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Peace Heavy mk II

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Status Replies posted by Peace Heavy mk II

  1. post your fav kpop bops






    (((I'll see myself out)))

  3. MH is pretty again ♡( ◡‿◡ )

  4. which one of you goobers tagged Mucc's album Karma as 'experimental rock' on wikipedia?

  5. Megadeth gray'll

  6. Things that are now illegal in Vkei in 2017:

    -Eccentric pink haired guitarists that eventually go solo

    -Using more than more 4 patterns of fabric at once

    -Making the ugly member a loli


  7. tfw ur order gets mixed up w/ someone else's, & u end up getting a jpop boy band pamphlet..........

  8. tfw ur order gets mixed up w/ someone else's, & u end up getting a jpop boy band pamphlet..........

  9. This suspense of RPDR S9 cast announcement is the worst thing since Jan. 20

  10. We added a new "Random Item" feature to RarezHut! It's on the right side of every page. Go check it out and explore a bit~

  11. We added a new "Random Item" feature to RarezHut! It's on the right side of every page. Go check it out and explore a bit~

  12. Got a copyright complaint for putting up a song by the super obscure VK band Reve by some assclowns named Foster Music. Looked them up, only thing I found was some shitty, 5-dollar budget looking used CD shop.


    In short, I didn't know that Japan had inbreds too :-)

  13. I miss Lareine-influenced bands - D'AIR, IZABEL VAROSA, LOGiQ, etc.. 2017 please bring this sound back.

  14. remember when someone said they needed a lossless rip otherwise it would cause their mental illness to flair up

  15. remember when someone said they needed a lossless rip otherwise it would cause their mental illness to flair up

  16. remember when someone said they needed a lossless rip otherwise it would cause their mental illness to flair up

  17. remember when someone said they needed a lossless rip otherwise it would cause their mental illness to flair up

  18. OMG PureSound is trying to sell that DEZERT rarez compilation for ¥27,000... HAHAHAHAHAHAHA

  19. leeched a complete D discog and track by track, starting with 2004, my former impression of a ~talented bijuaru underdog band~ that I had bc. of a couple good singles here and there is shattered to slivers, liiiike they were unbelievably mediocre since day 1 and that recent album is not even much of a downgrade from ~bara no abortion — La Art No Uno Asked Féur~

  20. leeched a complete D discog and track by track, starting with 2004, my former impression of a ~talented bijuaru underdog band~ that I had bc. of a couple good singles here and there is shattered to slivers, liiiike they were unbelievably mediocre since day 1 and that recent album is not even much of a downgrade from ~bara no abortion — La Art No Uno Asked Féur~

  21. "Extreme symphonic metal" is a thing o_o

    I'm curious...

  22. I'm not sure if others feel this way, but it'd be nice if people posting new releases could write the release titles if known in the post title. Easier on search function and over time it'll keep there from being a lot of vague title releases by each artist...

  23. Jesus, looking back at their history, Deshabillz may have been one of the truly cursed VK bands of the 90's. Poor bastards...

  24. Have been thinking about finally playing the Shin Megami Tensei and Disgaea games any suggestions on where to start? The Megami Tensei series seems especially confusing with all the different off shoots. 

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