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Posts posted by Zeus

  1. You know what? I'm really fucking tired of this shit. Herpes and precious kitty listen up: I'm tired of the two of you (yes, the TWO OF YOU) running around this forum labeling everything and everyone as a manifestation of passive homophobia. I'm especially offended that you think I'm ignoring "blatant, outright homophobia". So what, you can only be gay-friendly if you yourself are gay and if you aren't gay and you don't 100% fall into line behind every supposed "gay attack" you're being a homophobe? That's the most retarded fucking thing I've ever read. You two are more intelligent than that. This artist's viewpoints has nothing to do with my stance on homosexuality, so cut the shit. Truth is, neither one of you have put forth a modicum of evidence to prove that he's homophobic! All you're doing is repeating the same ignorant "homophobia, homophobia, homophobia" mantra that's done nothing but create drama and derail this topic.

    If you dislike him so much, leave this topic and allow proper conversation to continue but I will not have any more of this conversation.

  2. Get back on topic and start discussing more artist and less "homophobia".

    inb4 "we are discussing the artist...and his latent homophobia". I'd be more inclined to believe that if every sputtering of the word "gay" on this forum didn't derail every single topic it surfaced in regardless of connotation. Right now, I don't see a coordinated attack against homophobia - I just see a bunch of people that get flustered way too easily over anything that references their sexuality.

    Relax, it's the internet. Things don't need to be taken so seriously all the time.

  3. I am also against splitting up the downloads section any further than it already is. For all the sub-forums that were already created not just for downloads but just for general discussion of music that may not necessarily be visual kei (such as Thai rock, Chinese rock, lossless, rock from Europe and the Americas, etc.) those forums see little to no usage. If we split it up into visual and non-visual it's going to be extremely obvious that the non-visual component is going to be eclipsed because this is a forum inhabited primarily by visual kei fans. All in all, it's going to lessen the amount of diversity we see in our download section and I believe that this diversity is one of the main selling points of Monochrome Heaven - visual or not if it's Japanese you're likely to find it here. I personally would love for it to stay that way.

    I also second the notion that we have fans here that are close-minded about their music and that they fear going out of their comfort zone and experiencing something new. Segregating the forums are not only going to agitate this mentality but make the hostility between visual and non-visual fans worse and that is something this forum as a whole does not need. I can already envision there being minor shitstorms about "x band looks too visual to be in this forum" or "this band is normal it should be moved". That's tons of unnecessary work for both uploaders and the moderation team IMO.

    In addition, there is no "messing up" involved in our forum as it is. I think it works very well, even if the turnover is rather quick it shows that it's active and successful. I've noticed that non-visual fans don't really complain too much about the large amounts of visual kei that appear here because they know this is a visual forum and it's to be expected. Sure we may mention it and we may say "hey, it would be nice to see more non visual kei music being promoted around here" but I haven't heard of one fan going out and saying "i'm tired of this visual shit i want my own forum". They just want more of an appreciation for ALL Japanese music, not just visual kei. Sorry to say it's the visual fans that want a separation because they can't stand seeing a non-visual band or two in the downloads forum. I know this is true because I was one of those people.

    I don't understand why the forums should be separated on the basis of visual versus non-visual anyhow. The artists all play the same types of music and sing primarily in one of two languages - the only thing that differs is what they wear and this isn't a big enough difference to warrant an extra subforum. I've seen artists that consider themselves non-visual that wear some extravagant clothing and I've also seen so-called "visual" artists that could pass for regular rock bands. This makes posting much more confusing than it needs to be. We already have people afraid to post certain quality rips because "it's not high enough" - soon we'll have people afraid to post releases because both camps are going to complain it belongs in the other. One unified forum dodges this bullet.

    Besides, there's a search bar at the bottom of the forums. If you can't find what you're looking for, use that.

  4. It may not even be appropriate for me to say this, but I just couldn't help but notice that the creator of this topic is listed as being active in the Downloads section of this forum. Maybe if you want to stop illegal music sharing, it might help to make sure you aren't part of the problem in the first place. :/

    I was going to say this in my initial post, but I didn't want to be a big douchebag. But yes, I think it is hypocritical of you to say this:

    Re: [REQ] THE SOUND BEE HD - Doku [Mini Album] 27.10.2010

    I will upload later for you all

    Re: [Mini Album]THE SOUND BEE HD - 毒 (2010/10/27)

    thanks, you are faster then me, I actually wanted to upload it XD


    no image.

    lix. the fool. calmando qual,sound bee hd, mr.satan, merrow, suicide ali & Xodiac



    Re: BLOOD - Bathory


    And then come here and create this topic. How about you tell us why you upload releases, since members of this forum have been kind enough to do so in bulk already.

    What blog post is the OP talking about? Wanted to read it but they failed to provide a link and all I could find was his Japanese blog. His Facebook is full of stupid shit morons tag him in so I didn't even bother looking at his Facebook wall.

    Here's a more important question: if he's all of a sudden 100% against piracy, how is a blog better than the download section of this site? Where do you think they got all those links from? Their personal CD collection?

  5. A band doesn't exist continuously for 10 years, put out a good number of albums and disband and then stay down. How many bands have been around for half that time and still pull off revivals every other year? Tons! I think they disbanded D'espairsRay for now so the band members can put other priorities in their lives first (like moneymaking, recovery, etc) but if/once Hizumi is able to recover then they'll join back up again (and if Hizumi isn't able to recover they don't pull an √eight on us). I'm sure of it.

    Hands down, this was the best decision they could have made.

  6. Here's a nice quick history lesson on piracy for everyone here.

    Back in the days of television, a magical human being invented something called the VCR Recorder. Using these newfangled things called tapes, people could tape their favorite TV shows and watch them whenever they want. It was a great invention and everyone loved it...except the execs of the major companies. They blasted the recorder, calling it the death of entertainment and saying that piracy would destroy television? Why? Because the intention of the execs was that people would pay per view: as in every time they wanted to watch a program or a re-run they would have to pay for it. Same goes for TV movies. VCR subverted that and they claimed they would be losing tons of money from this invention.

    Then one of the bright guys figured that you could just start selling TV shows and movies on VCR (now DVD) and you could make tons of money! Then that entire argument fizzed out.

    Then the walkman came along. You could record your favorite songs from the radio and play it back whenever you wanted! No more need to buy the vinyl of an artist you were newly exploring or didn't know too well! Just record what you hear on the radio and play it back! It's free, portable and no one is losing money anyway! It was great and everyone was rejoicing...but the execs. Why? Because they wanted you to pay per listen: as in every time you wanted to hear the song you were expected to shell out some dough to do it. They wanted you to buy the mark-up on vinyl because it makes them a profit. So wait, why would they play it on the radio for free but not let you record that free stream onto a tape and listen to it? Faulty logic and some handwaving later and they would say it was a form of "advertisement" and that you were "sampling the artist" before you went out and bought the ridiculously expensive record with that one song you like and maybe 10 others you don't.

    Then someone figured out that if you distribute the music on tape instead of on the non-portable media of vinyl, you could harness the power of the walkman and make more money! Then people wouldn't need to record media anymore! Then the argument fizzled away and that became the new standard.

    Same argument with piracy in movies. The camcorder is going to destroy hollywood! People can go into movie theatres, record the movie and sell it back on DVD for a profit! Then the movie theatres are losing money! This is bad!

    Then someone decided that if you distribute the movies on tape not long after the movies came out at a reasonable price then people wouldn't bother paying 10 bucks for a shitty recording when they can wait a few months, buy the box for twenty and get a tape with quality recording! Then all of a sudden the camcorder wasn't so bad.

    Are you getting the point that I'm trying to get at here? These record companies are forcing an old style of business on a changing market and they're failing miserably at it. They look at the piracy and they claim that they're losing millions of dollars a year from "illegal downloads" but let's look at it like this: some of those illegal downloads earn no artist a profit (like live distributed material, which was released SOLELY for promotion). Some of those illegal downloads are by people that have already bought the material and just can't wait for it to get shipped to their house so they just want it now until they get what they ordered. Does that mean they have to buy it twice? Some of that is people testing out some new material by an artist and they may go buy that/future releases because of the quality of what they've heard and they would have never bothered with that artist if the download wasn't available? Illegal? Yes, but they make a lot of money off of the release. Do they subtract those figures when they're calculating those losses? No, because then that means the very thing they're attacking is what's making them a chunk of money, and that's shooting yourself in the foot.

    And then the rest of those downloads are by so called "fans" of the band that have no intention of buying the release. Remove piracy from the equation and that doesn't translate into extra sales - it translates into nothing. Those people never had the intention of buying the release in the first place, so who is losing the money?

    No one. There's no money to be lost if there was no potential money to be gained.

  7. Alright seriously by the time they put out an album it will literally be ALL singles. What is this, the sixth single since DIM? That's just a bit over the edge of "ridiculous". Money vampires =__=

  8. C'mon, I don't even listen to Rentrer en Soi and I could tell they were just pulling our legs. Besides, if they were going to release a single they'd have announced their reformation and this thread would be filled with the dead bodies of elated fans that got a heart attack over the shock, right?

  9. I used the streamable one and the constant japanese scrolling across the screen was really fucking annoying but other than that, yeah nothing. I personally wasn't affected one way or another by all the tentacle rape and blood and zombiecosplay but I also can see that causing one hell of a commotion over "inappropriate and explicit" material. It'd be pretty much the same in America too.

    I also heard someone draw parallels to the OBSCURE video but since the quality was utter shit I can't say. There wasn't much to "see".

  10. That's...interesting.

    I'll probably be shot for this but if I didn't know any better and still called Dir en grey visual kei I'd be inclined to say that they do their visuals better than 99% of the bands in the scene that dress in all sorts of weird and unconventional clothing in order to gain attention and fans and whatnot. But of course I know better and do not consider Diru visual, even though their promotional picture is pretty striking.

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