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Posts posted by Zeus

  1. i dont understand how a band like gazette could fill up the dome but deg cant.

    i mean, im not saying gazette is poppy or anything but they sure aren't B'z-poppy.

    - Gazette is visual, Diru was visual.

    - ^ because of that, Gazette has fangirls in Japan that can go to the dome and at that more fangirls than most other visual bands. Diru has worldwide fans that can't that factor into their sales too. Even though this is my interpretation, I'd like to think Gazette now is where Diru was at the Kisou era in terms of fans and popularity. If Diru hadn't dropped the visuals I bet they'd have played the Dome long ago.

    - Gazette seems to focus mainly on Japan, Diru focuses on worldwide distribution. Even Kaoru said that if they didn't start looking to venues outside of Japan they would have disbanded long ago since it seems that they've hit a brick wall when it comes to new Japanese fans. I'd even wager that at this point GazettE probably has an equal standing Japanese fanbase to Diru, if not more.

    - compared to Diru, Gazette sounds like H!P

    - Gazette has been getting more and more poppy, especially since DIM. that appeals more to the fangirls that probably can't handle Diru's more extreme direction

    - Gazette have also had more tie-ins with their releases. Diru had ZAN and WIZARDRY and that's relatively recent (besides that the only other tie-ins I know they've had would be CHILD PREY and Baki the Grappler and some movie and the entire VULGAR album, and that was so long ago). Gazette has had Before I Decay and a movie license and Shiver and an anime deal and that appeals to a wider audience than WIZARDRY does.

    So I mean...yeah I kinda get it. Diru is more popular overseas than Gazette are but in their own country Gazette either matches them or beats them. I don't really think they care too much though - if playing the Dome was a goal of theirs they'd probably find some way to do it.

  2. Yeah, they've always skimped on the content when it comes to releasing full albums. For crying out loud this is the fourth time they're sticking EROS on something and the third time they're sticking Jesus on something. The small fan in me is wondering if it would be better if they took two more months or so and tried to compose another song to take one of those spots up.


    regular edition (limited 3030) will include CD (8 songs with 4 new songs)+DVD (including "PINK MILK WITH DRUGS MY DRINK" & "Pierrot" PV), and live-limited edition (limited 500) will include CD (9 songs with 5 new songs + Re-recording ver. of "The[1st] degree genocide holic" "suckin' on a lollipop" "Plug>>into the>>Socket") only

    If we don't count 『     』as a song (which means it's definitely an SE), then we do get 4 new songs and then the live-limited edition will have one more song that they've recorded + the re-recording disc which I want VERY VERY BADLY. So I guess I'm getting my wish somewhat.

    OTOH school food punishment released a mini-album that is longer than this album, so it's still kinda cheap no matter how you look at it...

  3. Of course the unnecessary muddy layers in most of the songs was also ridiculous

    Just want to throw out there that this album was mastered in analog so that may have something to do with it.

    All the songs sounds very boring for me. Also screaming is annoying!

    It seems that they're appealing to the kids.

    Dir en Grey is a thing in the past now for me. But I still listen to their old songs.

    a) It's not screaming it's guttural growling and pig squeals. Kyo did screaming on TMOAB and he fucked up his vocal cords and before then he did fail-screaming which didn't sound like screaming at all and more like him just gerbiling over the music.

    B) But anyway, for someone saying that they appeal only to the kids you seem to forget what the entire visual kei movement is - grown men scantily dressing to attract young women because it's appealing to the kids. For goodness sake's, their entire visual era was them appealing to the kids! Your statement makes no sense, especially within the context of this specific album. DSS is one of their more original records and this and Uroboros sees them play with energy that you don't hear anywhere else in their discography. Whether or not it clicks with you is a separate issue but at least this isn't standard American metalcore (TMOAB), LUNA SEA covers (Missa) or Yoshiki-fied typical late 90's visual kei (Gauze).

    c) Boringness is a personal thing. Can't comment on that.

  4. Day 5: The menu looked like it was in super-alpha stage so I decided to go back and redesign it from the ground up. It took a few hours but the result is here. Background image isn't final but I needed something there right now to make sure it worked. You click on the pictures which are buttons to go to the next screen. Final screen propels you into game screen, where frame resizes itself.


    Which one is better guys?

  5. My shout before wasn't because I give two shits about Arc FUTURISM BOYZ - it's to let everyone in this topic know I'm watching.

    I'm not the only one either, so if anyone fancies a shiny warning added to their profile feel free to continue.

  6. Even though I totally agree with what Champ said, I'm going to give you a few.

    Short answer: No.

    it's just a bunch of crap heading into irrelevance that the scene has been trending towards since the early 00s. >.>
    pretty much nothing big happened for the last year or two, it's all the same ex-members of the same ex-bands, declining in originality with each year
    Um, no. The scene is just a big joke now. You'll have bands with awesome-to-decent debut releases and go down the toilet only a year later. Especially more so since most of the last remaining "good" bands have disbanded or have abandoned VK altogether.

    Now, a list of bands that I think would be worth your time to check out:


    amber gris


    cocklobin (first mini only if you don't already have it)

    DELUHI (try their first mini and 3 first singles if you haven't, even though this is a bit older)

    DROSERA OBLAAT - new band of ex. Aliene, Deflina, Chaos System Kyouka. Keep an eye on them although their first single hasn't hit the internet yet.

    lynch. - they've left VK for the most part but their latest album was great so pick it up anyway.


    That's...about it.

  7. Getting the most out of Turntable.FM with Google Chrome

    Now we get to my favorite part: getting the most out of Turntable.FM. Now to do this you first must be using Google Chrome as a browser. There's no way around this so just go grab it.

    Log into your last.fm account before beginning this as well!

    Now the first thing we're going to do is to head over here. Download this app. This app alone will help your experience a lot and it's only available for Chrome. It adds tags, color coding to help you figure out what tracks were recently played and most importantly it scrobbles to your last.fm account correctly! There are others that promise to scrobble but they don't do it right. This one does. If you have any of the others installed, uninstall them before you install this one.

    Now when you get it set up and you visit the room it should give you an option on what you want to add on and what you don't. If you don't it should be available under Settings -> Extension Settings. Click "Enable Scrobbling" and it will take you to your account to authorize the app to scrobble to your last.fm. Do so and you should be able to scrobble right!

    IF you ever run into any trouble go towards the wrench icon near the top right of your browser, Tools -> Extensions and then disable and enable the add-on and it should refresh itself. If you add it while you're in the room you will have to refresh to get it to work. If you have NotScripts installed you will have to allow the script "mnciafhfaahhafklckmcabbncbgcjpeg" in order for it to run properly. Also, disable AdBlock+ for the website to function optimally.

    That's it :D

    Now with that having been said, please make sure to fix all the tags of the songs you plan on DJ'ing before you upload it. Make sure all the titles are correct with the correct artist. Kanji and Romaji are up to you but make sure it's consistent (ie. no Kanji artist and Romaji title or vice versa). We prefer no Unicode because it may screw over on transfer (it has happened to me before) but once again, we cannot stop you. Sometimes turntable also messes up tags on upload so if that happens to you and you spot a track, please fix it ASAP! Thanks!

  8. Turntable FAQ

    I'm new here and I want to DJ, what do I have to do?

    To actually DJ you need to get up on “stage”. To do that, just find an empty seat and click the bubble that says “Play Music”. If you are in a popular room with a full rack of DJ's then you will need to wait for an opening. The right hand seat will be the one that opens. As people leave the DJ stand all the other DJ's will move left to fill in the missing seat.

    The other thing that you need to do, and probably before the above step, is to put some songs in your DJ queue. More on that later.

    How do I add songs to my queue?

    On the right side of the window will be the “Add Songs” button. Clicking that will bring up the search box. Type in the artist, the name of the song, or the name of the album. That will bring up a list of possible matches. You can preview each one by pressing the “Play Triangle” next to the Plus sign. When you are satisfied that it is the song you are looking for just click the Plus to add it to your queue.

    You can also add songs to your queue from the reader board in front of the DJ's. If you mouse over that there will be a “t” button that will add the song to your queue. You can also use the “t” to add from the room history.

    Songs added from the search will go at the top of your list, songs added with the “t” button will be put at the bottom of your list.

    Also you can only upload songs that are in MP3's. M4A is not supported.

    Wow, this is amazing, is there a version of this I can use on my mobile device?

    Not yet.

    How long can you be on the DJ stand?

    You can be on for as long as you want only if the DJ table is not full. If it is then you should only be on for an hour. Be sure to give others the chance to DJ as well!

    If there gets to be a lot of people on it, the people that have been in the room waiting the longest should be given the option to DJ first, working our way back to those that just walked in the room. Try not to kill each other over DJ'ing please.

    Once you step down for being on for an hour or so, try not to get back on the stand for another hour to give the most amount of people a chance to DJ. However if you're ready to step down and no one wants to take over, feel free to DJ. If someone comes in the room and requests to DJ however, respect the request and step down if you've been up there for/over an hour.

    ALSO, two more things on music: first, try to limit the length of your songs. When you play a 10 minute song while the room is full you prohibit other DJ's from maximizing on their time. That's not fair to them. Second, try to be diverse with your selection. By that I mean don't play just visual kei music or just black metal music. Try to incorporate a little something for everyone ;).

    Ack! I had a problem so I refreshed the screen and now I'm not on the DJ stand.

    It is almost guaranteed that if you refresh the page you will lose your spot on the DJ stand if you are in a busy room. Refresh at your own risk if you are on the stand.

    What are DJ points and how do I get them?

    DJ points are awarded when other people in the room click the Awesome button during one of your songs.

    If people click the Lame button you don't actually lose points, but your song can get auto-skipped if enough people Lame it.

    Your points can seem to be lost if someone changes an Awesome to a Lame while your song is playing, but none of your previous points can go away.

    Points are used to qualify for new avatars, just remember that the points aren't permanent until your song is over.

    How do I choose the order my songs play in?

    There are two ways to choose the order, you can drag or you can “Top”. As of this point of the beta the safest way to re-order your songs is to use the “Top” button. It is possible to drag a song around, but it can lead to the display you see and the site's list of your songs being different. A refresh of the page will typically fix this.

    Also if you upload a song tagged in Japanese, the upload will usually finish and the title will be messed up. A refresh will also fix this.

    I got on the stand but it's not playing my song!

    The songs get played from the top spot on each DJ's queue from left to right. There is a spotlight on the DJ currently playing. Don't worry, it will get to you soon.

    Ack! I got a notice saying something about my song couldn't be played for licensing reasons, what happened?

    With the licensing agreement(s) turntable.fm has, there are limits on how many times per hour artists can be played. Wait a while before you try to play that artist again.

    Some points of etiquette that you might find handy:

    When you come in a room, check the Room Info tab. It will tell you the official description of the room which will usually tell you what songs the room expects. You can also scroll through songs played in the room recently. Try to avoid repeating if you can.

    If you have a question, please ask.

    If you're going to go AFK and you're a mod, refresh and give the position to someone else in the room. No point being a mod if you're not there to moderate.

    Don't be negative. Really, you are entitled to think a song sucks, but you don't have to keep going on about it. The DJ likes the song enough to play it, there are probably several people in the room that like it, don't spoil things. Lame it if you want, but don't whine in chat. If it is that much torture for you then click on the speakers in front of the DJ's and mute it, or go find a room that suits your taste more.

    If you are having trouble getting on the DJ stand and have a song you just have to hear...ask. DJ's are at least half in it for the performance aspect, we want to make our audience happy.

    Don't constantly beg for a DJ spot. When you come in you can ask if anyone plans to step down soon, but leave it at that.

    If you are on the DJ stand and plan on stepping down, let the room know. That way people can get a shot at getting on stage.

    Don't berate people that don't share your love of Song X. Just because you love it doesn't mean others do as well. They are not lesser beings just because they don't share your taste in music.

    You are encouraged to discuss the songs, but keep it civil. Typically people here are all passionate about music, but don't let the discussions degenerate into a fight. Learn to accept that people will hate the song you love and love the song you hate, you are unlikely to change their minds by yelling at them.

    Don't set up a DJ queue and then go AFK (Away From Keyboard) while on the stand. You will have no way of knowing if you are going to play a song that the person in front of you just played and no way to skip a song that is inappropriate for the room.

    If you do have a song that comes up that is “out of bounds” for the room, please just skip it. We understand that queue malfunctions occur, but if you are in a genre specific room, you need to be prepared to skip one that isn't right for the room.

    Be nice, you will have a far better experience here if you are nice. Nobody really wants to have their experience ruined.

  9. Day 4 (so far): Put in some new graphics, score and health is now updated on the side. Taking a zen break until I figure out how to efficiently add enemies. Zen break has been taken and I figured something out. They'll still be a pain in the ass but at least everything looks cleaner.


    Oh yeah...

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