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Posts posted by Zeus

  1. skrible, you can try Mono if you're into the longer side of post-rock. A lot of their stuff is slow (sometimes mellow, sometimes just slow) but their music clocks in at about 10 or so minutes on average. Something shorter may be susquatch. From what I've heard they are a bit on the slower side as well but their music is much more manageable. I suppose you can also try sawagi's electro rock stuff too but I'm not sure how slow you want your music.

  2. About the Facebook conspiracy part, I don't think so. Your Google account does keep track of what you do on the Internet as long as you surf the internet logged in, but that can be erased. As for anything you do with your account (which isn't much atm), G+ made it clear that they value privacy and that they retain nothing on their servers once you delete your account. How much of that you want to believe is personal. I think there's even a feature that allows you to download your profile and keep it somewhere in case you want to re-activate it in the future.

    So yeah, I think that's just shenanigans.

  3. Zess, I feel that a lot of people know about G+ by now. I mean, it's been the talk of the town on popular news sources for weeks now.

    The way I see it the people that know about it/heard of it are the people that are somewhat into tech stuff and Internet fads. You know, people our age that know the difference between a search engine and an address bar. If G+ wants the critical mass that it needs to take Facebook's spot, they need to reach out to those that aren't as tech-savvy, the middle-aged group and the older demographic. There are plenty of people on Facebook that I know that still haven't heard of G+/are asking what it is. If G+ is gaining ground it's doing it real slow.

    And yeah, I hardly sign onto mine as well. Sometimes I forget I have it.

  4. I have no idea why they filmed this video, same with reiketsu nariseba and red soil.

    all around terrible, and doesn't make any sense seeing they still can afford somewhat decent production like in vinushka or... well, like in vinushka.

    Almost agree with this, except IMO you can't put Reiketsu and Red Soil in the same league. Red Soil and ZAN are what I call "cheap" PV's - they had an idea and not near enough cash to make it work so everything comes out looking cheesy. Nariseba is down there with the likes of Machiavellism, MASK and Mr. NEWSMAN for straight up "bad" PV's - like they just took lots of live footage and threw it together for no reason other than to make another PV. I can stand the cheap ones but not the bad ones.

  5. Note: not taking sides on this issue but...

    Why does it seem like Republicans always want a split of the state to get away from the Democrats? I've never seen a Democrat majority pine for a state of their own to separate themselves from the Republicans. It always seems like the splits are done for plenty of different reasons, some of which are viable, but politically it always gives the Republicans a shot at having more seats in the House.

    If we start doing this then we might as well start doubling the amount of states we have now since every state is going to want to split between Democrat State and Republican state. I don't get the point of this. We're supposed to be a country built upon mutual acceptance regardless of difference yet we just keep trying to separate ourselves more and more.

  6. It's so embarrasing every time a band is doing something with their band name, everybody take it dead seriously and going crazy starting bitching about tags on Last.fm (and creating the new profiles although it's not even necessary) Also, the fact that people even start bothering about ID3-tags "because there's already is a band named Oz" is just FACEPALM DELUXE.

    I think I've had my fill when I go to the Perestroika page and not only are there like six different pages because VK fans can't agree on one thing ever, but that there was seriously someone saying that a page was wrong because it used the Latin version of Ї instead of the Cryllic version of Ϊ. That's when it went from a common annoyance to "omg are you seriously debating this?". I think fans of VK will do anything they can to try and separate the pages of VK bands: unicode (insert vk band here), kanji vs. romaji interpretations (Sadie), funny letters that don't look different but actually make a difference that may or may not yield a difference (negastroika), using the stylization on the album as an indication of how to tag (seriously, someone said Unicode was closer to tagging system for VanessA because the logo had a BUTTERFLY on it and that because of that the proper character would have to be a Unicode character and therefore Unicode was the right tag). Only VK man, only VK.

    Stuff like this makes the music hard to enjoy.

  7. Bands change their logos all the time, sometimes two or three times in a single "record era". Change in logo =/= change in name.

    Now if they change it in the liner notes of the new CD as well as the ID3 tags, then that's something different. Normally, when bands change their names they announce it. I don't think -OZ- considers it all that important to announce they're dropping the - from the logo but not changing their name.

    VK Fans: noticing small details and making things more confusing since 2003.

  8. I just want to say that I'm on III-Jitsuzon and this album is probably on par with Kakera for me, maybe a little bit better. Some good tunes but overall it doesn't drive home. Truthfully, much of this album just melts together although individual pieces stick out more than it did on Kakera. Also, there are less plodding slow pieces, which is what Kakera really suffered from. So overall, not really the greatest album from them for me but it could have been much worse. 6/10

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