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Posts posted by Zeus

  1. Wait that was confirmed? I thought Tsumi to Batsu was just speculation! I just guessed Rasetsukoku since they've played it at concerts a lot recently.

    Edit: Damn, I totally skipped logging that post mentally. Thanks for that Tokage! At least it's a reconstruction and not a re-recording. There's still some hope left :)

  2. Also, I think you meant Reborn and not Rebirth. Rebirth was actually an acceptable album. Reborn would be too if everything on it wasn't released on the singles beforehand. But still, yeah....^__^

  3. 01. What are you listening to right now?

    Anonymous Confederate Ensemble - Grafton Calling

    02. What song(s) make(s) you sad?

    Nothing. I don't listen to music that would make me upset. Something to definitely calm me down no matter what is Journey to the End by Muga, so I'll put that here and call it an answer.

    03. What is the most annoying song in the world?

    There is no one "most annoying song" for me since there are plenty of songs that take the cake for different reasons. Let's go with "Player" by ORIGA because it's a great song butchered by Heartsdales.

    04. 3 all time favorite Japanese bands?

    Dir en grey, 黒夜葬, Demetori

    05. 3 all time favorite non-Japanese bands?

    Amesoeurs, Moonsorrow, Wintersun

    06. Your favorite recently discovered band is?


    07. Favorite female voice(s)?

    I love Vibeke Stene (Tristania), Audrey Sylvain (Amesoeurs), Wata (Boris), Yumi Uchimura (school food punishment) Kuroneko (Onmyo-za) and Meramipop's (Foreground Eclipse) vocals.

    08. Favorite male voice(s)?

    This one goes to Tsubaki (8-eit), Kyouka (Aliene Ma'riage & Chaos System), Neige (Alcest, Lantlos, Amesoeurs, [...]), Hazuki (lynch.), and Kenji-George (BlieAN)

    09. Music type you find yourself listening to most?

    Metal and recently lots of Touhou arrange and jazz-influenced pieces.

    10. What do you listen to, to hype you up?

    平安のエイリアン ~ Crazy Xenomorph (Demetori), Ice Station (Graeme Norgate), Blue Butterfly (AYA) or the first seven minutes of Evil Wave Form (Boris).

    11. What do you listen to when you want to calm down?

    Burial at Sea by Mono or Journey to the End by Muga.

    12. Last gig/concert you went to?

    An ULALI gig when I was eight or nine. Yeah, I think it's been that long.

    13. Band you find yourself listening to the most right now?

    Last.fm charts say Boris, although lynch. is a close second.

    14. Most hated band?

    Right now, second-era Lycaon. I normally don't have bands I hate. I just stay away from them. Something else I hate is Dir en grey's unacceptable inconsistency. I also think Merzbow is highly overrated. All he does is blast high pitched buzzing into your ear in different integrated frequencies. Sorry, but no.

    15. Song that makes you think?

    The whole Flood suite by Boris.

    16. Band that you think the world should love as much as you do?

    I'm going to have to say Boris. They're criminally underrated and they play pretty much whatever the fuck they want and succeed at it mostly.

    17. Favorite music video?

    I don't watch those.

    18. Can you play a musical instrument?

    A few. Clarinet, saxophone, trumpet. None of them well though and I haven't done it in years.

    19. Are you in a band?


    20. Do you wish yourself that you were a musician?

    Not really. I'm not very creative. I'd be as useful as Aggy in DELUHI.

    21. Best all-girl band you know of?

    The only two all-female bands I know suck so none.

    22. Last song that you heard on the radio/CD…etc…?

    I suppose callas by 8-eit is the winner, although I don't touch the radio.

    23. What do you think of Classical music?

    It's got it's charms but it's not something I go out of my way to listen to.

    24. What do you think of Country music?

    A horribly stereotyped genre that's can be better than people make it out to be. Still not something I go out of my way to listen to.

    25. What do you think of Death metal?

    Sometimes good, sometimes great, sometimes shit.

    26. What do you think of Visual Kei?

    Even though most of my listening habits are visual kei, I do think visual kei is shit. Sometimes good, mostly bad :)

    27. If you were a musical instrument what would you be?

    Bass guitar, since my dad played one and a lot of musical artists that I listen to are bassists.

    28. What do your parents listen to?

    Mom listens to old rock and roll, dad listens to funk and MoTown, now leaning towards Gospel.

    29. Favorite movie/anime/video game sound track?

    Touhou counts here, but also throw in Final Fantasy VII.

    30. Do you know the names of all the band members that you listen to?

    That's unimportant.

    31. Have you met any famous musicians?

    Not at all.

    32. Do you follow the music charts, like the top 40?

    What's the Top 40?

    33. Do you watch music TV?


    34. Do you listen to the radio?

    Oh god no.

    35. What are 3 of your favorite albums ever?

    曼衍珠汝華 ~ Nada Upasana Pundarika, JUBILEE, Uroboros

    36. Name one album that you regret listening to

    Barrage Am Ring 1. So many band's arranges I looked forward to, all of them sucked.

    37. Do you buy music digitally?

    Occasionally, but only when the import fees would buttfuck me into poverty.

    38. Favorite Visual Kei band?

    This is hard. Most people would immediately expect me to say Lycaon but if you really pay attention to what I say you know I hate their latest output now. Then, people would expect me to continue on and say NoGoD but the same applies to them as well. lynch., D'espairsRay and Dir en grey can't really be considered visual kei anymore. I guess you can go with 摩天楼オペラ, 陰陽座, A or Versailles. To be fair, I don't listen to much visual kei. I just listen to the bands I like A LOT.

    39. What is one band that you used to love, but now hate?

    Lycaon, enough said.

    40. Does Engrrrrrish bother you?

    Mostly, yes. I hate the way Engrish is dropped in sentences when they have no grammatical bearing with the rest of the statement and this happens ALL the time in visual kei. Well done vocals like Nimo (A) or Toshi (X-JAPAN) are always welcome though.

    41. What genre could you never listen to?

    Probably noise, because I don't see the point in it as a stand-alone entity.

    42. What language do you listen to the most in music?

    Japanese, easily. It's why I'm here.

    43. Do you like long songs?

    Long, well-done songs. Things like Flood captivate me like a moth to a flame. On the other hand, Versailles' HISTORY TO THE OTHER SIDE alternates between really good and filler and it's something I don't listen to outside of NOBLE as a whole.

    44. How often do you download music?

    Almost every day.

    45. Are there any specific bitrates that you prefer?

    Anything above 128 is fine with me (as long as the 128 is AAC). This question is stupid. FILE FORMAT matters more than the bit rate it's ripped at these days since different file formats rip at different quality at the same bit rate (although bit rate is still important). If it sounds fine I'll listen to it.

    46. What do you think of autotune?

    Auto-tune has been used in the music industry for a very long time. As long as I don't notice it, it's fine with me. If I don't notice it's there, I can't dislike it.

    47. What do you think of Noise (music)?

    Blended with things like drone, doom or crust I think it adds a wonderful component to it. On it's own I think it's unlistenable. Not terrible, just unlistenable.

    48. Do you prefer listening to music on speakers or with headphones?

    Headphones. I don't have powerful speakers lying around.

    49. What musician(s) are you most physically atracted to?


    50. If you could bring back any disbanded band, which one would it be?

    None. I file disbanded bands in a special portion of my mind where their music is "immortalized" so to say. I enjoy them in the context that they can't do anything to screw it up. Bringing those bands back forces me to re-analyze those bands and could also go a long way towards making me not like that band as much. So none. Let the disbanded bands stay that way.

    51. If you HAD to stereotype your music tastes, what would you be considered? (in example -a metal-head, hip-hop, goth, hipster, etc..)

    Weeaboo, sadly.

    52. How much on average do you listen to in a day?

    4-5 hours?

    53. How big is your digital music collection?

    1718 songs.

    54. How many physical CDs do you own?

    20 or 30, mostly rare things I can't download.

    55. What song will you play at your Wedding?

    Don't plan on getting married so IDK.

    56. What song will you play at your Funeral?

    None, since I'd be dead I wouldn't be playing music ;D

    57. What dead musician would you bring back?

    See 50. Change words to apply.

    58. Best intro to a song?

    I love the intros to Huuto (Moonsorrow), SUICIDE~洗礼の章 (Aliene Ma'riage), 平安のエイリアン ~ Crazy Xenomorph (Demetori), Blue Butterfly (AYA) and Journey to the End (Muga) so those.

    59. Favorite album cover?

    I do like D'espairsRay's [coll] cover.

    60. Two artists/bands that you'd like to see collaborate?

    Boris and the Melvins would be really nice.

    61. What are you listening to now?


  4. The part about a vast majority of the album being released beforehand is undebatable. Same goes for this album too, but before Royal Order they released three too many singles. Mentally, I don't count those as singles since I didn't get to hear any of them before the album was released so they seemed "new" to me, and RED RUM was also re-recorded so that was new. They're still singles regardless, but they don't "feel" the same. Hisame, chains of collar, and Kesshouka were definitely dropped in there without any effort put into re-recording them. Maybe some EQ adjustment, but that's about it. All those tracks were great though and that's where a great difference comes in.

    Miss. DEVIL INSIDE, **88**, the two SE's, and to an extent the title track were all filler. Lily and pAIN kILLER were great. Who's bad psycho party was average.

    But for this album even if you cut out the two SE's from Royal Order you're getting 4 to 5 tracks less. Then, the A-sides are of lower quality IMO. EROS and Jesus cannot compare to A Box In Beautiful, chains of collar, or Cordyceps sinensis (although Mary/Mad Neurosis Child/Time Enough for Love can). Marigold has nothing on Kesshouka, at all. The latter is just an all around better made ballad with more emotion in it. Marigold was really flat. Aventure gets a pass for now, since no one has heard it we can't make a comparison. Then you have 4 to 5 new songs to be put on there, and considering how wildly inconsistent they've been so far we can assume that one will be a clunker already since they've had at least 1 bad/iffy song on every release so far. So that leaves 3 to 4 good songs. Counting the singles because you liked them, that would be 7 (including Aventure) possibly excellent songs.

    Royal Order had 9.

    That's just my pattern of logic though. I'm just really downed by the fact that a greater percentage of this album is going to be older songs. Mathematically, they'll have more older songs on this release than they did on RO (56% to 46%). At least if they were new songs, I could have some hope of liking them. But they aren't, so I don't :|

  5. Question: If tomorrow is indeed the rapture, does that mean Jesus is visiting each time zone one at a time at 6:30PM? I need to know where he'll come first so I can get myself in order in time. I definitely know the lines to the confessional at church will be down the block and around the corner.

  6. Alright then so let's get this straight.

    Three different singles being released on the same day.

    A-TYPE (2100 yens)

    CD 01. (Unannounced)

    CD 02. (Unannounced)


    ^ Maybe all new songs?

    B-TYPE (2415 yens)

    [CD 1]

    01. BORN -> Re-rec off TFFOAJS

    02. ラヴェイトレッド (RAVEITOREDDO) -> Re-rec off DEFECTION DEEP DEPRESSION AND...

    03. lover -> RE-rec off dole

    [CD 2]

    01. EVOL -> New song

    C-TYPE (2415 yens)

    [CD 1]

    01. 被害妄想と記憶 (Higaimousou to Kioku) -> Re-recording off TFFOAJS

    02. nightmare -> Re-rec off hole

    03. 魂泪は紅い血に (Konrui wa Akai Chi ni) -> Re-rec off RUNC

    [CD 2]

    01. DOOLB -> DEATHGAZE cover New song.

    Actually a DEATHGAZE cover would be kickass xD

  7. I'll probably listen to it out of curiosity but Jouyoku was the last new release I'm buying from these guys. They've just lost what made me love them. I guess I'll just go back to listening to Royal Order and Ambrozia to death now.

    And another one joins the "Bring old Lycaon back now I play Ambrozia and RO only" cult I've founded.

    This is confusing, the shop/live limited single is just one song with no extra DVD right? The album, 2 types, one live and the regular one with a DVD? The live one has 9 tracks with 3 re-recordings and the regular one has 8 tracks with a PV DVD? They're really milking the fans with all this live and different type shit.

    Right. Live-limited single has no DVD.

    The album that's being released in stores has 8 songs, 4 of those 8 being re-recordings. Then it has a DVD with all that shit on it.

    The album that's being released at the live has 9 songs on the album with 5 of them new. Then either a new CD or tacked on at the end are the re-recordings. They did that because they know everyone wants to hear them =_=.

    Oh, and they've been milking us dry ever since second era started.

  8. I think he's referring to a slow death in what they used to be compared to what they are now, like how you have a band that was really good in the beginning that changed direction and started getting worse to you, but more popular with everyone else in general. That's them now. They're getting more fame and attention, but lots of long time fans believe their older work was much more polished and well-put together and their newer work is lazy and inconsistent, ranging between utter shit and mediocre to great.

    Regardless I'm still going to check it out because I'm a glutton for punishment, but if there's a chance Lycaon can release something good again I'll try. Plus, that bonus CD drew me in like a moth to flame. Can't help it.

  9. I was preparing to listen to the sample expecting it to not be that bad, but it really is. Quality wise, I mean. Now of course, I listen to Boris and they don't have the best production in the world on some of their albums (like Vein) so I wonder if it's because he really can't afford it, or if it's because Kyouka likes that "sound" and did it on purpose. Could also be a bit of both.

    It might also be YouTube, although that excuse has lost some validity in recent years.

  10. Eh, it's just the chorus. I don't have a problem with it; I just recognize that it could be stronger. Yuuki's vocals on the whole have gotten better since Ambrozia though, so he might be able to rectify those weaker vocals at the beginning of the chorus.

  11. Ugh, the last time we got something "erotic" we got EROS.

    And they're including Jesus again? We already had it on the mini; stop milking that song. It's not that good. This album is already not as good as Royal Order by inclusion of those two songs.

    Also, why are they making a PV for Pierrot? That song was AWFUL beyond words. PINK MILK WITH DRUGS MY DRINK. was OK at least.

    I also want to see if I can get my hands on that re-recording CD. Their old songs are still excellent and if they're re-recording them there's a chance it might not be terrible, as long as they just re-record them and don't try to fuck with anything since they're all perfect as is (except maybe suckin' on a lollipop; Yuuki do something about that chorus). Also hoping for a re-recording of Alejandro.

    Also, love that session band. Glad to see Mio's still friends with them, although eve's absence is...notable. They still aren't playing nice.

    EDIT: I also just noticed this:

    regular edition (limited 3030) will include CD (8 songs with 4 new songs)

    So basically 3/4 of the album has already been released? What kind of shit is that? To be fair they did pull the same act with Royal Order, but at least most of those singles were released in extremely limited quantity for a long time and then they had a bigger back catalog to pull songs from. Since they're now ignoring everything before FRAGILE, what the hell are they going to put on it?


    Something from the EROS single (Please be Mary/Mad Neurosis Child)



    something else from Jouyoku no Acme? (Marigold or Nibame no Onna, since they wanna be so damn sexy)

    ..that's about it :\

  12. Fact: There is absolutely no way that it is going to be as good as Royal Order.

    Fact: I'm still probably going to check this out.

    Fact: If it has EROS on it I might not even bother.

    Honestly, I'm siding with gyakutai on this one. If this album isn't good, they should just call it quits.

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