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Posts posted by Zeus

  1. I don't believe you fully understand the idiocy that some last.fm users can descend to over tagging. I hope you're right for my sanity's sake, but if you're not I'll get some expired lulz before I go spazzoid on some of the last.fm users.

    Either way, such a small amount of plays is surprising.

  2. ^ I agree. This is stretching into the ludicrous. I completely understand wanting to do something new and refresh your batteries but they could have just done that under the Nega project. IMO, almost all of Nega's music sounds exactly the same and they didn't start diversifying until GRAVE OF THE SACRIFICE with tracks like Nameless alice and 17sai no Kodoku (which I thought sucked, but I'll give them points for effort). The rub here is that PERESTROIKA is almost no different from Nega at all so I don't exactly get what they're trying to do with this project. They still sound just as overworked and stale as they did when they were Nega.

    The overarching problem I see here is that as Nega they composed themselves into a corner and are so used to composing only a few types of tracks that they're now unable to make music together that doesn't sound like Nega. I don't know if that's Jin's fault or the composers' faults, but when you have four members stop one project and pick up with another project almost immediately, the music's not going to change drastically. In the case of PERESTROIKA, it almost didn't change at all.

    I'll laugh heartily though if this is a highly detailed, cleverly thought out plot somehow involving Nega and a new album release.

  3. I still haven't figured out the member of the band that could not continue activities. Can't be Shiki because he's in a new band IIRC and it looks like Gen and Kuro still wants to do music too. My thoughts are on either L or 6.

    Either way, to answer the poster above me he might just play regular rock/metal music. Compared to most bands DI3SIRAE wasn't overly flashy when it came to visuals anyway so him making the transition wouldn't be too hard to imagine.

  4. I bet they consulted a psychic who told them what they needed to do to plagiarise something that will be released later this month.

    Don't talk about Prophet Kyo that way. >:o

  5. More news on that album from JaME.

    Experimental rock band Boris have announced that they will release a new album on March 16th. Though the title is still unknown, this album will be released under the major label tearbridge records, which is a sublabel of avex.

    This new album is also producted by Shinobu Narita, who as been a support musician for the Japanese rocker Tomoyasu Hotei. Narita, has also produced songs for other band such as Plastic Tree, D'ERLANGER and LM.C., whose styles are rather different from Boris' music. Further details regarding the new album are expected to be released soon.

  6. a) We have a thanks button? Where?

    B) How exactly would your idea work? Would they click the thanks button and then would the link pop up from a drop-down box? Would the poster themselves have to send out the link in a PM? I've been thinking of ways to improve the general download forum myself and at least twist the arms of leechers so they have to participate minimally in order to get their downloads but I can't think of any way to actually do this without becoming draconian. Depending on how this is implemented, this could range from doing absolutely nothing to helping a little. At the very least, we can see who downloads what (how useful that would be varies though).

    But yes, more information please. I'm interested. Perhaps the other mods will be willing to offer their input as well.

  7. I tried this band back when a friend gave me a recommendation to try Nightwish and they popped up under the "similar" category. This band never did much for me. I sat through parts of their Mother Earth album but most of it was flat and bland. I never did finish it either - I got bored by track three. I disagree on the point of den Adel being whiny and off-key - to me, she's the best part of this band. If I really had to sum up Within Temptation in a sentence or two, it's as if they take everything about Symphonic Metal and simplify it to the point where I can't really dig it. There's a lot of stuff going on, I'll give them that much, but none of it stands out or builds on one another or anything. It's just...there.

  8. I can hear those "pockets" that your friend was talking about right at the end of that clip. Also, seconding that struggling. It reminds me a little of Dozing Green, where Kyo was struggling to hit notes in some parts of the song on the single version.

    I still don't understand how it defies melody, but I've only heard 26 seconds of it so....that's probably why.

  9. I must have misinterpreted your initial post then. It came off as if you were saying the Dir en grey fanbase was completely without it's trolls and weeaboos and overall annoying people. But now I see we're on the same page.


    What is this a rational discussion on a topic with differing opinion without dramaz? TW is maturing I must say.

  10. >MSG

    Dir en grey never played at Madison Square Garden

    >MSG again

    Once again, Dir en grey hasn't played Madison Square Garden. And apparently they love congregating there...but there's no show there...

    Not MSG. Nokia @_@. Why I call MSG Nokia and Nokia MSG I will never know. I do know where I was standing for a long ass time, even if you don't believe me.

    *has a lingering sense will's going to pound this blunder into my head over and over for the remainder of this discussion*

    >sparkly parts of the Dir en grey fandom

    I have been to NYC. I saw them in November (when they played 3 days) and the most I saw, heard about in line, and read about, were the infamous Canadian bitches with dreadlocks. But mind you. Those girls are crazy and rather well known for being batshit insane, so they're a special case. So no, I have been around to see it. But it's not in the volume that you are making it out to be. That was an isolated incident with 2 girls being cunts. Whatever. When doesn't that happen?

    But you're making it sound like it never ever happens. And it does. Yeah sure, there are some isolated incidents here and there (like the one Kaye said, and this one, and these three crazy Japanese chicks who think they're entitled to Diru because they're the same ethnicity that are at every show at NOKIA (see, caught myself that time) that I've been to, and the London argument you're going to bring up below) and they add up. We're not sparkly roses and congenial fans yet but we're not as bad as it once was. I always gave you that one. But overall, no the fanbase isn't the greatest ever. You're focusing solely on live atmosphere. I'm going for all aspects of the fans and all places you can find them.

    >London story time

    My friend was standing in the crowd before this show, then apparently this girl started clawing his face and screaming that he sexually harassed her (touched her tits) etc. I had like 5 other friends there that were with him, they all confirmed he didn't do that. This was London though, I always hear horror stories about London and Polish fans.

    And yeah, this is the most extreme example. I have never heard ANY OTHER stories like these ever.

    That's just batshit crazy. Still though, we've got us some weird Diru fans, concentrated in some places more than others. Seems like London's a bad place to catch a Diru show then.

    >you've been around the block a few times

    I assume you've liked them for a while, cool. Then you know that things were pretty bad for a while (2005), and that is somehow comparable to nowadays? LOL!!!! An instance in NYC (november): Die walked out of the tour bus, and hung out with fans, two of which held an umbrella for him while he smoked. He was up right at the front of the line, and guess what happened? Nothing. Even amongst the most BATSHIT of fans, they did nothing. I assume from what I could see he just made small talk with them, and then he walked into the venue. Another instance, Kyo was freely walking around and no one bothered him. In NYC. The place where you talk about how there's all of these terrible KAWAII DESU NEEEEE fans. Nothing. That is the instance that solidified my notion (oh hey, fans are sort of normal now). Back in 2007 do you know what happened when I was in Boston? A girl saw who she thought was Kyo (when it was kyo's roadie), screamed, and ran after him. Now? None of that.

    So no. It's not really that bad now. We were in the same city, and it seems like we saw completely different things. Odd...

    As I said before, I did say they were getting better. I didn't say that every single fan in the fandom were sane. We still have a lot of progress to make. I think in a few years, we'll be where you think we are now. I can attribute that to the fans either being "scared" of Uroboros (how, idk), discovering their old VK days and feigning as if they've listened to them forever or just dropping out of the fad of J-music that held them. It happens.

    Sure, we're always going to have the new fans that come in and try too hard to fit. We're always going to have the trolls that just are annoying to everyone and we're going to have the douchebags and asshats that show up at occasional lives and annoy people but the transition over the last five years shows that the real fans are sticking around, and that the next five years should show the transition from what we have now to less of the bad stuff and more of the good stuff.

  11. First before I address everything else. Did you personally witness all of these guys running out of a car and screaming "we must see diru"? People piling out of a car in the middle of Times Square sounds very unlikely and borderline suicidal in all honesty. If this is hearsay, I'm going to disregard it because I can't how many times someone has drastically switched a a story for their own personal gain. If you witnessed it, then was it in August? I doubt you witnessed it though because you refrained from "oh I saw this" to add to the validity of your story. I'm curious about this matter.

    Nope, wasn't during the August show. Back during the WtD/MOAB era when they came for the show at MSG. And no, I didn't actually see them run into the band but the commotion they made + the people in front of me that witnessed it + the people in front of me pointing out the idiots as they moved to the back of the line are enough for me to believe they at least NEARLY ran into them, if not ran into them completely.

    >Wapanese / Japwap etc.

    Everyone cites a similar example of the same story for every fan of every VK or J-Rock band. If it's not Dir en grey, it's the GazettE, or Sadie, or X Japan, or MUCC, or D'espairsRay. I have heard this story done thousands of times over. They are not exclusive to the Dir en grey fanbase. And in all of the shows I have been to, I have never heard this ever happen. I have read it online, but never heard. So I really find it borderline hard to believe though I am not denying the existence of such people. But since I haven't really come across them out of all of the people I have interacted with, I figure they are extremely minute and only appear at Miyavi shows and the like. I did hear that at a Miyavi show recently (in the US) there were a ton of kids like this. So, no, not exclusive to Dir en grey, instead it's what wapanese kids do.

    They exist, trust me. Just because you haven't seen them doesn't mean they don't exist. They love congregating at Dir en grey shows at MSG I'll tell you that much. We can't get enough of them. Next time I go to a show I'll redirect them to you so you can see them yourself.

    >kaysuu and macaberr

    you're implying that people who mispronounce the names of said albums are new fans that have only liked them for a week. Logic fail. Those can not be connected in anyway. Subsequently, I have heard people butcher the band name, members names, etc. that have liked them for a very long time (personal experience, personal observation).

    I'm also implying that when I asked them what their favorite song off MACABRE is, all I got was a blank face and a bunch of "uhhh's". I'm guessing you haven't run into the posers either. I'll send them in a box as well.

    >Kicked in the back of the head

    were you anywhere near the pit? If so. There you go. Expect to get hit or kicked. People kick in mosh pits, ever been to a hardcore show? No? Didn't think so. People do this. And the whole OH PEOPLZ SHOULDNT DO THAT AT SHOWS is a completely separate argument that is pointless. If you were nowhere near the pit, then I'm sorry your delicate head got kicked. That was one person out of the 2,999 other people there. I have never come in contact with any people like that, nor do I know anyone that has, so i take it that that instance was incredibly rare.

    Reasonably, not exactly inside it but it was near me. I'm more convinced he kicked me because I was in front of him, not because I was near the mosh pit. I'm frail - I know better than to get in a mosh pit. But that of course is a subjective, one time experience neither one of us can get the other to change their mind on :3

    >deity will

    that's too cute. You see, the things I say come from knowledge, stories I've been told, or things I've personally experienced. You should also note that I am apart of many Dir en grey communities to help me get the most info on the band that I can. This includes live reports, release information, gossip, rumors, etc. And you can only IMAGINE that line drama has been brought up before and people who are assholes at lives. But mind you, these problems are not regular occurences at Dir en grey shows. There's always the occasional asshole that should be locked up, sure. But that's at every other show. I'm not going to sit here and say that I know more about Dir en grey than you, but I suspect I have access to more resources than you, which has developed overtime. So no, I'm not a deity, just passionate about a band and the things that go on with them.

    Really, because all of the knowledge that you've displayed within these last two posts seems to be quite devoid of the less sparkly parts of the Dir en grey fandom that you know to stay away from. Yeah, we all know the average YouTube comment is enough to cause brain ulcers and that you have a couple of closet fans who like to make brogs and desu up all about Dir en grey until the sun rises from the west but there are a lot more than you are aware of, specifically because you limit your involvement to places that have a small amount of such annoying fans. While we need less fans like them and more fans...not like them...completely downplaying the existence of about 40% of the fanbase (at least) is a little ridiculous.

    And yes, I hate line assholes .____.

    But I have heard one story that happened to my friend in London that was pretty bad. It was fucked up, but I have never heard a story like it before, so I take it it was a one-time occurence.

    Now you've gotten me curious. What happened to him?

    So no. Though I don't doubt you have seen stuff or heard stories, you are largely going off of misleading and out of date rumors and gossip to fuel your argument. that's not the way to do it bro, you really only had one instance of PERSONAL EXPERIENCE in your whole argument, soo....yeah.....

    Only one instance of personal experience I've told you. Unlike most people that try to argue, I don't impress my entire history of a fan into one post in order to seem more "credible". I include only what's necessary and relevant to the discussion and if more is necessary than I'll add it in later. I've been around for quite a long time (Exact number unnecessary and of course, you wouldn't believe me even if i said it) and I've seen a lot of stupid shit come out of the mouths of fans and pseudo-fans of the band. My arguments aren't any more outdated than yours - I just have a different view of the fanbase than you do.

  12. Actually I have been. August show in NYC, 2010. But this is also besides the point. While you are spot on about there being drama at shows (I mean, c'mon if you've been camping out there for 3,4,5 days and someone's trying to cut in front of you expect to see some drama) shows aren't the only place that there be drama. Before I get into that though:

    - there are just the general Japwap idiots at shows who can't shut up for two minutes to hear how retarded they sound and inject several cliche Japanese phrases into their sentences to seem cool. You know, the ones that discovered Dir en grey last week and fake like they've been listening to them since "Kaysuu" and "Macaberr".

    - one time outside of the venue as Diru were walking inside some idiot and a bunch of his friends barged right out of a car and ran right through them screaming "WE MUST SEE DIRU" and generally flapping their weeaboo wings everywhere before taking their position at the far end of the line. Sad thing is, I don't even think they knew who they were because they didn't stop or apologize, even while everyone was staring at them with enough malice to break a cinder block.

    - I've gotten kicked in the back of a head at a Diru show (how does your foot get up there again?) by someone angry that I got closer to the stage than he did and I know a few of my friends have gotten into bitchfights with other tr00 fans who have problems when people try to get closer to see a band. Because, of course you go to a Dir en grey show to stand at the back, calm and collected and see nothing, do nothing and scream nothing. Also, bars are sacred lines that must not be touched, crossed or even debated with in any way because if someone's standing in front of you at a Dir en grey show when Sa Bir starts, that's of course enough to say that you two should stay in the same exact position all show. There are also fans that like to argue down other fans when it comes to the exact date and time of attending a show, because everyone cannot get enough of Prophet Kyo's often unintelligible wisdom. So, even when you were on TV and there's a snapshot of you on the news, you're just a sellout fake fan who doesn't deserve to even listen to Dir en grey because of how fake you are.

    Of course, because fans can tell other fans how much to listen to a band.

    - There are the fans that like to rank all other fans based on how much Dir en grey physical releases they have, so of course someone that has all the singles is somehow superior and more elite than someone that just has Uroboros because that's when they discovered them. I've never actually run across a fanbase where fans try to stratify one another based on how many releases they have and then brag about these releases outside venues as if it makes them more of a fan. Go on, talk about your Clever Sleazoid single. C [LIVE] recording on that disk was sooooo powerful!

    But that's besides the point. Concerts are only one place out of many that you see Dir en grey fans and I also assure you that the presence of the deity Will doesn't oversee every Dir en grey show, every forum post, every album purchase and every illegal download that has ever occurred. Not every Dir en grey fan does (or can afford to) to go a live show. Some people are just casual listeners of Dir en grey, but still consider themselves fans. Some people are new fans and haven't had the chance to get to see them live. There are different degrees of fandom and different degrees of annoying amongst fans (and different degrees of what those are amongst fans themselves). I'm not one to swath a whole group into a label but if I were to assign labels (which would be long and tedious) there would be different degrees of annoyance and ignorance that exist within the fanbase. There are annoying fans at places other than lives: there are annoying fans on forums, there are annoying fans on blogs, there are annoying fans on annoying fansites, there are annoying fans on last.fm. Perhaps from what you've seen and what you've personally witnessed, the fans have improved. But from what I've seen and what I've witnessed, the only thing that's changed are that the oldfags have become silentfags, the newfags became oldfags and the neofags are twice as annoying as the oldfags were.

    And no, I'm not even talking about the trolls and those that have their heads so far up their ass they think Dir en grey is the best band to ever come out of Japan and nothing else that has come before or come after will ever be as revolutionary. They're in an entire different boat of ignorant.

    So, based on my personal experience I'm wrong at all. See, that's the thing about personal experience. It's all subjective.

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