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  1. 悲しい
    Zeus got a reaction from CAT5 in random thoughts thread   
    the current state of affairs in my life is unnatural.

    I feel as if i'm being railroaded into stress despite my strongest objections. Work is reaching all time high levels of stress and everyone can feel it, but no one knows to look to in order to get off this crazy ride. The keys are stuck in the ignition and we're going too fast to jump out or to even take a breather. I've reached that point where I've said "fuck it" 1000 times, then I said "fuck it" to "fuck it", and now I'm just laughing maniacally while pounding on the keyboard and hoping to create a Picasso. No one knows who is in charge or who is accountable anymore.
    If it were just one big project, then I could buckle down and get the work done. It's at least fourteen. Granted, some of them are smaller and not as important but everything is a priority at the eleventh hour. I can only ignore a project for so long before those requests become demands and I have to prioritize them over my well-being, because no one takes being demoted to second place very well. I'm dealing with a gigantic company merger while moving everything to the cloud. The future is so uncertain. My hair is turning grey and wiry at a record rate. I can't take the day off work - not even for a traffic ticket - without getting deluged in calls about what to do. And yet, I see my co-workers laughing, joking, and generally horsing around as if there isn't a mountain of work to get done and no time to do it.

    I look at the "to-do" column and I have ten tickets that just won't go away. I look at the "Done" column and there's 40 tickets. In the last three weeks. And I closed 1/3 of all of the tickets out of a group of 15 people. Doesn't take a math degree to realize those proportions are fucked up.

    People keep asking me to slow down, but how do you slow down any slower than this? I'm not pushing myself as much as I feel pushed. Like pushing a kid in the water and telling him to stop drowning, I'm not sure what to do next. The bosses play this little game where they say "if it's not important, don't do it" and then wait until the last minute to make a task important. That way, I have to get it done and I don't even have enough time to bitch about it. And then they say "oh this was an exception, it won't be like this next time!" Of course it won't, because it will be a slightly different circumstance and it's something ~we'V3 NeVeR EXPeRIeNC3D BeF0Re~

    But don't push myself so hard you know. There will always be work to do. Let's only focus on the essentials.

  2. Like
    Zeus reacted to shiroihana in The Nu metal 00's in Visual kei   
    Apologies for the necro bump, but I found this thread on google randomly while trying to find the band "Cannabis", which wasn't mentioned anywhere in this thread. Cannabis is literally the most 'nu metal' sounding visual kei band I have ever heard, and I will post two of their songs below to give an example of what I'm talking about.
    Apparently the guitarist would later go to 6 ft down, which is kinda cool I guess. lol
  3. Thanks
    Zeus reacted to 091012 in #117: MUCC x DEZERT - 蟲/ガチャガチャムクムク   
    Here, your link is deaded...
    Zeus reacted to Saishu in DIMLIM   
    Before Issei left every Dimlim song sounded like it was recorded while the band fell down the stairs 
  5. Interesting
    Zeus reacted to Komorebi in DIMLIM   
    This is exactly the impression they are giving and why I walked out. It wasn’t bad musically, it was just a completely lifeless performance.
  6. Like
    Zeus reacted to nekkichi in キズ   
    (should we move this to random thoughts?)
    I obviously won't be fighting to get you to believe the gossip, but if drug/scam arrests themselves, and disproportionally high amount of sex/host club workers in the scene (both gya and bandmen) don't speak of the obvious yakuza affiliation (which goes outside of VK too, it's a Japanese popular entertainment trait, and it penetrates other Japanese businesses as well i.e. some Japanese banks were started with the intention to launder money for gang crime), we won't be getting any other tea.
    I don't even consider those ties as something inherently bad because there're people who legitimately belong to this scene because of their love of the music and theatrics and visuals, but there's no entirely "clean" way to enter the very strictly regulated mold of it - and in any case, Japanese music scene is not any different from global one in that aspect. Katy Perrys producer started out selling coke on SNL, certain bands p much use touring as a front to smuggle substances, everyone there is drugged out of their mind at some point or other (I was looking up SOAD tea and apparently they claimed they all were high out of their mind while recording their first albums in court.)
    I'm over both perceiving the bandmen is kawaii innocent angels and implying there's anything scandalous with the way the scene is funded/structured because I frankly don't care, I only care about music and aesthetics of a certain number of acts.
    I mean going back to the first line:
    this applies to the music scene globally, and I'm p sure it's fucked up on more levels than the entire VK scene with whatever fanclub gangbangs they used to throw around etc etc etc.
  7. Like
    Zeus reacted to Ro plz in DIR EN GREY TOUR 2019: THIS WAY TO SELF DESTRUCTION   
    I didn't see a thread started So I figured id start one.
    Tour Started last night in LA
    1. Zetsuentai
    2. Ningen
    3. Rubbish Heap
    4. Downfall
    5. Devote My Life
    6. Celebrate Empty Howls
    7. AKA
    8. Merciless Cult
    9. Keibetsu
    10. Values Of Madness
    11. Keigaku
    12. Ranunculus
    13. The World of Mercy
    2. Sustain The Untruth
    3. Utafumi
    I can'remember when a set list was this album heavy. I like this....
  8. LOLOL
    Zeus got a reaction from Gesu in random thoughts thread   
    weed is proof god loves us and wants us to be happy that's why they call him THE MOST HIGH q.e.d.
  9. Like
    Zeus got a reaction from Himeaimichu in How to increase natural volume of MP3 without distortion?   
    What you want to do is impossible. You can't increase volume without amplifying the distortion in the file.
  10. Like
    Zeus got a reaction from Axius in Monochrome Heaven 2019 Banner Contest: RESULTS   
    Monochrome Heaven's 2019 Banner Contest
    Thanks for voting! 56 members casted a vote before the poll was closed. I'm happy to announce the winners:

    In first place with 29 votes was Develop One's Faculties, made by @plastic_rainbow!

    In second place with 24 votes was Kyo, made by @platy!

    In third place was DELUHI, made by @ゼロ(*´з`)!

    Look out for these banners in our rotation soon!
  11. Like
    Zeus reacted to Luciphel in Newbie testing the water - the essay   
    Yeah its hard to find things that can make that balance. Heavier music but with nice vocals is always a win ✌️
    After seeing all the cosplayers at my last one i do have a Nezuko in stock now lol 
  12. Like
    Zeus reacted to Luciphel in Newbie testing the water - the essay   
    Hello all, its been a while since ive done an into post on a forum and it feels pretty good. Hopefully this place is as active as it looks at a glance.
    Ive been into J-Rock/Visual Kei (if what i like is considered that, im not good at keeping with all the off-chute genres) for a long time, since 2005 in fact. Back then i was very active on a lot of forums. After a while though the internet seemed to change and forums in general seemed to die out and my social interaction with people on these niche topics with it. Since then ive relying on accidentally stumbling onto things for new music. Though that can be fun, more and more im not finding out about bands i love disbanding until years later. Yesterday i found out all at once that 3 more are gone and thats a lot to take in a day so i decided to see if i could find anywhere if there was a news forum (because im old and forums is all i understand). Thank you google for Monochrome Heaven which is a site i do recognise from back in the day. No idea if i joined back then (again, very old, bad memory).
    So here i am, with only a few artists im a fan of that may or may not still be active looking for news, friends and recommendations.
    My first stumble onto Japanese music was, as i said in '05, i was downloading things via limewire and somehow ended up with yuuyami suicide by pierrot and fell in love with what i heard. It took a hella long time but i was eventually able to get their entire discography though limewire, learning to stay up into the wee hours for the best search results to get what i needed. Though i have since been able to purchase most of their albums, i do still listen to those old files. From there the fascination grew to the point where it completely overtook wastern music. In the last 14 years ive purchased only 1 English album. (Even that was a shock, i was so out of the loop this band i had liked as a teen had broken up and made a comeback without me knowing lol). Pierrot are still my all time favourite band. 
    I cant really explain what i like in music, i think at least the bands i like a miles apart in style and tone but i defiantly dont like operatic or screamo vocals which unfortunately seems to be what a lot of VK falls into. Admittedly a lot of it is on the softer side and sometimes veering violently into pop. This makes taking recommendations hard because "you like this, so you might like this which is similar" doesnt seem to work. So heres a weird list (all names romanised because my pc gets upset when i switch it into japanese):
    Back in t' day(so were talking back before 2010, these were my gate way drugs so to speak):
    An Cafe (early stuff, everything while Bou was still with them)
    TMR (told you it got pop-y)
    Nightmare (early stuff, when it was weird and interesting)
    More Recent stuff:
    Angelo (kinda obligated into this one since i love Pierrot so much but admittedly their last few albums have been too samey to hold my interest)
    Lycaon (not so much as Initial'L, their first single was fine but then it went down hill real quick)
    Purple Stone
    Zin (and Yusai even more but well, that didnt last long did it)
    Anli Pollicino
    Codomo Dragon
    Royz (other than that weird phase they had trying to scream)
    ViViD (the early stuff before it got TOOOO pop)
    And a few others that, i like what theyve done so far but its too soon to tell OR did like 1 single and dropped off the face of the earth. 
    Other Japanese interests:
    Despite having a 800+ book collection of manga i dont consider myself an anime fan, i dont keep current and like most things i seem to be stuck loving things that are pre 2010 that the young 'uns have never heard of or never seen. Since anime seems to be most peoples gateway into other aspects of japanese culture just wanted to put it out there that thats not what im into these days. This being out of touch affects my business as i have a side-gig as an artist selling at conventions and struggle between drawing what i like and drawing what will sell with no knowledge of, or interest in what is currently popular. 
    I am a big fan of games that delve into traditional folklore though and do try and buy art books when i can.
    Hi, im new and i like some stuff and not others. Lets talk. 
  13. Like
    Zeus reacted to Karma’s Hat in Dir en grey   
    he was having problems during the gig before and during that song his voice crapped out completely
    Zeus reacted to TheZigzagoon in random thoughts thread   
    An end of an era! To 12 more years of random thoughts!
  15. LOLOL
    Zeus reacted to Ruri in random thoughts thread   
    start random thoughts 3. do them out of order
  16. Like
    Zeus got a reaction from suji in Need help with my final project! [Related to J-metal/VK!]   
    A better idea would be to poll us for the info. You aren't going to find what you're looking for easily enough.
  17. I feel ya..
    Zeus got a reaction from Arkady in random thoughts thread   
    my memory is fucked
  18. Like
    Zeus got a reaction from VESSMIER in The HiFi Thread (show your audio setups)   
  19. Like
    Zeus got a reaction from Original Saku in The HiFi Thread (show your audio setups)   
  20. Like
    Zeus got a reaction from colorful人生 in The HiFi Thread (show your audio setups)   
  21. Like
    Zeus reacted to colorful人生 in The HiFi Thread (show your audio setups)   
    'tis the season 

  22. I feel ya..
    Zeus got a reaction from platy in random thoughts thread   
    my memory is fucked
  23. Like
    Zeus reacted to colorful人生 in random thoughts thread   
    I appreciate the above, as I was once the "Sonic Kid" (with Zelda and Kirby in the mix.) I tend to have more nostalgia for the older Genesis titles, the Sonic Advance series, and SA + SA2(B) (where I spent more than half the game in the Chao Garden >_>.) I also really enjoyed the niche titles like Tail's Adventure (Game Gear), Sonic R, and Sonic the Fighters. Sonic Advance and Sonic the Hedgehog 3 have killer soundtracks, the former of which got me really into VGM. I remember rushing into Ink Newsstand to grab the latest Sonic comics and EGM (Electronic Gaming Monthly.)... Also, watching Sonic X and Kirby Right Back at Ya' on Saturday mornings.
    Well, my back is nearly healed up. I've been on cyclo, benzos, and a fuck-ton of ibuprofen (1200mg/day) for about a week, but my sciatica is clearing up. Also a good day b/c I won my city-pop/kayokyoku white whale today, Yuki Saito - LOVE on cassette SEALED. There's like a million copies of the CD around, but the cassette ver. seems to be ultra-rare.
  24. Like
    Zeus reacted to Komorebi in random thoughts thread   
    Everytime Cat5 writes a lenghty paragraph on the forum I fall deeper in love with his morals.
  25. Like
    Zeus reacted to CAT5 in random thoughts thread   
    I agree with you here to an extent. I do think there are functional and dysfunctional ways to raise children and i'm all for informing others on what's healthy and functional, but here's why I think it's no one's business: we simply do not know enough details to judge the matter. Everyone is in an uproar over a soundbite, essentially. We don't know the relationship that T.I. has with his daughter. We don't know anything about their family, their dynamics, or their history. We don't know his daughter's perspective and we barely know anything about T.I.'s perspective. outside of a 15 sec. audio clip. So everyone is making assumptions based on very limited information. Not a wise thing to do in my opinion.
    I do think that T.I. may have made a mistake by making this public knowledge. But who knows? Maybe it's not a mistake? Maybe the discussions that have spawned out of this are conversations that need to be had?
    This really depends on how you view family, fatherhood, and sex. I can't speak for T.I., but I can tell you that from a Hebraic/Biblical perspective, a daughter is supposed to remain under the protection/covering of her father until she is married, and then she becomes her husband's responsibility. And this has nothing to do with trying to control women, or women being "weak" or "helpless" - certainly not -  it's about protecting that which is valuable. Sex outside of marriage is also viewed as dysfunctional, because it doesn't serve any sustainable purpose and the harm it causes is not worth the pleasure of a 15-second orgasm.
    Personally, I subscribe to the Hebraic worldview simply because it's functional and it emphasizes unity, harmony, and peace. I've experienced and observed in horror how ideas like feminism/the "independent woman" and unbridled sex have absolutely decimated black families and given rise to nothing but division,chaos, confusion, and pain. Those aren't the only culprits, but they are major contributors. Before blacks started adopting these ideologies, our families were generally intact. Not only does history clearly illustrate this, but almost every black woman I know that was alive before these ideologies started taking root tells me the same thing: "we didn't need no damn feminism". Why? Because the black man and woman worked together, and black men were not lording over their women. Black women did not feel oppressed by their men. The oppression and racism black ppl faced was much more overt back in those days, so we worked together and relied on one another. Because we're all we had. And we realized the strength that came from family and unity. Feminism was largely a movement headed by white women that eventually recruited black women, much to our demise.
    (note: when I say "independent woman" - i'm referring to the notion that black women (or women in general) don't need a man, because that's destructive. there's absolutely nothing wrong with women being autonomous and being able to fend for themselves tho. in fact, women should be able to. but as i stated earlier, the notion that men and women don't need each other is antithetical to life itself).
    But I digress. I'm not sure how T.I. views things, but If I were as famous and rich as he is, I'd probably be overprotective too.
    You're not being hostile and and I don't feel attacked at all! I'm just glad that you're willing to discuss and share your opinion. Discussions like this can get pretty intense and heavy, so I have nothing but respect for you for engaging with me in a mature manner and speaking your mind! That's a very brave thing to do, especially on the internet where you have cowards that would sooner attack ppl for having different opinions or go talk shit in private amongst a bunch of yes-men like hoe-ass simps instead of just addressing people directly. Believe it or not, you've got more balls than a lot of grown-ass men . But yeah, Gesu, I got nothing but love for ya!
    And I feel where you're coming from. I do think we have to have a critical eye towards our past generations, as to learn from their mistakes and not continue to reproduce their dysfunction. But I also think it's wise to take into consideration advice and admonishment from older generations too.
    Personally, I remember being a kid and pretty much hating my dad. I disagreed with a lot of his ways well into my adulthood. But now as i've gotten older myself, and as i've been seeking to take on a lot of the same responsibilities he did, I'm starting to understand why he did things the way he did. And i'm thankful that I had him as a father. Some things I don't think we can understand until we actually have children ourselves.
    That said, I do think that there needs to be open and honest dialogue between children and parents, youth and elders. And I think both parties should keep an open ear, and an open heart towards one another. Because gray hair doesn't guarantee wisdom, and youth doesn't guarantee the lack thereof.
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