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Status Updates posted by chemicalpictures

  1. Sioux' Last Scene is such a saving grace of a song in a really mediocre month in music! can't wait!

  2. dexcore's The Dead Sea lyrics doesn't make any sense at all, but damn that chorus is CATCHY

    1. Mihenno


      If the song didn't have that amazing chorus, I honestly wouldn't be listening to it on the daily. It literally saved the song for me since I'm not into the brutal growls/screams.

  3. Nocturnal Bloodlust's Hiro vocals improved so much over the time. The difference of the vocal track in Bury me from the first version to the one on the best is tremendous. The boys are definitely on the top of their game

  4. Feel like Codomo Dragon will never do anything as good as their first album again... =(

    1. efuru


      Unfortunately agree. I like them still but it doesn't compare. Their second album was definitely good but not the same.

    2. Spectralion


      Couldn't agree more.

  5. In you guys opinion, what is Kyoto's (or whatever his name is now) best work/song of any post-CELLT band? I love CELLT, but couldn't find anything worth listening from his newer bands...

    1. Spectralion


      Is he even join another band after CELLT disbanded?! I have no idea.

      By the way, I REALLY love tsumetai hana and hakanai inori.

    2. chemicalpictures


      he had like a billion bands, but if you sum them all it wont be half a CELLT...


      his band history: ex-CELLT-->楽團孤独(gakudan hitori)-->江戸川パラドクス(edogawa paradox)-->東京カルテット(tokyo quartet)-->伝染歌謡一座バラッド(ballad)-->合法ロリ☆パンクドリーミングディスコ(gouhou loli☆punk dreaming disco, now in DOLLARS, Giza f.k.a LiPs

  6. GreeΣ is already better than everything MeteoroiD did after GEMINI.

  7. Yeti doesn't get enough credit on how consistently good they are. Antithesis is really really good! MHers who don't care that much for VK, please check them! Some indie goodness at its finest!

    1. Ada Suilen

      Ada Suilen

      I care about VK but I love their indie rock style! \m/

    2. platy


      i second this! Every release is always of equal or higher quality.

    3. ricchubunny


      I love this album so much! I didnt enjoy their latest releases but this one IS my cup of tea

  8. what's the band that sometimes you avoid listening to, cuz the emotional ride is way too strong? xTRiPx here

    1. ricchubunny



    2. Duwang
    3. chemicalpictures


      @Chikage this day. this rain. specially the ending. goddamn!

      @Original Saku rain is such a killer. I relate to that song in so many ways, real choker here aswell!

      @Mihi weakness my blood for me. so emotional!

      @anakuro @plastic_rainbow so, so many emotional songs. Sug Life, helios, Yurikago ga Yureteiru, Planetary Secret...

    4. Show next comments  39 more
  9. xTRiPx's disbanded about 2 years ago, and Yoshito just posted this message: "よもぎうどん来た 2年前の昨日もここにいたんだよね ここの出汁はいつも変わらず俺を温めてくれる しかし変わっていくものもある 時が経つのは早いなぁ 今更だけど言っておこう あけおめ", along with this sugestive photo: http://p.twpl.jp/show/orig/91sXR

    any good soul to lend a hand on what he said? google translate hasn't been very helpful...

    1. hiroki


      "i'm at Yomogi udon. i remember being here 2 years ago. as always the dashi here keeps me warm, but lots of things change with time. how time flies... it's a little late but happy new year"

    2. chemicalpictures


      so that's just a little nod, then... K's tweet is a bit more explicit about their disbandment... at least he didn't disappear yet. I miss these guys so freakin much!


      anyway, thanks, @hiroki!

  10. There aren't many lyric translation blogs around like back in the days, uh? that's a real bummer, I used to have so much fun finding out songs meanings =\

    1. plastic_rainbow


      i, myself, am trying to fill in that spot but with so many bands out there (and life in the way) i can only do so much....i wish there were more lyric translation blogs out there too.

    2. chemicalpictures


      @plastic_rainbow do you have your own blog? would love to check it out!

    3. plastic_rainbow


      yes, i do! here it is: http://driedupcorner.blogspot.com/
      just started it last year so it's still growing, but there's a ton of lyrics that i want to go through~

  11. ZON's nano is KILLER


  13. Today officially starts carnival here in Brazil, and it lasts till wednesday. Time to start drinking cheap beer like a there's no tomorrow and wake up without memory next week on the beach half naked next to a hobo, a penguin and a girl you never seen before calling you dear, with a new tattoo on your forehead, just like The Hangover accurately depicted us

    1. platy


      is that what happened to u

    2. r...


      I was at a grocery store yesteday and a guy in front of me was buying 40 cases of beer. Just for himself. I shit you not.

  14. RAZOR's single is interesting, but considerably weaker than their debut mini. Way too much born-esque style chorus and chanting, not really fond of. More MBHI, less born for next releases please, thank you.

    1. Mamo


      Yup I agree but I think it's still pretty good.

  15. Yuina is a freaking genius, sad he isn't so active lately... Word Wrap World's "Sapina Hapina" is BRILLIANT

  16. remember when NoGoD used to be brilliant back in Rashinban days? good times.

    1. saishuu


      I still like NoGoD, but yeah, Rashinban was their peak. It was perfect.

    2. Zeus


      all hail rashinban!

    3. Spectralion


      Everything changed after they dropped Kakera.


      Still spin their distributed single Yume no Tsuzuki.

  17. they were so fuckin good!


  18. I love Aiolin's concept, but sadly their songs haven't really resonated with me so far... Error World is kinda nice, tho

    1. Komorebi


      I loved about two of their songs and some others were nice but didn't resonate either. They do have a good concept and this is their first release, so I'll wait for more and see how it goes.

    2. Mihenno


      Lol this status is my exact feelings


  19. Any recommendations of Djenty bands a la MBHI? I only know Jiluka, which I'm not really fond of...

    1. diryangrey


      i don't really know djent too well but maybe FED could qualify? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bGliPd2i26g don't know that band either so no idea if the rest of their stuff sounds much like that.
      I guess you could say Arlequin has djenty sounds at times? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dXNHv5VIdqU


  20. MUCC's heide is such a beauty of a song, my god! so good!

    1. ruki11


      what happened to heide except 3min silence.

      I think you could say it months before?

  21. Tenten is my boy, but so far LACK-CO. is completely LACKing that punch his previous bands had, pun intended

    1. tetsu_sama69


      that's my problem with them as well. With the line-up they have you'd think it would be something insane and awesome but it's just... very generic.

  22. This song is so goddamn catchy, good lord!


  23. AVENGER'S DEAD DIRGE is the best song ever written by a japanese person.



    1. Gaz
    2. -NOVA-


      Smokin' on cookie in the hotbox

    3. emmny
  25. ASH DA HERO freaking nailed it, beautiful live ver!


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