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Posts posted by Zeus

  1. From what I know Visual Kei is more popular overseas than in it's native country. Many people in Japan aren't familiar with the bands in the scene, knowing about visual kei mainly based on hearing names like X JAPAN, Luna Sea and Malice Mizer. Some view VK with disgust and disdain for various reasons. An inaccurate but useful metaphor to think of would be that visual kei is Japan's form of boy bands for rock music.

    Someone more familiar with this topic can correct me though.

  2. Apparently I heard it's a fake as well, although I have no idea if it's an "oh shit it's real how did this leak let's fuck with them for a while longer" fake or "someone must have a lot of time on their hands to come up with this" fake.

  3. And personally, I think the sound quality of albums isn't really effected by the slandered 128/192/320 bit rate they're ripped in. To me has more to do with the software that was used to rip the album, the equipment you use to listen to it, and the sound production of the album itself. An album with horrible/not so great sound production isn't going to sound better no matter what rate you rip at.


    I'm working on something for the download forum that will surface sometime next week and what I just quoted there shows up in there exactly! More people should read this!

  4. It's no secret that lately the downloads forum has seen an increase in transcodes and forged rips. While I can get into the mechanics of why I think this is happening, that's not what this topic is here for. One of the mentalities on Monochrome Heaven would be what I call "320 or go home", in that 320 is the best file format to rip your files in and that everything else sounds like crap. So here's a little listening test. In the file linked at the bottom of this post are four copies of the same song "Beast of Desire" by Versailles. One is 320 CBR. One is -V2. One is a transcode. One is 192 AAC. Listening to the same track four times in a row isn't necessary to complete this survey, but comparing each for a second or two can suffice. I want to see if anyone is capable of matching up the songs with the correct bitrate without looking at the metadata. Doing this blind ensures that the results are as accurate as possible.

    Once you submit your response feel free to check the metadata all you want and see how accurate you were, but don't do it before :3 (and certainly don't spoil the fun for anyone else). Also, answer the poll at the top, but I figured that was obvious. I'll keep it open for a little while and see what answers I get in return ^__^.

    Four copies of Beast of Desire can be found here.

    I'll leave the poll running for a week.

  5. That is so true. The English version of Dozing Green was tolerable. I listen to that maybe once a year. The English version of Glass Skin? Skip 100% of the time.

  6. ^ But I do think LOTUS will be an album ender like someone else in this topic said. Or maybe an opener. I can see it working as an opener too but I'd much rather have Sa Bir part two instead.

  7. Boris has 24 albums the last 10 years, and they are all damn good.

    Even Vein? HAHAHA I jest. I like Vein, but I'm the only one I know that does.

    However, I think NoGod has been decent ever since the begining, for the most part at least. Never amazing, and never dull and/or boring. So I'll check out this album and I am sure it'll be yet another decent effort.

    IMO they didn't start getting good until Ifukyou/Kuro Fukyou and that streak ended with the release of Kakera. Raise a Flag was generic. I hope Kamikaze is good. I know they're talented - it's just a matter of translating that to the music, which I don't feel like they've been doing well lately.

  8. Please no more Vinushkas here...also drone ain't good for deg , nor for other ex-vk bands. Sorry bro, but you cannot demand Boris-style music from ex-vksters \o/

    WHO SAYS DIRU CAN'T DRONE? Not that I expect them to, but if they drop a bit of drone in a track on the new album that would be completely awesome and unexpected.

  9. Shadows is Lynch's best release.

    I agree with this. I also want to add in that their latest singles are also pretty good. I just can't get into anything off of THE AVOIDED SUN or THE BURIED. greedy dead souls is an alright release with some iffy tracks (Latin Maria in particular I find pretty boring). SHADOWS though, I just enjoy from beginning to end. I have no doubt I BELIEVE IN ME will be equally as good, if not better than, SHADOWS.

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