected two nightmare stans fighting each other on MH but this has apparently just happened omg
  15. nekkichi

    after a painfully long year lurking in obscurity, visual kei saviours are ready to blind and deafen us with their light
  16. nekkichi

    hitsugi should go back to school & learn how 2 burlesque tbh (not to mention naito did exactly the same thing except better when they still been relevant) leg 69 sounds good, 2002 gazette realness pv tho
  17. ну я даже не знаю, кто тут тогда ворчливая старуха я прочитала на неделе весь этот тред, и если вы не только постоянно пиздите и ноете, но еще и медленно умираете, то у меня все определенно лучше на порядок, лол.
  18. у меня все отлично, спасибо, как у вас?
  19. вы как-то слишком серьезно относитесь к себе лично, и недостаточно - к тому, что вы пишите но это ИМХО ЛОЛ ЕСЕССНА))))))))))
  20. а разве не достаточно просто не превращать тематический тред в гетто, нет?
  21. не понимаю, а) чему вы удивляетесь б) чем вам ((всем)) не мил вконтактик в) см. б) какая нехорошая Чампи, нагадила мышкам в норку за откровенно тупой персональный наезд, bawwwww.
  22. nekkichi

    compared to this mini-album, all of their previous discography sounds v. neat, well done and coherent ★☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆
  23. с ненавистью тут и так и все в порядке!
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