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  1. I feel ya..
    Zeus got a reaction from LEY in DIR EN GREY new single 落ちた事のある空 release summer 2020   
    I'm not really feeling either track. Five listens in on Ochita and I can barely remember it. Definitely do not like what they did to my boi CLEVER SLEAZOID. I wanted a rerecording not a remake.

    Maybe the tracks will grow on me with time.
  2. I feel ya..
    Zeus got a reaction from Seimeisen in DIR EN GREY new single 落ちた事のある空 release summer 2020   
    I'm not really feeling either track. Five listens in on Ochita and I can barely remember it. Definitely do not like what they did to my boi CLEVER SLEAZOID. I wanted a rerecording not a remake.

    Maybe the tracks will grow on me with time.
  3. I feel ya..
    Zeus got a reaction from EvilHippy in DIR EN GREY new single 落ちた事のある空 release summer 2020   
    I'm not really feeling either track. Five listens in on Ochita and I can barely remember it. Definitely do not like what they did to my boi CLEVER SLEAZOID. I wanted a rerecording not a remake.

    Maybe the tracks will grow on me with time.
  4. Like
    Zeus reacted to crucifiction in A question about last fm   
    Scrobbling isn't recording. Last.fm uses data such as the length of a song, it doesn't analyze the content itself in any way.
  5. Like
    Zeus reacted to TheTrendkiller in DIR EN GREY new single 落ちた事のある空 release summer 2020   
    I just noticed why the song sounds so familiar. It's because the intro guitar riff is in the same guitar tuning as WTD, TMOAB and UROBOROS. If you compare the intro riff to songs like Dozing Green then you will hear the similarity. It's because the lowest note is C#. So how do they play the even lower chorus riff?  I actually think that they completely changed their guitar tuning for this song. IMO they now use 7 string guitars where the lowest string is tuned to G# and then they have their "old" Drop C# 6 string guitar tuning on top. So either this is completely new or I wasn't aware of it yet but doing it totally makes sense to me. Now they can basically play any song of that era without having to switch guitars back and forth. Not sure why didn't do that earlier tbh 
  6. Like
    Zeus reacted to Kelrya in DIR EN GREY new single 落ちた事のある空 release summer 2020   
    They’ve already made songs in the key of C# in ADADGBE tuning, like Downfall for example. They just use the 4th fret of the low A string (C#) as the root note that they chug on. Utafumi and Ningen wo Kaburu were also like this but they used the 5th fret as the root note so the key was in D. In Different Sense they used the second fret so the key was B. They do this a lot.
  7. 悲しい
    Zeus reacted to nick in TORU (ONE OK ROCK Gu.) has been diagnosed with coronavirus   
    It's been confirmed that TORU, the guitarist of ONE OK ROCK, has been infected with coronavirus. Other members haven't had close contact with him and are fine and healthy. Currently, he is in the hospital in Tokyo and his condition is stable.
    Source: Yahoo! JAPAN
  8. Like
  9. Like
    Zeus reacted to Seelentau in DIR EN GREY new single 落ちた事のある空 release summer 2020   
    Single will be released August 3, 2020. PV was also shot.
    Single cover:

    New look:


  10. LOLOL
    Zeus got a reaction from KrumpingChihuahua in random thoughts thread   
    I'm amazed this topic made it to 458 pages without the forum crapping out!
  11. LOLOL
    Zeus got a reaction from Rahzel in random thoughts thread   
    I'm amazed this topic made it to 458 pages without the forum crapping out!
  12. LOVE!
    Zeus reacted to beni in random thoughts thread   
    ^ It's great seeing so much activity still flourishing on here  I hope everyone has been well.
  13. LOLOL
    Zeus got a reaction from Gesu in random thoughts thread   
    I'm amazed this topic made it to 458 pages without the forum crapping out!
  14. LOLOL
    Zeus got a reaction from shiroihana in random thoughts thread   
    I'm amazed this topic made it to 458 pages without the forum crapping out!
  15. Like
    Zeus got a reaction from Gesu in random thoughts thread   
    that's one hell of a story
  16. Interesting
    Zeus reacted to CAT5 in random thoughts thread   
    @chemicalpictures First of all, I just wanted to thank you for actually engaging me in conversation like an adult. I know it probably seems like a small thing, but man, it seems so increasingly rare to find people with different perspectives who don't automatically make you into enemy just because you may disagree on a few things. I know I tend to have some out-of-the box and unpopular (maybe even chaotic @platy ) opinions, so this is a really refreshing exchange, and I appreciate it!
    I think  I came across Peterson on the Joe Rogan podcast in late 2016, and was like "hm, this guy is pretty interesting". I think I probably watched every video of his online by the end of 2017 I think his political discourse was entertaining, but I don't personally care about politics. I started seriously studying the bible in the summer of 2017, and it just so happened that Peterson released a bible lecture series around that time...so that's really what I was more interested in. Peterson is off in a lot of ways, but I think he did a really good job of explaining "God"/Biblical matters in a secular way...in a way that even non-believers could understand.
    I read a bit of 12 rules, but never finished it cuz most of that stuff he'd already talked about in some form. I remember the ZIzek thing, but didn't really care for all the shit they were discussing.
    I feel you on this. This is white supremacy at its finest. I used to get angry at this type of stuff, and I actually went through different periods of my life hating white people because of it...but then I came to understand: there are a ton of white people out there who simply don't see white supremacy because they are immersed in it. They don't understand because they haven't walked in our shoes. They haven't seen the world through our eyes.  Trying to explain white supremacy to  *some* white people is like trying to explain heartbreak or depression to someone who's never experienced it. Good luck.
    Not only that, but even though whites are not as systemically oppressed as black ppl...white ppl still suffer through all the ills and pains of life that we all do. They still have to deal with death, heartbreak, betrayal, and all the craziness that comes along with merely existing in this dog-eat-dog world. So a lot of white ppl are not willing to give us that extra compassion because they can only see that common suffering that we all share as human beings...and they don't or can't see those extra layers of oppression.
    However, I'd say that Peterson and other white ppl are not entirely wrong when they place the root of the problem on lack of self improvement...
    Hear me out...
    I don't identify with any political parties or sides. But here's what I noticed from observation. The left tells black ppl "you're oppressed. we need to help you!" The right tells black ppl, "you're not oppressed. pull yourself up by your bootstraps".
    Here's the problem. Both the left and the right are wrong...but both also have a small bit of truth in them. For instance:
    If we ex-slaves (ADOS) were truly on an equal footing with white ppl, then we would have pulled ourselves up A LONG TIME AGO. In fact, we did at times, but guess what? The progress we made was always hindered, terrorized, or destroyed (go read about Black Wall Street). So that pull yourself up by your bootstraps rhetoric is bullshit...we've been systematically destroyed and broken as a people in this country...
    So the right telling us to "pull ourselves up" is like someone breaking a man's legs, then proclaiming that the man's legs are not actually broken and that he should be able run the race just like anyone else. smh
    From the leftist perspective, it would go more like this...someone breaks a man's legs, and instead of offering him physical therapy and healing, he just gives him a wheelchair and offers to take care of him for the rest of his life...(meaning his legs could be healed, but he'd rather have him weak and dependent).
    Can you see the problems with the views of the American left and right now?
    Now here's where the left is correct about black ppl - YES, WE ARE OPPRESSED. Here's where the right  is correct about black ppl - yes, we do need to take responsibility.
    Look at it like this. When I say black ppl, i'm referring to ADOS (African Descendants of Slaves). There's a difference between this group of ppl and other black ppls that come over to America willingly.
    For us ADOS, we were broken down mentally, physically, spiritually, and socioeconimcally for 400 years. We were in slavery for longer than we've been free, and we've endured GENERATIONS of trauma that has never been healed.
    So in a lot of ways, you can view us ADOS as a severely battered and mentally ill patient. Think about it. If the so-called Jews experienced epigenetic trauma from the Holocaust - and that only lasted 4 years. Imagine what 400 years of trauma would do to a people. Yeah, we're fucked up.
    So yes, our oppression needs to be acknowledged...and we need sympathy/empathy, love, and understanding. But just like anyone who's mentally ill, we as a people still have to take responsibility for healing ourselves. Blaming the white man for everything and focusing on everything the white man says and does is not going to solve our issues. In fact, we were doing waaaaaayyyyyy better before we got lulled into integrating with the white man. Even MLK regretted it before he died. Justice is not complicated. If the U.S. was gonna save us, they would have done it by now. But they, the left and the right - the entire damn system, actually benefits from our collective dysfunction. So while it would be nice to get love, understanding, and compassion from white ppl, they cannot save us, and we need to stop looking at them to do so.
    Oh, the U.S. is definitely going to fall. I'm not gonna get too deep into this, as i've already typed way more than I intended to, but...most people have realized by now that I follow the bible. And I believe the very people of the bible, the Israelites, "God's chosen", are none other than the very descendants of slavery that you see today. Us "black folk" or "niggers" as so many call us. The bible is actually OUR history. I'll leave you with this prophecy:
    Genesis 15: 13 - 14
    We were initially enslaved here in 1619. 2019 just ended. That's 400 years. At the end of 2019 is when COVID hit, which pretty much shut down the entire world. We've never seen anything like this before. Could this be judgment? Who knows. I also find it interesting that the entire world is screaming "Black Lives Matter". Why NOW? Was George Floyd any different than the ten's of thousands of black people that died here before him?
    Just some things to think about. The thing about prophecy is that the only way to know if a prophecy is real or not, is to see if it actually comes to pass. So I guess we'll see!
  17. Like
    Zeus reacted to Karma’s Hat in random thoughts thread   
    I was walking home late night with the missus in torrential rain when we saw a woman's handbag lying bare on the street. For about three seconds we had the idea of taking a look inside in case it would have anything therein to identify its owner if someone had accidentally lost it, but almost immediately I notice that there's all kinds of junk discarded all over the street: pens, basically an entire women's wardrobe, memorabilia and everything else you'd have in a room where someone lived in. There were numerous people observing what was going on in the balconies of the building where the stuff had been thrown out of, and that's when I realised that it was probably a domestic dispute that had woken up the entire neighborhood. When we took a few steps to right to see if anything else would transpire it was as if on cue that a cop car with three firetrucks arrive at the scene; they get about doing their whole thing with flashlights and separate teams of two to three people entering the building from different entrances while an inflatable platform is set up in front of the building in case someone was to jump off a balcony or the roof. It was about as dark as it could get in a city that's lit more or less around the clock by a menagerie of different artificial light sources, but nonetheless the silhouette of the roof of the building was in shrouded in darkness where only after a few minutes of staring at it, you could make out a character sitting there kind of apprehensively leaning of the edge without a whole lot of commitment. It was pretty sad to look at when I started thinking about the whole episode of throwing out some person's things from the balcony and then probably after a couple drinks being like 'fuck it, imma jump," and then by the time your up there already knees deep in this grand gesture, you have everyone living in the block starting at you with three firetrucks below with megaphones and all making into a such a scene that if I wasn't full regrets before, now I'd definitely want to be burying my head in the sand somewhere far off in the desert (or alternatively, in the bottom of a bottle.)  
    While we were looking at the whole thing to see if he'll jump or not, a wandering and a very chatty middle aged alcoholic in white slacks and wet, greasy hair manages to surprise us from the behind, so naturally we had to politely listen to what he had to say. About a day ago he was on his way from the bank where he had withdrawn 10 000 zloty for his wife until he was surprised by a rowing gang of thieves who then proceeded to relieve him of his wife's cash. Ever since he has been too embarrassed to return home to deal with the scolding, and that's why he's now going around the streets drinking the time away and trying to come up with something, and he'd appreciate it greatly if we could help him to a few coins so he'd get a beer for himself. Unfortunately we didn't have cash with us, or a lot of enthusiasm to help him out for that matter, so he had to keep on going. Before that he asked if there was any advice for him, and when she told him to "tell the truth maybe?" He just remarked that it won't do, after which we got kisses on the cheek and off he went. By this time the man on the roof had disappeared back into the building and the emergency workers were packing things up. The last thing I saw was our friend trying to excavate the bag we first saw laying on the ground, probably for some cash, and an angry fireman chasing him off from looting the anonymous lady's belongings. 
  18. Like
    Zeus got a reaction from inoddn in Hellooo~!   
    Welcome to the forum!
  19. LOVE!
    Zeus got a reaction from hiko in Hi, I’m new! (So welcome me lol)   
    Welcome to MH!
  20. Like
    Zeus reacted to benzaiten._ in Memorable Millenial Kei Vocalists   
    -inhales- SHO FROM DIMLIM IS SUCH A BEAST. His clean voice is just a gift from heaven and can make some seriously ear piercing screams, love him so much.
  21. Like
    Zeus got a reaction from nullmoon in Hello   
    This is a decision that the entire team stands behind secret, so your point is moot. You have been pushing the envelope time and time again with your topics and it's had more than it's fair share of negative effects on the forum. We've made it clear that political chat is not allowed on this forum, and that includes your all lives matter banner. A ban is a ban and you have to respect it.
  22. Thanks
    Zeus got a reaction from ahnchc in Hello   
    This is a decision that the entire team stands behind secret, so your point is moot. You have been pushing the envelope time and time again with your topics and it's had more than it's fair share of negative effects on the forum. We've made it clear that political chat is not allowed on this forum, and that includes your all lives matter banner. A ban is a ban and you have to respect it.
  23. Like
    Zeus got a reaction from suji in Hello   
    This is a decision that the entire team stands behind secret, so your point is moot. You have been pushing the envelope time and time again with your topics and it's had more than it's fair share of negative effects on the forum. We've made it clear that political chat is not allowed on this forum, and that includes your all lives matter banner. A ban is a ban and you have to respect it.
  24. Like
    Zeus got a reaction from Total Saikou in Hello   
    This is a decision that the entire team stands behind secret, so your point is moot. You have been pushing the envelope time and time again with your topics and it's had more than it's fair share of negative effects on the forum. We've made it clear that political chat is not allowed on this forum, and that includes your all lives matter banner. A ban is a ban and you have to respect it.
  25. Like
    Zeus got a reaction from platy in Hello   
    This is a decision that the entire team stands behind secret, so your point is moot. You have been pushing the envelope time and time again with your topics and it's had more than it's fair share of negative effects on the forum. We've made it clear that political chat is not allowed on this forum, and that includes your all lives matter banner. A ban is a ban and you have to respect it.
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