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Posts posted by chemicalpictures

  1. 1 hour ago, Manji 卍 said:

    @lichtlune  Sorry,but seriously that you revived this dead topic just to say that? And no news ,no nothing? I think if you were truly interested you'd realize by his post on his personal accounts that he's preparing something.

    Or you could've just answered that "he said on a personal account that he is preparing something", instead of criticizing someone for asking, y'know


    "if you were truly interested" fuck me, people can be so damn petty sometimes

  2. Seeing Y'all complaining so much takes me back to MUCC's Ryuusei/Gokusai days. People were all screaming MUCC IS DEEEAD, then they released LIBRA and people were YESSS MUCC IS ALIVE!


    'Karma' killed MUCC again, just to be revived again few releases later...



    I don't know where all the doomsayers were when they released songs like 遮光事実, さくらの詩, 肋骨少女, 遭難, 大塚ヘッドロック, 胃潰瘍とルソーの錯覚, 軽蔑, 脳姦少年, 「追落」 -ついらく-, 問題作, ピクトグラムさん...


    I'm pretty excited about call of rescue, not so much about the other one. I still expect great things about them

  3. I really really wish nintendo would experiment with a new battle system. Something like zelda’s Z-targeting (how kids call it these days?) where you can freely move the pokemon around the arena, using target abilities, skillshots, dashs to avoid damage and such. Think of all the possibilities!

  4. Kei just announced a new album, ten years after 『silk tree』, called 『4 deus.』


    more details will be announced at a later date.





    He also announced a 10th anniversary live, 『beautiful emotional picture.』, on 2019.03.30.


    Support members:


    Bass: 高松浩史 (THE NOVEMBERS)
    Drums: 秋山タカヒコ (downy, THE MORTAL)
    Keyboard: 中村圭作









  5. 13 hours ago, JRD said:

    I was waiting for this tracklist forever. 4 Songs that are digital downloads, and the rest was written when Kai was in the band lol. 5 new songs total + the SE we know is track one. Sad it's released a day before my birthday 😧 I guess this will be a b-day present to myself.

    really? which ones he wrote?


    it was such a bummer to see him leaving the band, dude is so so talented!

  6. Great to see them active again! Love the instrumentals, sounds like something Kai would do! Maybe it's an old song from his period in the band? Anyway, excited for this!


    by the way this is my favorite warehouse in japan, so many good PVs have been recorded there, lol

  7. God of War. Good lord, WHAT A GAME.


    I was a bit skeptical cuz I always found the combat on the previous ones a bit repetitive/boring and somewhat weak on the story side, with a lot of wanker fanservice inbetween. They transformed the shallow Kratos into a person tormented by his past, who is not able to connect with his son the way he wants and should, with much more depth than he appears to have/should be, all while tearing monsters apart with his bare hands. Game is gorgeous, Atreus is a hell of a kid, full of character, combat is fluid, I haven't found anything to complain yet.


    Also got into a few rounds of Apex Legends, won my first one and got stomped all the others. Sounds like a fun game, tho.

  8. What defines a "newer" band category? The only time I was jumping through the roof in excitement the last year was with shiina mio's APPLIQUE and boy, he did not disappointed me. Top 3 2018 releases for sure. I sure hope he takes this project forward, cuz its freaking refreshing compared to what unite has been doing. But not so confident after reading about the whole recording process...

    I find DIMLIM and GRIMOIRE interesting, but in a: "oh, a new release by those guys, I'll check it when I can" way. but they are not recent, neither is Develop One's Faculties, which is imo the strongest act in vk right now by far.


    Soan project is never bad, but rarely GREAT. sleepyhead improved after a really mediocre first album


    and I guess that's it



  9. 18 minutes ago, JamesR said:

    Papo 10 galera, o álbum solo do vocalista do Dream Theater é a coisa(americana) mais VK que eu já ouvi... Bagulho parece até aquelas bandas tipo Arlequin kkkkkk

    Porra, pior que parece coisa japonesa mrm


    E te falar, to curtindo! fui esperando musicas de 15 minutos daqueles prog arrombados, achei coisa que o o hideki faria na epoca do DETROX


    bom achado!

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