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Posts posted by Zeus

  1. I hope this band will stay together and release a fair amount of material, including something beyond a handful of singles. I don't want another Chaos System-esque band with less songs than the revolving door of members the band has had.

  2. ^ Well that's what's written on the OHP. Maybe they're being generous (or just mistyped it, lol). :mrgreen:

    the price is correct...and regular edition will be released after limited edition is sold out

    That makes more sense then. I was wondering if that was intentional or not. Guess all we can wait for now is a tracklist :D

  3. They pulled this shit before with the "SHOW UP TO OUR TWO LIVES AND TOUR FINAL, GET SPECIAL CD".

    Depending on the ticket prices, I'd say that sounds much more reasonable than spending 8400yen on three copies of the same album for some 'special CD' that's probably just a comment-track.

    (2500 x 3) + 3500 > 8400.

    I researched it again and it turns out it was three lives and not two.

  4. They pulled this shit before with the "SHOW UP TO OUR TWO LIVES AND TOUR FINAL, GET SPECIAL CD". Hardly anyone did it. Bet anything it's the same exact CD because they have leftover presses.

    Lycaon, leave the obscene marketing ploys to bigger bands that actually have enough rabid fans to pull it off with reasonable success.

  5. Their compositional skills have also improved. They're adding more textures and more elements into their songs. I can't find anything on their first album that compares to NEO SCREAM, for example. One of the reasons why I didn't like Abnormal Head Machine is because of the awful transitions. Something like Dust Pain or Think doesn't work when you have these heavy as fuck verses with a poppy chorus, and A.H.M was just a succession of track after track after track that followed that formula. Once they dropped the "omg we hare metalcore VK" and experimented more with different soundscapes, they've improved consistently. Up until DOGMA was released they haven't had an in your face, every-track-is-extremely heavy-for-no-reason release (which DOGMA is). Every release has a variety of hard rockers, some nicer ballads and some mid-tempo pieces. DOGMA feels like cold leftovers in comparison to the BLACK- mini's.

  6. it better sounds like vanessa's brutality=p

    Genki better have improved if he's going to try that route again. With that said, I wouldn't mind if they went that route, as long as they didn't sound like the millionth pseudo-metalcore VK band that's formed this year.

  7. I was reading about purple Heavy Rocks earlier today. Glad to see that it's a completely different work. What I'm most curious about is seeing if they're still sticking with their analog lo-fi recording or if they're going to stick with what I *think* I heard on Partyboy and have clearer production.

  8. I actually read this as if OP was asking if he could upload releases by bands from other countries. In case he was (or even if he wasn't) uploads go in this forum. European/American artists are allowed only with the permission of the artist though, so you'd have to check to see if it's fine. Otherwise, it's just like Champ said.

    And I wasn't aware that Visual Kei was a phenomenon outside of Japan o_O

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