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Posts posted by Zeus

  1. This is just my musings about how the series will end (on Book 2 so IDK if anything later on invalidates this):

    The reason why I get on people that refer to this as A Game Of Thrones is because of my prediction about how it will end. The series is called "A Song of Ice and Fire" because I believe Martin is referring to two characters in particular: Daenerys and Jon. Jon represents Ice because he is of the North and the Night's Watch, Daenerys represents Fire because she has the dragons. I believe those two are the most important in the series and will bring peace to Westeros.

    I also believe that Ned's secret that he told no one except Howland Reed was that Jon isn't Ned's bastard: I think Jon is the child of Lyanna and Rhaegar. Everyone knows that Robert always loved Lyanna and mourned her death the most because she was the "one that got away" and he always believed that Rhaegar had raped her. Well, I think Lyanna refused him because she loved Rhaegar but couldn't bear to tell Robert that. They then did the nasty and had a kid, which Robert kind of heard of but didn't say. He figured she got raped and then killed Rhaegar. I think Lyanna died in childbirth and told Ned to promise to protect Jon from harm from Robert's jealous rage (since he now hates all Targaryen's, having your best friend with the son of a Targaryen isn't the best thing in the world) so Ned decided to act on his honor and claim it as his bastard.

    Shoot me I'm bored.

  2. Day 3: I did something completely extra but it adds awesomeness to the game and makes it look more official: I added a pre-game menu. The plan is the user selects ship and difficulty before the game starts to make it a more customizable experience. It doesn't look like much but Java wasn't meant to make video games with and it took all day to do.


    I wanted to add background artwork but Java said no :(. Plus, it might make things look hard to read.

    As for the actual game I just swapped out some graphics and made the background scrollable. You can't tell from this pic but here you go anyway.



  3. also I thought we weren't allowed to review stuff that's not for ~general download~ or similar here?

    Yes and no.

    You can review whatever it is you want to review in this forum because that's what it's here for. It's true purpose is to have people talk about releases that they have purchased so that others can look at the review and decide on whether or not it's worth purchasing money on (as we know it's the other way around but stick with me). The reason why we'd prefer it if it was restricted to items that are in the general download section is to prevent shitstorms over "rarez" that are reviewed here but aren't shared openly. As far as I'm concerned, if it's "obtainable within reasonable means" it's allowed to be reviewed here.

    Obtainable within reasonable means: albums, singles, EP's sold in stores and available through shopping services like CDJapan and YesAsia, free digital downloads from band's OHP, anything that can be downloaded here

    Not obtainable within reasonable means: out of stock demos that aren't uploaded to the internet, out of stock live-distributed releases that aren't uploaded to the internet, out of stock EP's that aren't uploaded to the internet, etc.

    This single falls into the first category.

  4. Day 2: Learned a whole lot of different ways to accomplish absolutely nothing. Not all was lost though. I got the background to scroll and stay contained within the box that I want it to so now all I need is an actual background to put in there. Cleaned up some parts of the code and replaced some images.

    After 9 hours of coding sporadically I FINALLY get a menu of sorts working. I had button issues -___-. OK so the idea was that there'd be a menu where the user could choose difficulty and ship and other stuff before starting the game. When I press the button the panel goes away and the game starts up but the button wouldn't undepress and nothing would happen. I don't even remember what I did but now it works. I just forgot to switch focus the whole time by not calling panel1.requestFocusInWindow(); (or storing it in a variable to begin with) so the game wouldn't play when the magic happened. All fixed now.

    I'd screencap but it's just a black screen with a button.

  5. But....but...8-eit! XD

    But yes, most of the time when they play "jazz" it's really ska or some derivative of ska. In Lycaon's case it's infused with a tinge of '80's rock and roll. I wouldn't have a problem with VK bands playing ska if they knew and owned up to the fact that it's ska that they're playing! It slays me when they say "our new single is going to be oh so jazzy" and then it's not. Adding in a piano and/or brass section does not transform your song into a jazz song.

    Most of the time it's not even remotely jazzy. I also hate how the primary idea of jazz is that it has to be lounge-y and that's what all the VK bands go for. There are plenty of different types of jazz out there. That's like lumping metalcore, black metal, alternative rock and acoustic folk metal together under rock because they all use guitars. It's so shortsighted.

    Also, plenty of the bands that attempt to go that route have vocalists that become hyper-exposed when there isn't distortion to hide their warbly high notes. Ewwww. :-(

  6. ...which hopefully I won't give up on halfway through and half-ass like last time XD.

    So backstory is: I'm bored, I have Java skills that i don't want to deteriorate and an urge to make video games. So I'm making a video game. I put this here because it's half-serious, half a joke and I'm not too sure how far I'll get before I become infuriated and give up with the whole thing.

    So today was Day 1. As of today I've started the video game. I've created the frame and nested three panels within. I've also got background artwork for the panel as well as the "whatever is behind the panel" panel. I've also designed the game panel so that it can scroll. The ship is also playable, doesn't leave the game panel and can fire bullets.

    This is a picture of my hard labors.


    Laugh away.

    / :soam:

  7. For the most part they've seemed to demonize the chorus aspect of their music which results in most of their songs becoming amorphous blobs. Being an amorphous blob is OK when you've got the time to unfurl and expand in many directions (ie. DIABOLOS) but for the short songs it sounds like 4 to 5 minutes of frantically hitting strings in order to magically stumble across something awesome. Also, Hagehage sounded hollow. The mix with Tue Madsen sounded better, even if Totchi was borderline unhearable.

    No rating yet. This is going to need more listens to properly judge.

  8. Hey MH!

    So a few members of the mod team have been playing around with a new site called Turntable.fm and we think it could be a great thing for discovering new music. Essentially it is a site that you get to be a DJ, upload your own music, and take turns playing your tunes with other members that are currently DJing. You can vote on the song and if everyone votes that it is crappy it is skipped. A room for MH has been set up here. You will notice that there's another one. Disregard that because I made it while I was testing ^^;

    Ito had some rules for basic music in mind: The general focus will be Japanese rock, but some deviation will be allowed. However, if you are going to be playing a different genre of music, it needs to be Japanese. And if you are going to play music in a different language it needs to be rock.

    On top of that there are two little catches. The first is that as of now you need to be located within the US in order to utilize this service. If you're outside and you want to get in, skip down to Champ's post on how to get in (linked below). The second is that you need to have a Facebook account and to be friends with someone that is also on turntable.fm. As of now, you need the account in order to log in. So if you don't know anyone yet, start making friends!

    In addition, there's a little section I wrote below for rules and etiquette while on Turntable.FM as well as a way to get even MORE out of that website! Check it out below.

    I hope to see you guys there.


    Champ213's Guide on How To Get In (Outside US Only)

    Turntable FAQ

    Getting the Most out of Turntable.fm using Google Chrome

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