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Posts posted by Zeus

  1. Personally, I don't understand the point of marriage in the first place, but if gays wanna get married, then they should be allowed to.

    I had one of my gay friends at college explain it to me that gays fight/fought so hard for the right to marry in America because there are rights and privileges that come with marriage that do not come with civil unions (fight/fought because some states allow gay marriage, some don't, the entire thing is just one big confusing mess). I suppose that if my significant other ended up in the hospital and the doctors said that I couldn't be by them because we weren't married even though we were in a civil union or simply just living together and "unconfirmed life partners" for as far as the government is concerned that I'd fight for the right to get married too. I don't know how well that translates for countries abroad.

    Also on the topic of marriage, I'm interested to see what will happen in the case of divorce with gay couples (especially ones with adopted kids). I'm not wishing any harm on any type of relationship but not all relationships work out. It's also a borderline fact that in America the courts are highly sexist and usually point in favor of the woman unless you can prove that she's a thieving, schizophrenic cokehead or something. I wonder how they'll start to cope when they can't rely on gender lines to put cases away. I also realize it has very little to do with the topic now but I'm wondering if anyone would like to enlighten me.

  2. ROUGE grows in you. First time i listened to it, i thought it was just ok. But after 2-3 listenings i found almost all tracks very good.

    Actually I felt it was the other way around. The more I listened to ROUGE the worse it got.

  3. That's because everyone's looking for the killer VK band to save the stagnating/dying scene and while -OZ- is good, they aren't that band. They know what they're good at and they stick with it, even if it's the same type of song rehashed over and over again. However, I agree with Tony. When I popped in my headphones those electronic sounds on Reverse sounded awful. Oh well, that's experimentation for you: sometimes it's good and sometimes it's not.

  4. I thought that was just really bad shadowing technique.

    Also, the regular edition cover....um, someone should have told the designer that white font on a white background = illegible.

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