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Posts posted by Zeus

  1. They now have a 30 second preview up on their Facebook fan group, which is really just the first two samples mushed together. How much longer are they going to cocktease us fans?

    Anyway, now that I hear the chorus in full...the screaming at the beginning doesn't fit IMO.

  2. I'm agreeing with the synth string part by Herpes. This is their second major album. Even if it was just a small 6 or 7 man orchestra, couldn't they rent some people out to record the string and choir section? :\

    Like most of the samples, except for Love will be born again. I forgot what it sounded like the minute I finished listening to it. Not as pumped as I was for Jubilee, but I'm awaiting this one anyway.

  3. i have no faith in it ever being released, x-japan has been a mess ever since the reunion. cancelling gigs and tours in the first 2 years. promising new stuff and all we heared are the dissapointing born to be free and jade. i think it was best if there was never a reunion in the first place.

    and then again its really sad to see a band like luna sea do a reunion and succeed! with new live dvds, new album on the way, remaster of the first album wich turned out great. its just that yoshiki is much too busy with too much things

    It also helps that one of the more definitive members of the band (hide) didn't pass away. I heard rumors that they were using some of hide's old guitar tracks for their reunion singles. REALLY? How are you using almost 20 year old riffs to release new music? Now that's not to say that these riffs are bad due to age, but if you're reuniting and that's what you do for your first single, something tells me Yoshiki doesn't have many ideas up his sleeve to begin with. Not to mention that all the output since they've reunited has been nothing short of atrocious, I have to agree with X-Marc. In my books, X-JAPAN was never anything special but this...this makes their at least respectable legacy laughable.

    I'm not a fan of LUNA SEA either, but I can at least respect that when they decided to come together again and record music, they actually did something and have a game plan. Even if it was just a re-recording of their s/t, it's something much better than X has graced us with :\

  4. Heh, I've got a few:

    - I was in camp and I was about 12 or so, starting 8th grade in the fall. Since the campgrounds were really far away we would have to take a bus to get there and back every day and on this bus there was a girl named Adell. She preferred the name Meaghan though. I fell for this girl HARD but I had the unfortunate luck of having a douchebag of an acquaintance who I loathe to call friend hang around me at every moment of the day. He knew I liked her and acted like he was going to help me out and then all he did was undermine my efforts and ended up walking away with the girl at the end of the day. I just got a fistful of regret.

    - Later that year when I was in eighth grade, the popular kids started realizing that I was going to be that kid in the class that gets somewhere and was going to be moderately successful, so they all decided to try and get someone to date me for some odd reason. I bowed in to peer pressure and naturally they only threw popular girls at me and I picked one. This led to much embarrassment as all this did was bloat said girl's ego. To this day people won't let me live it down. The guys really did have good intentions for me but...the choice of girl that we had wasn't very large.

    - About a year after that there was a girl at school that was moderately cute so I decided to do something about it and see where it went. She had wild mood swings though and her mood would change rapidly and often. School year came to an end and I decided I'd try and cut back some contact with her so I could breathe and figure out if I still wanted to pursue this. Came back to school in the fall to find out she committed suicide. Still feel like if I was somehow there it wouldn't have happened. This I try not to dwell on.

    - About a year after THAT there was a girl in my neighborhood that I really had some feelings for. At the time though I didn't know she was battling leukemia and then things took a turn for the worse and she ended up passing away. That feeling really sucked.

    - Then a few months after that I was fixated on this one girl for TWO YEARS. Logic should have told me that it wasn't going anywhere after the first few months but I refused to give up. It all came to a head and I was publicly humiliated. This was part of my reason to withdraw from the social workings of my school and become a ghost.

    - Late in my senior year I decided that if I was going to do one thing before I graduated high school it was take a girl on a date and kiss one. I set my sights high because I'd rather aim high and fail than aim low and fail. I failed anyway but not after getting stood up on a date to the movies. Ouch.

    - Then went on orientation to college and the second person I met at college was this stunningly beautiful girl that seemed approachable and friendly. As luck would have it, she broke up with her then boyfriend before we even started the school year. Things were looking up! Then when we actually started spending time on campus she was on the south side and I was on the north. Distance aside I decided I'd pursue something and see what happens. Turns out that her boyfriend was an abusive prick and that turned her to drinking and smoking and failing all her classes. The more I tried to help the more she interpreted me as an interloper and all her friends started blocking her and making it hard for us to be friends, much less anything else. She wasn't trying much either, usually skipping out on times we had arranged to hang out and not keep her promises to me. She even switched out of a lab so she wouldn't have to see me! Then one day without warning she just blocked me on Facebook and refused to pick up the phone. I haven't heard from her since, although word is she failed out of the university and had to go back home.

    - A little after that I had met someone through a mutual friend and I finally thought something was going to happen. I was interested in her and she was interested in me. She too had also broken up with her boyfriend and I thought that it was my time to step in and do something and she'd love me for it. Nope, all she was doing was using me as her emotional tissue paper and she ended up going back to him. It's worth noting that he too was an abusive prick. Naturally, by this time I was fed up with my constant, continuous failure and exploded on her about how she led me on and after everything I did for her I didn't deserve all the shit she put me through. Then I promptly blocked her from all forms of contact. A few months later I sent her an apology telling her I was sorry for exploding on her but that was it and I wasn't intending on keeping contact with her after that. Turns out she's now the neighborhood skank. Nice choices Zess, nice choices.

    - My best mate realized that I was depressed and decided on pairing me up with someone he knew so that the cycle could finally end, since as he put it "I can't be happy if you're not happy". The first girl he put me with gave me the wrong number so when we went on a date I couldn't find her. Had to call him to get the number to find her and she almost got away. But then we went on our date and she didn't seem very keen on trying to make anything of what we had other than just basic friendship. Took the time to tell me afterwards that I wasn't going to get anywhere because she was planning on dating her ex-boyfriend when he came back from the army because he came back and said "baby give me another chance" and she said OK. That's all he had to say. Months of courting her did nothing on my part.

    At least I got a date.

    - The second one just turned out to be the kind of woman that bends over for anyone without a second thought. She tried to put the moves on me because as she put it "she really liked me and thought I was different from everyone else". The first time I turned her down because I'm sitting here and I don't even freakin' KNOW this chick and she's just throwing herself at me. Felt all types of uncomfortable. She gets all offended because no guy has ever rejected her before and she doesn't know what to do with me. I end up really not liking this chick too much for multiple reasons, including her attitude and her promiscuity, but she tries for the better part of a year to get my attention. When I finally relent one night, to no one's surprise I hope she gets angry again at me. Not because I refused her, but because when I finally give her what she wants she says I'm terrible! ROFL! She knew all along that it wasn't going to be a good experience but she goes off and tells all my friends behind my back that I'm terrible and that it was the worst experience she'd ever had. Most of them were nice enough to tell her that everyone's terrible at something when they don't have any experience and that she shouldn't be judging because if she's had enough experience to say I was the worst she's been around too much. Still, that was an awful experience. I don't regret doing it because it taught be a lot of things no one would be able to tell me - I just wish I didn't have to put up with the months of BS afterwards.

    Yep, there are a few more but those are the major ones really.

  5. My good friend was able to interview Yoshiki two weeks ago. Her word is that they're still recording but they're almost done with it (80-90% complete). I guess Sugizo being occupied with LUNA SEA revival and album contributed to a lot of the slowdown.

    Also, inb4 "lolulie". I can go grab a pic if you want.

  6. I've only heard the album twice, but I am really enjoying it. But I am, surprised that the album is mostly pure pop. A little rock and alternative metal, but not much at all. Mostly pop, and it's GOOD pop.

    After two listens I'll give it 9/10 and say it is their best. I won't know that yet, need to listnen to it more before I really know. But impression so far's good.

    Pretty much this. Want to say that I only needed a few listens to really like this, while their last four albums required multiple listens before it started growing on me. Easily their most accessible album and they kept the parts of their rock and metal sounds that worked and mixed it with pop hooks and slick production well. This album has a great flow although I can't help but feel like there's something small missing. Still, 9/10, all the way.

  7. This might just be a guess but do you think the members are leaving because they're going visual but they postponed their departure for a little while so the band can get on it's feet with it's new members? Makes more sense in my head than on a post but w/e.

  8. I've decided that all useful discussion concerning this topic has already been had and that keeping it open much longer was going to bore me quite frankly. So I'm cutting it short one day and closing up the poll. I've got a few words to say about this topic.

    The correct choice, picked by only 11 people was "First was V2, second 320, third AAC, fourth transcode." That means that out of the 65 people that answered this poll, only 17% of the people got it right.

    One, I'm not surprised by the amount of people that got the question wrong. Anyone that attempted to try and answer the question is either confident of their equipment, their ears or both. I also expected an extremely low number for the correct answer since I KNOW most of the people here don't have the equipment to detect noticeable changes in quality when it comes to music over 192KBPS.

    What I am disappointed in would be the lack of response from the crowd I was aiming this towards most: that being the crowd that consistently claim they can hear differences between audio formats of all types and constantly ask for uploads in only slightly higher quality because it makes such a vast difference. Either they voted silently or they avoided this topic like the plague to save face. I did get a very large response from people that understood much more about audio quality than I had initally thought, which was great and fostered much intelligent discussion. I have rewritten parts of my manual to include quotes from some of the members that participated in this study.

    The manual can be found here.

    Thanks to all the people that have participated!

  9. That was fucking terrible. I made the right choice to stop following them after FRAGILE. Lycaon has become the joke of visual kei.

    It's sad to see how a band that could make such awesome songs as Alejandro, pAIN KILLER and Lily turn into something that makes shit like this.

    eve was the main composer and leader. His departure is what fucked his band over.

    @DAAVIS: Too much face, not enough palm.

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