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Posts posted by Zeus

  1. Don't feel like/don't have enough time to write a long-ass review, so I'll just leave short thoughts on each track. These feelings aren't final though since I've only listened through the album twice, but it's enough for some basic thoughts.

    1) MASQUERADE gets a 10/10 from me. It's got everything I need; nice riffs, decent progression, great vocals, nice middle section, great PV. This is an all around-great track from Versailles. Maybe not their best, but the best they've done in quite a long time.

    2) Philia gets an 8/10 from me. Like I said in my long Philia review I knew it was going to grow on me over time - which it did. The new mastering on the track also did wonders for it because it sounds much better than the single version, so for that alone it gets bumped up a point. Other than that, not much else.

    3) Thanatos gets a 7/10 from me. Sounds nice and experimental but I need more listens so that rating definitely will change.

    4) Flowery also gets a 7/10 from me. Once again, more listens may increase that score. Both of the songs sounded great but they haven't grown on me yet.

    5) I honestly do not remember much about Remember Forever. I remember it was long as all hell though. Obviously, more listens. No grade for now.

    6) DESTINY -The Lovers- gets a 5.5/10. The new intro is nice but it's an intro for an intro and that's redundant. Plus, it doesn't mesh with the rest of the song. New production value is once again nice, but the song is still boring.

    7) DRY ICE SCREAM gets a 3/10 from me. This was just all around terrible, didn't fit in this album and had some terrible synth work IMO. Should have been left off.

    8) Threshold also didn't need to be here. Feels more like a filler track. Would have been better if this was fleshed out more but it barely breaks two minutes so I'm not rating this interlude.

    9) Judicial Noir is one of the better songs on this album and that I have a problem with, because I don't like this song. It works within the context of the album though and this too also saw some polishing in the studio. It gets a 7/10. Next.

    10) Love will be born again gets a 4/10. This, unfortunately, I do remember for the Engrish (which I do not like) and for the fact that it was extremely boring. Not at all touching IMO - Kamijo needs to stay away from the English. Stick to Japanese because you're better at pronouncing it. Nice try with the acoustic guitar though.

    11) Vampire gets a 5/10. The song feels cheap and plastic-like and doesn't hold my attention, just like the PV.

    12) Faith and Decision gets a 6/10. Reason why is because there's just too much song in here. I listen to Boris so I'm accustomed to repetitive hour-long songs but they use the art of hypnotism and slight change in tempo to signify a new part in the song. This feels like two songs smashed together with the first part feeling like Silent Knight Part II and the other feeling like some other Versailles song I've already heard. Had this been split up into two tracks, each would have received a higher score. I honestly think this was composed only because Kamijo and Hizaki are each having a war over who can craft the longest Versailles song. At 16 minutes this is ridiculous. You win Hizaki, now go back and pay attention to the REST of the songs on this album.

    13) Theme of HG - Another interlude, sounds very similar to DESTINY's new opening, not interested, not rating.

    Hopefully this grows on me. For now, most disappointing Versailles album. Will come back with a better review later.

  2. this is a serious problem in the japanese music scene, the pressure to release music so fast is seriously hurting the musicians in a way they cant recover, it dries up inspiration and vocalists cant recover from their vocal injuries. There is a reason why western bands often stretch out releases a bit longer. Its not uncommon here to not release music for 3 years without popularity degradation. It gives time to heal and get inspiration to write and create new songs. Thats why bands here sometimes even survives multiple decades. How many rock bands can survive for 3 years in Japan?

    Sucks though, i like DesprairsRay a lot. Their later albums werent that great but still nice. I consider Collset one of the best visual releases ever.

    Considering the speed with which the Japanese release media, D'espa were one of the slower bands actually.

  3. wow, now I know of someone that's going to be positively gutted. :(

    I don't know what I'm going to do with myself, but if they had any way of ending band activities I'm glad they decided to go out like this. Thanks for the 11 years of great music guys.

    To be honest though, I saw this coming once they released antique. I just didn't want to believe it.

  4. I've seen some dumb shit in my days, but I've never heard of anyone hoarding a radio rip as rarez before. Now I've really seen everything.

    Not to offend your friend or anything and I do understand you're respecting his wishes....but really? It's a radio rip. It's not like he has the actual single or anything >__>

  5. Why must people always get butthurt over opinions in a Dir en grey thread? One person likes the cover art, someone else doesn't. That's life. Deal with it. I'm getting seriously irritated by the fact that each side seems to need to tell the other side that they're wrong and that they need to "come around". Swallow your pride and keep some peace for once for fucks sake.

  6. Nothing wrong with Amon. Boring and unoriginal, sure. But that's about it. But I will never understand why they would even think about using a title like "The Blossoming Beelzebub". That's just...a huge WHAT!?

    You missed my pun.

    Also, I like how the last three letters of the title match up to spell "MOO". First thing I noticed actually.

  7. I don't mean to be negative or anything, but "THE BLOSSOMING BEELZEBUB"? Seriously? "THE BLOSSOMING BEELZEBUB"? Wait, this have to be a joke? "THE BLOSSOMING BEELZEBUB"?



  8. Artist: Moonsorrow

    Album: Varjoina Kuljemme Kuolleiden Maassa

    Genre: Pagan Metal/Black Metal

    Release date: 2011

    Lenght: 61 minutes



    1. Tähdetön 12:44

    2. Hävitetty 1:34

    3. Muinaiset 11:44

    4. Nälkä, väsymys ja epätoivo 1:13

    5. Huuto 15:59

    6. Kuolleille 1:35

    7. Kuolleiden Maa 16:23


    This was my first Moonsorrow release and I think it's fantastic. Plenty of people tell me that while it's a pretty good album, it's not their best work. From what I've listened to going back in their discography this album is very indicative of their sound. Ville Sorvali's vocals are simply epic and the epic riffs cascading one after another over and over again never gets old. I also enjoy the way this album plays out like a story, with the interludes adding to each of the tracks instead of being there just to take up runtime. The songs may be long but there is no buildup: from the minute it starts you get pummeled with great riffs, excellent technical drumming and vocals of hatred and despair. Definitely recommended for anyone that enjoys metal.


  9. Mono - Com(?) 15:56

    Mono - Yearning 15:38

    Boris feat Merzbow - 無き曲 14:08

    Nightwish - The Poet and the Pendulum 13:56

    Electric Red - 大空魔術~Magical Astronomy-EP- 24:43

    Amia Venera Landscape - Marasm 14:36

    Martin O'Donnell - The Covenant 19:09

    Amesoeurs - Au Crépuscule De Nos Réves 11:17

    The Black Mages - Darkness and Starlight 15:36

    Boris - Loose/Red 21:30

    Boris - Giddiness Throne/ Evil Wave Form 20:11

    Boris - Interference Demon / The Evil One Which Sobs 21:18

    Boris - Absolutego 65:34

    Boris - Flood 68:49

    Time to add to this list:

    Moonsorrow - Tähdetön (12:44)

    Moonsorrow - Muinaiset (11:44)

    Moonsorrow - Huuto (15:59)

    Moonsorrow - Kuolleiden Maa (16:23)

    Moonsorrow - Jäästä syntynyt / Varjojen Virta (30:10)

    Moonsorrow - Tuleen Ajettu Maa (26:19)

    Sunn O))) and Boris - Her Lips Were Wet with Venom (28:14)

    Boris with Merzbow - Encounter with the Inside of the Wave Motion of Great Waterfuzz (20:04)

    Boris with Merzbow - ...and Texas Spaceship (17:56)

    Boris - The Dead Angle Which it Continues Showing (20:00)

    Boris - Leviathan (17:06)

    Boris - Vomitself (16:57)

    Mono - Pure As Snow (Trails of the Winter Storm) (11:26)

    Mono - Ashes in the Snow (11:46)

    Demetori - 紅楼 ~ Eastern Dream (10:46)

  10. I'm not too sure about the finer details. All I know is that the vocalist, drummer, guitarist are still there. That was Dice & Joker. That was ALSDEAD. The bassist was expendable, as has been proven once before. Fans need to stop the "OMG WORST YEAR FOR VK SHIT". It hasn't been that bad at all this year - no one's died yet.

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