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Status Updates posted by chemicalpictures

  1. Is Space Shower a big tv channel in Japan? Does it mean anything popularity-wise for a band to have its PVs on the channel?

  2. Wish more people would take a time to listen DOPES' CROSSING. what a BRILLIANT song, goddamn.

  3. 1/f no Yuragi. Go listen to them NOW.

  4. A9's Prismatic is like the best song they've released in the past 5 years. Never get tired of it.

  5. Milia boys should come back. they actually made some pretty solid bleep blop kei

    1. hiroki


      i actually talked to Age (milia's vocalist) 2 weeks ago the night he played in a session called Moyashi. he said that planet story was a real challenge for him cos it was different from everything he had done before but he's happy that fans liked it so much (i told him i still listen to it a lot and i fucking love it). i'm not sure if he'll be back in a regular band though; even if that happens it probably won't be the same kind of music anymore.

    2. chemicalpictures


      wow, thanks for sharing this! PLANET STORY rocks, indeed!  CYBER TROOPER and SW·2XXX are killers! And what about his solo project? it didn't work out in the end?

    3. hiroki


      his solo project (rock bouquet) only had a couple of lives in Fukuoka and released 1 live limited CD with 4 instrumentals and no vocals lol. and i think it's no longer a thing afaik.. that session i was talking about was in tokyo.


      and yes planet story is one of my alltime favorites. all 5 tracks are phenomenal for me! i love milia so much haha (*_*)

  6. RAZOR's ギブミー不気味 is so good, and sounds so much like a MBHI song I can totally imagine Tenten slaying it

    1. Elazmus


      my thoughts too!! Ryouga earns it though I love the guy :]

    2. JamesR



    3. Elazmus


      Vstyring djentocore is on the rise ^^^^^

  7. new LAYZis is da bomb! glad the boys are back!

    1. shiroihana


      Good thing they stopped being LAYZ then....


      I'm terrible

    2. chemicalpictures


      It's okay, I actually chuckled

    3. shiroihana
  8. Anyone to share RAINDIA's 碧落ノ彼岸花 romaji or kanji or the booklet?

  9. DOF's ケサランパサラン is so lovely!


  11. can we please have users reviews of best releases of the year, like in 2015? It was so so fun reading all your lists!

    1. Zeus


      i would prefer individual lists so i could load the pages. too many things loading on one page slows down the page when you first open it. i'm sure we've all noticed that with this year's list.

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  12. RAZOR's ANOTHER is mindblowingly good

  13. Anyone willing to do a top Rap/Hip hop albums of 2016? Mine in no particular order: Chance's Coloring Book, Gambino's Awaken, my Love!, Kanye's The Life of Pablo aaand Rihanna's ANTI. Still looking forward to latest J. Cole, so may not be final!

    1. chemicalpictures


      @The Reverendyeah, I would call it funk or something, but I see him as a rapper so it kinda sticks, lol! and gotta check out Jeffery yet, missed that one... and for sure, Minaj has been a freaking disappointment, I has so sure she was gonna skyrocket after that godly part on Kanye's monster...

    2. herpes


      chance, kanye, solange, lion babe, pink oculus, nao (r'n'b, but one of the best albums of the year), yousef gnaoui. Such a quality year.


    3. herpes


      also reinvented music, saved 2016 etc etc


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  14. oooooooooh woooooooh kagirinakuuuuuu tsudzuite ku myyyyy waaaaaay

  15. (500) Days of Summer is like the best movie about relationships ever done. And I'm deadly serious.

    1. zombieparadise


      Man, I loved that movie. I love realistic, slice of life stories and that one always hits close to home.

  16. RAINDIA's 碧落ノ彼岸花 is addictive as fuck

  17. DIV's sakura yume is such an underrated song... dem feels, man

  18. Fuck man, that Ryutaro's album is GOOD.

  19. Check out RAINDIA's 幽鬱 01:06-01:13 and ayabie's TOPAZ 01:11-01:24. I don't think it's anything like a ripoff or anything bad, it's not even thaaat glaringly similar, but I find it funny when vk bands keep reciclying tropes forever and ever

  20. xaa-xaa's 余命 is some GOOD SHIT

  21. sometimes I forget how clorcian's Ever Free was a hell of a release. Fuck I miss Saki

  22. Would be too much to ask if anyone has the romaji/translation for Hakujistu no yume's 事例02 -お祈り-?

  23. Quite good, that EGOIST single, uh?

  24. how would you guys translate "絶望、 はじめまして。"? It would be something like Despair, nice to meet you?

    1. chemicalpictures


      @hirokioh, I see! that makes a lot of sense! you would make a fine teacher, man lol! just out of curiosity, what that release name (絶望、はじめました。) actually means?

    2. hiroki


      @chemicalpictures はじめました means to have started doing something. so literally, 絶望、はじめました。 would be "i've started doing despair," or in better English, "i've begun to despair." but actually, it's more than that. when a Japanese person says he/she is 絶望, the immediate connotation is that he/she does not want to do anything, and never that they are motivated to do something. so putting 絶望 together with はじめました is self-reflexively ironic, and it's likely that it's meant to be read 'playfully' along those lines. and thanks for the vote for confidence lol... i'm actually teaching in the university haha ^^

    3. chemicalpictures


      @hiroki Wow, I always find interesting on how one can give a totally different meaning to a sentence just by providing more info on things that are not really based on linguistics, but more on generic day-by-day context. And it's noticable that you do have a knack for it, the way you explain and use examples is very didactic. Thanks again!

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  25. Only today I stopped to listen Pinnochio's Melancholy Box, and fuck I was passing on some good tunes. Catchy shit right here, HELLO HOLLOW, Ryuusei LYRICAL, TSUMETAI SEKAI, KOKORO NO OTO, so many great songs!

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