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Posts posted by Zeus

  1. Perspective is key here. ReivieЯ wasn't a big band. They weren't even big by indies standards. Go down the block to some random fair and look at the hard rock band playing there. Dress them up flashy, have them sing in Japanese and you have ReivieЯ. They lasted quite a long time for a small band with little funding and even less support.

  2. Not at all unexpected, although I am still sad to see them go. They started losing it after [words], even though wipe out a DEAD WORLD was a little cool. They were one of my guilty pleasures. Any reasons why they decided to call it quits?

  3. I'm intervening before this topic gets any more off-track. Go make a DEATHGAZE vs. lynch. topic and discuss the semantics there (I swore there was one on the old, old TW). Here is for new and discussion of the new lynch. album. If you don't like lynch., don't be in this topic.

  4. I've never heard of Ildra before (of course) but I'll definitely check it out, especially if it sounds anything like Moonsorrow. Definitely enjoyed their latest full length and V: Havitetty was also a great record so I have a feeling I'm adding another band to my rotation. I've also meant to check out Janvs since they sound interesting from your description, but it's that time of the school year where you get lots of finals and papers and presentations and whatnot and I've been bogged down.

  5. That very picture is the reason why I don't say I listen to visual kei as much as I say "I listen to Japanese music" or "I listen to music from all over the globe". It's embarrassing to be associated with people like them. It's OK to be a fan of whatever it is you listen to but there's a difference between enthusiasm and pointless imitation and every person in that pic has gone so far past the latter I have no words to describe how pathetic their existence must be.

    I've got friends up here that when I first told them went "LOL ANIME MUSIC". All those people do is reinforce the stereotypes. It took two years to tear that down somewhat.

    Also, everyone in that picture discovered visual kei two weeks ago and thinks trading mindless American music for mindless Japanese music is an improvement overall. Approximately half of them will soon get tired of visual kei given a year and transition to mindless Korean music.

  6. Most likely postponed is my guess, although it's weird that they haven't announced even that. Natsuki did say that they were going to the studio soon in one of his blog posts so they might be running just a little behind schedule (or maybe they were too ambitious with that release date in the first place).

  7. Decided to include a better picture so I could visually show it. Also, when I wrote that I was on something because I never would have seen it initially but since I did I can't "unsee" it.

  8. Question: is lynch. considered visual kei, and if so WHY? I may be blind/not spending enough time stalking Hazuki's very existence, but they don't look very visual to me at all. Hell, I can probably find a band that looks more visual than them that isn't considered visual at all.

  9. Another thought that also occurred to me: before they released Uroboros they had both Dozing Green and Glass Skin and I thought both of those singles were pretty poor. Well, I can't say they were poor: I can just say that I wasn't very fond of them, especially Glass Skin. I still don't like that song all that much. Then Uroboros came and creamed all over me with it's proggy awesomeness, which is something I totally would not have expected. I think something similar will come of this album.

    One of the reasons why I like all of Dir en grey's full-lengths much more than I reasonably should is because the singles tend to suck and don't build my expectations up to a point they can't surpass. Then the album comes along and blows me away. The only time it hasn't done that for me is with TMOAB. Even Kisou didn't let me down and I HATED Jessica the first time I heard it.

  10. Answer: Because a band made a song some time ago, and then released it in what would be its original form. Then they pick it up again years later an to try to make it better, in stead they make it unlistenable, which would be the same as to "butcher" it. Simple as that.

    They took everything that was good about Rasetsukoku and removed it, threw Kyo's garbled harsh vocals over it and then made everything br00tal and heavy. That's how they "butchered" it. It is beyond me why Kyo thinks that anything that isn't a straight up ballad needs to be ROAR GROWR URRRGH. I don't think he feels like he can sing on harder tracks anymore and must be constantly hardcore.

    It's annoying.

  11. Just came in here to say they used "Nega" on Haunted Jealousy and no one noticed/paid attention/cared. I just hate it when people feel the need to start a tag jihad every time a band changes a name but then again I tend to just ignore those people and let them bitch until they turn blue in the face while I actually enjoy my music so...have fun Negafans.

  12. That sounds so damn bad. How a band can ruin an amazing song like that is beyond me. It really shouldn't be possible to fuck up a song like that, even if you tried to do it. Impressive, though, because not many can ruin a song like that no matter how much they tried to fuck it up and make it bad.

    They butchered the riff, both in the tuning and in actually playing it.

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