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Posts posted by Zeus

  1. still sucks because it wont have Holy Grail songs :/

    But just think about how awesome the next DVD will be. 1. It will have Holy Grail songs and 2. It will probably be show in France that's in front of a castle.

    I think that not having Holy Grail songs helps this somewhat. Holy Grail outside of two or three songs was disappointing. Then again, the fact that they're selling dated material is sketchy as well.

    I feel like this though because I'm bored with Versailles. You can all just ignore me.

  2. SCREW is an iffy band to me. They have the potential to be good and a few of their songs are indeed great but they've got so many not so good songs on every release that I can't bring myself to enjoy anything for an extended period of time. Byou should either learn to growl properly by next release or just not attempt it ever again because he has a nice voice but he fucks up really good songs (like DYSPNEA) with those fail harsh vocals :|

    They should also not attempt songs like dust box, HEEL or barbed wire. They lack the cohesion to stay heavy like that and it just gets aimless and repetitive. More like KAIROS and FIREFLY please.

  3. I don't even own an XBOX (yet).

    And yeah my hiatus was supposed to be "short" but then I got stuck in a building with dumbasses that make me want to tear my hair out. I'm ridiculously stressed out by their shenanigans and just yesterday I had five very intoxicated, angry basketball players try to body me into a corner because I busted their little party and scared their little girlfraans away. I'm going to step back into the shoutbox when college students start drinking less stupidly around here (although that's akin to watching hell freeze over).

  4. Knowing that I'm intentionally pouring fuel on the fire...good to all three of these! I dislike A7X heavily and I wouldn't mind if they went on a forever pause. Don't care either way about MCR and I haven't explored them fully but that Black Parade album was awful so maybe they need to step back and take a break too. Green Day (and pop punk in general) just rub me the wrong way so I'm glad someone's smacked some sense into him and told him what's up.

  5. *stretches*

    Alright, this has gone on long enough and I'm going to correct the course of this topic. For your information, posting a message that's 95% off-topic with a review at the end doesn't constitute an "on-topic" post. On top of that, while there are people sharing their reviews (very good ones too!) and people discussing other people's reviews (that's OK too) there are people just coming in here to instigate and try to cause some drama. No. So let's wash our hands, scale this topic back and start focusing on the reviews instead of who is posting what, who is bitching about what to some exponential power or pointless 0/10 posts that add nothing or heated posts aimed indirectly towards another member.

    And if we can't do that I'm just going to start handing people warnings :)

  6. Unbelievable. First Haine, now Eve. This band is slowly falling apart. I'm proud of their resolve though - they don't seem to want to quit no matter how hard it gets. They're even talking about getting guest vocals for their live at 9/24! I just hope they don't disband :\

  7. I already know that I'm going to have some choice words for this album so...here we go.

    1. "" - On an album of eight songs, three of which have already been released, having an intro is unforgivable. It's not even a good one to boot! 0/10.

    2. Aventure - I still feel the same way about this song as when it was released on the single. This song would actually be average if they got rid of the freaking horns, although they sound toned down than from when they were on the single. 4/10.

    3. モーゼルのピストル - Very generic song but generic =/= bad in this case. In comparison to what they've released reincarnated, it's not the worst thing they've released (and there are no horns! automatic +1). This song can be much better and it still doesn't reach the level of good of their earlier songs. Also, it feels like a leftover from the Jouyoku no Acme mini. 6/10.

    4. EROS - I waited until the chorus for some reason to see if anything changed. There seems to be louder whispers in the back (more annoying tbqh). +1 because the balance on all the instruments are better, -1 because it's on the album and it shouldn't be considering how old it is. Other than that everyone should know how I feel about this song so I'm not elaborating again. 3/10.

    5. 密室における強圧的誘惑はモルヒネの中にある3.129ミリグラムの憂鬱. Long ass title that also feels like another leftover. There's a fair amount of 80's influence in this song, so props to Satoshi for that. The overall feel in this track is way too similar to #3 (but slowed down) for my tastes and on an album of 7.5 songs that's not a good sign. I like both about equally. 6/10.

    6. Jesus - AGAIN!? WHY IS THIS HERE? I don't even care about all the little frills they've added on - this is the THIRD STRAIGHT RELEASE this song is on (and there aren't any noticeable differences either). I don't even care if this is so far the best song on the album, or that it's not a skabomination/SADS-y song, or that this is one of the few post-Eve era songs that Yuuki doesn't squeal like a chipmunk for minutes on end. This song shouldn't be here. Not even rating this.

    7. MASK - I'm averse to songs named MASK after that tragedy of a song named MASK on Diru's GAUZE. This song isn't half as messy as the aforementioned song but it features group vocals (ew) and some nice bass by Hiyuu (yay (I should also say that this man can play a mean bass - he's done good work on some of the previous tracks but said tracks just aren't good)). Yuuki's vocals also annoy me on this. 5/10.

    8. Number Eight. - Herpderp this song comes eighth so it's called Number Eight.. What a clever name. Too much of the vocals in the background distracts my attention and Yuuki did the pig squeals better on Ambrozia. The sudden switch in the middle of the track also does NOT fit, even if it switches into something listenable before Yuuki fucks it up. 4/10.

    Too short, too many old tracks, new tracks aren't up to par. It's obvious that this is a cash ploy and that they just did not have enough new material for an album (especially considering the live limited version adds on rerecordings of old tracks to appeal to more fans). They barely had enough material for a new single. The remastering and rerecording on some songs improves them but there wasn't much good there worth the remastering. They HONESTLY should have waited to release Jouyoku no Acme and have released track 3 and 5 on that and made THAT an album. That would have turned out somewhat OK. This is just pure shit.

    I am interested in that re-recording disc though. They've got some good tunes on that but nothing I'm dying to hear.

    And just so you all know, I was nice on this review.

  8. If I were you I'd keep: DISORDER, NIL, DIM, Gama, that compilation of all of their older mini-albums, the compilation of their three one-coin singles.

    That might be pushing it but that's really all you need, perhaps more than you need. Everything else can go.

  9. Eh, this time the criticism/bashing is warranted. This single is just bad - all of it. They know it too (why else would REMEMBER THE URGE not be on TOXIC?). It's probably another throwaway single to have them reach their quota of releases.

    The title track is a boring, plain, generic standard alternative rock track that fails to stand out in any way. It's a waste of 3 minutes. CLEVER MONKEY is complete garbage and sounds like 13 STAIRS[-]1 if they recorded it for STACKED RUBBISH and not DIM. Chijou at least tries to be interesting but doesn't totally get there. It's still better than the other two piles of junk.

    3/10 tops. This is worse than PLEDGE.

  10. mmm dim leftovers

    clever monkey sounds like patched up early demo of 13 stairs.

    Comparing Clever Monkey to 13 Stairs? I'm shattered.

    That's their only recent song (and i'm speaking of 13 Stairs) that makes them at least half decent.

    The riff is extremely similar I must say. I can see the resemblance. Other than the riff though the song is garbage.

  11. Interesting news! While I think MYV's later work sucks, he's always full of interesting ideas that always lead me to continue listening to him.

    Agreed. He fell off the rails with the whole Neo Visualizm era, which led to him becoming a parody of what Sakihokoru Hana no You ni set out to change about the scene but he's always willing to experiment with his music, which is something that very few people in the scene still do. I still haven't listened to the latest album but I'll get on that soon. Hopefully this comes out alright.

  12. I wasn't too fond of the MOO "sound" tbh. I liked the noticeable bass but that's about it. I think Uroboros would sound better if it was "cleaner" in comparison to DSS which sounded "muddy".

  13. I wonder if Kyo will re-do the vocals on some of the songs. I've heard that there are new lyrics for Inconvenient Ideal, which would require him to create all new vocal lines for that song. And if he decides to do that song, well why not the rest? I just hope they don't get Tue Madsen to do the mixing for this CD because it wouldn't "fit" on Uroboros.

    I wonder if they've realized how self indulgent Dum Spiro Spero is.

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