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Posts posted by Zeus

  1. ...about to get trampled.

    IMO Toonami died when they moved it from the weekdays to the weekend and started airing crap to fill up a time slot too big for them. Two hours was just right for them because then they only needed four shows instead of seven or eight. Dragonball Z, as cheesy as it was, is a formative part of my childhood and probably the only thing that kept them going for so long. Naruto can't match that. Bleach can't even match that for Adult Swim and it's DBZ with swords.

    I don't even know what I'm ranting about. I just think NeoToonami isn't going to live up to the hype.

  2. As a NYC resident, I will say that NYC residents don't know how to deal with inclement weather.



    Earthquake? SHAKEPOCALYPSE!

    While I think this will be a serious thing, I don't think it will be that bad, if you know what I mean.

  3. This one's even bigger than Katrina. I was in NYC last week but now I'm up at Geneseo. I should feel the effects but I don't think we're getting "hit" unless Irene decides to change direction at the last minute.

    I don't think this will be too big of a deal though. I expect some damage to go down though.



  4. i think visual kei albums being featured alongside great albums like Revolver and stuff like that goes to show that the genre can actually be taken seriously and can produce quality material.

    QFT. So much.

    Agreed as well.

  5. Good album? Yes.

    One of the best albums ever? No.

    And I would have liked to see Uroboros by DEG there over Dum Spiro Spero. Uroboros has stood the test of time - DSS was just released. It's way too hasty to make any judgments about that album now.

  6. glad to see you're back, bro

    but what happened with this training thingie? D:

    I had to get trained in order to deal with the safety of college residents. Most of it was simple procedure but then I also had to go through what would happen if there was physical assault, sexual assault, bias-related incidents (including homophobic attacks and religious attacks), weapon crises, etc. Overall it was pretty draining .____.


  7. What the hell. I didn't want to see that. Why are they doing that? No one wants to see them like that.

    Welcome to my world, except that I didn't want to see anything of what Lycaon has done since after FRAGILE.

    Even though this seems to be the next logical progression for their new "erotic style", I don't like it at all. All they're doing is riding the yaoi train to pick up more fangirls. I have half a feeling that they'll host their one-man completely naked at this rate.

    I also have a feeling that that live-distributed DVD is titled "One Night in Yuuki". :staru:

  8. If you're one of four people here on MH then you know where this is going. If not, it's because come this next Monday I'm going to start training for my new job on my college campus. I have no idea what my schedule will look like but they're going to have me working all day so I definitely won't be on much, if at all. So, if worse comes to worse I'm going to magically disappear for two weeks maximum while they slowly kill my soul while they teach me how to kill the souls of other incoming Freshmen. If I have free time and I'm not programming my life away I'll definitely swing by once or twice.

    I'll be back soon :mrgreen:

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