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Posts posted by Zeus

  1. I might as well take this time to ask if anyone knows why he left both THE EIGHT and Black:List in the first place.

    Also, semi-fan of Kyotaro here. He was virtually unlistenable up until illational, when he seemingly removed most of the phlegm in his throat and started producing pleasant sounds with it. Then his harsh vocals got slightly better in Black:List but he never really "fit" with that band as much as he did with THE EIGHT. Then he stopped singing.

  2. a few days ago I wrote here that I'm single Xd

    well, now I'm not single anymore :spin::3:gaga:


    Gah. I'm on the verge of being in one. I've been having sex with this guy and staying over night in his bed afterwards...we've been to two movies together, out to eat a couple of times...I feel like he's not into it as much as I am at some points, other points he's more into it than I am. Next time I see him I'm going to ask him to discuss with me what kind of relationship we are in and if it has a future of developing or not. I've been avoiding it like the plague. Because I just hope he doesn't say its just for the sex and nothing else. Yes, I apparently do my relationships backwards. Next time I won't, if there is a next time.

    I didn't know there was an order relationships had to go in :x. I might have completely skewed views on what a relationship is though so don't listen to me, but I'm completely opposed to the conventional notion of what "order" a relationship has to progress in. All that matters is if it's going to happen and if you're happy about it. :3


  3. I'm glad to see for once that when I enter a topic of an indies VK band disbanding I don't see NOOOO THEY WERE SO GOOD WHYYY! Honestly, I got the vibe from one of their pictures that they weren't going to stay around for long and that in a few months they were going to disband.

    That was last week -_-;

  4. Boys, can I ask why you someone hurt peoples' feelings and you have no idea how you did that?

    Well if it's accidental then that's probably why. Sometimes the things I say offend the hell out of other people and they take it the wrong way even though I didn't mean it that way. That would be a lack of communication.

    Then there are some guys that like to play games and treat women as objects. Those guys are collectively referred to as assholes. Only assholes like other assholes.

    you complain about how much you miss me but you don't bother to plan anything when we do meet up and just want to play video games and sleep?.....WTF much? is he oblivious or just loosing interest? cuz....I'm starting to loose patience

    You should tell him that politely. Most of the time us men can really be that stupid when it comes to being attentive to our lady. Sometimes, all we need is a polite nudge in the right direction to let us know where we're messing up.

    Although if he's that much of a jerkface then I don't know =\

  5. Don't worry Anomie. That sounds like me.

    Not to piss in everyone else's cornflakes but I've been bullied a lot growing up too.

    Mine was different though, since I was bullied at home, at summer camp and at school. I could never get away from it. At school, I was always the kid at the top of my class because I could go to class, take no notes and get perfect grades on everything. Classmates hated me for it. They'd trip me, push me down the stairs, isolate me at lunch. I'd have no people to play with when it came time to go outside and go to recess and since I was stuck there until 6:30 every day I had to deal with people's shit for 12 hours a day. Of course there were exceptional circumstances but I'll spare you all the details. This is no sob story damnit!

    It never ended there though. My mom would be pissed off because of her poor life decisions and viewed me as the object of all of her troubles. I would get picked up from school and then enter another world of hell. I would get hit a lot, spit on, screeched at, sent to bed with no food - basically anything that you would tell yourself NOT to do happened to me. Looking back I don't know which one was worse but I don't know how I didn't kill myself. That shit was horrible. I don't remember this myself (actually, everything that I know about my childhood I've been told over the last three years because I can't remember anything before 4th grade. I think I've subconsciously suppressed it all) but once I got hit so badly there were marks all over my body and the school wanted to call the cops to take me away. I really do think the teachers at my elementary school felt bad for me because they always treated me extra special and they wanted to push me through the grades as fast as possible (so I would be independent sooner). The other kids didn't understand that though and they interpreted it as gaining preferential treatment, so they just bullied me more. They made it worse =\.

    The only friends I have (that live around me) today are all the ones I made through summer camp. For some reason, the camp I went to attracted tons of kids like myself. We were all weirdoes that didn't have friends anywhere else and we all got placed together in the same group. We had a love for Japanese anime, cartoons, video games. It was the perfect combination of friends that you could ask for. Of course this was a SUMMER CAMP so there was lots of physical activity going on so it was always stratified between the cool obnoxious assholes and us. That wasn't too bad though since there were more of us, so we could stick together and stick up for one another.

    Camp was the place where I learned to grow some balls and I remember fourth grade because I went back to school and people started trying to bully me like usual. Got into a lot of fights that year but I'd always get away with it. Don't know why really. After a while when they realized I wasn't taking anyone's shit anymore they started backing off. I stopped getting bullied but I didn't have any friends either. It stayed that way until I graduated. At around the same time, my mom got re-married to some doucher that distracted her long enough to leave me alone.

    Then I went to high school and purposefully isolated myself. I was the genius kid that made no friends. Of course, people interpreted that as me being high and mighty with my smarts but honestly I didn't want to deal with other people because I didn't know how. I made some new friends in high school that I still talk to today so somewhere in there I learned how to deal with other people but I was still bullied in high school. Or rather, people attempted to.

    I eventually learned from years of summer camp that the best way to deal with a bully is to beat the living shit out of them over and over again. If they have to bring back friends for round two, you beat them down too.

    These days I'm in college and no one has time to bully anyone else so I don't have to worry about that anymore. Reason why I decided to share is because there's probably a reason why I went through all that and someone needs to know bullying is not OK.

  6. "Nice guys":http://www.heartless-bitches.com/rants/niceguys/niceguys.shtml

    Ok, such guys are really boring AND annoying.

    That was me...when I was 13 and stupid.

    No girl will go out with you because you're too nice? What sort of dysfunctional relationships do these women want? Do they want obnoxious college frat boys who party and shove them around? What ever happened to being attracted to someone who actually respects your gender?

    I have no idea. I've had the luck of being in the complete wrong place to find someone.

  7. Lame :( I was looking more to add album art / song titles than actually distribute music. /Oh well...

    Album art you can do. To go to the album of an artist you can enter it right in your address bar. I'm going to use lynch. as an example. If you want to add album artwork for THE AVOIDED SUN for example, you just go here:


    Most follow that format. If there's no album artwork there you'll see an option to upload album artwork. Get a nice, big picture and upload it and you're done.

    Titles are a bit trickier. If you're wanting to correct capitalization just request the staff to do it. Most of the time, unless they have a reason not to they'll do it. They can't add, delete or correct titles though so if you have an obvious mistake like Black:List's griefj track there's no fixing that. All you can do is correct the wrong tags to scrobble to the right ones.

    Even that's abused though since people can't come to a consensus on how to communally tag things <____>

  8. 1) I assume if they ever found out that you were impersonating a record company they'd outright IP ban you and delete your profile. From their perspective I don't think they want a lawsuit thrown their way because someone decided to be a record company and offer all of an artist's tracks for free through their service. Then again, I also don't think it's that easy to impersonate a record label. There's probably lots of paperwork involved and any random person can't just do it without a lot of spare time and effort.

    2) If you mean add the tracks and proper times for an album, no. It's rather infuriating since the record companies don't get it right and don't give a shit. Then again, the shitstorms that stem over how to tag PERESTROIKA makes me glad we don't have that option. Too many people would fuck it up.

  9. That said, I find it disconcerting how much young girls rely on relationships. All I hear them talk about is boys, as if they're the be all and end all. The amount of girls wanting to have boyfriends, husbands, babies so young is appalling to me. One of my sister's friends is fifteen and pregnant, she wants to be a full-time mother and have as many kids as possible. It's all everyone, especially girls, seem to care about.

    For me, I honestly don't know. I have no reason to hate relationships because I haven't been in one to hate it but all the nonsense around me makes me not want to try. Imminent generalization here but...: I can't find a girl that's good for me around here. I hear it over and over again that I'm not enough of a "challenge" and that I'm too nice of a guy and that no girl will ever go for me because I don't conform to stereotypes (I also hear "don't give up!" a lot too so save it). I've been pushed aside so many times my friends and I have a running gag that divine intervention likes screwing me over. Then again, I keep my age in mind and keep telling myself that sooner or later they're going to have to get over their "bad boy" phase. When that will happen I don't know. I don't even know if I'll want to bother with them when it does happen.

    Reason why I quoted SUBLIMINAL is because it's that sentiment that pisses. me. the. fuck. off. Everyone's so devoted like they're married and they rush through everything. I feel like Hitch because I'm always giving "advice" which is really common sense wrapped up in a ball of sass. The biggest reason that I probably am still single is that my general attitude is that I don't really need anyone and that's not what the common girl 'round these parts wants to hear. It's whatever though, relationships just LOOK like too much work for me when the people are in this kind of mindset. I've got no choice but to wait a few more years. I waited 20, I can wait another 5 or so.

  10. While this seems like an interesting board in itself, I have absolutely nothing to contribute here because I haven't been in a relationship yet. I'm also sure I can't be the only one on TW in this boat and I'm also pretty damn sure that there's gotta be one other single person on this forum. Whether you're just like me and haven't gotten that shot yet, don't have time, can't be a committed person, just got out of a relationship, have neurotic parents or fall into this category because of some other reason that I can't think of yet get in here and single it up.

    Also, to give this topic a purpose post how you feel about relationships in general. I feel single people have more varied opinions about relationships than people in relationships do :mrgreen:

  11. That doesn't excuse them and that doesn't make the album any better. Plenty of bands search for their style on their first album and plenty of bands can create an album less schizophrenic than that one. I'm going to take Lycaon for example - they were still searching for their style when ROYAL ORDER was released and that album rocked. lynch. didn't even have a style prior to the release of greedy dead souls and that was a cohesive record. Even Matenrou Opera's first album was cohesive and looking at their later singles tells even a brain dead caterpillar that they're still moving towards finding their "sound".

    I don't expect the GazettE of all bands to figure out what they want to do 100% back when they released Disorder, but I can reasonably expect them to release an album that's consistently good. Disorder was not.

    And who knows why they called the album DISORDER? Personally, I just think they're very aware of what they're creating and of what caliber quality it is. How else could DISORDER, STACKED RUBBISH and DIM accurately describe the contents of each of their respective songs? Then again, when you go around naming your songs HESITATION MEANS DEATH, THE TRUE MURDEROUS INTENT and BEFORE I DECAY, I'm inclined to believe they open up an English dictionary and pick the edgiest words they can find and combine them to make "cool sounding titles".

  12. What I yet wonder... I can imagine, how Jasmine joined rabbit orgies with Kamijo, Kisaki and even my beloved Satsuki. They all were friends, right? Remembering about Kisaki's healthy state and understanding how big decadence can rule desires such sensitive and ambitious people and musicians I'm afraid, we can lose another one's of these wonderful group of talents too.

    What the hell does that mean? I've heard a lot of shit come out of this fandom but that just takes the cake.

  13. I tried this band a few months ago off of a request over last.fm. I didn't like them all that much. I gave their s/t a spin and it sounded like the same song over and over again. I couldn't even tell when one song stopped and the next began that's how similar they were. They get trapped up in trying to sound too edgy and hardcore and they just end up sounding repetitive. For serious.

  14. Extremely boring band.
    I can tell they suck ass just by looking at them.

    These guys should drop the synth. I hate it when bands incorporate a bit of synthesizer and then think they have achieved something epic when it's just a mediocre riff with synth over it. They would be much better off focusing on their riffs and getting someone that can spice up the drumming department because it sounds like they have a lot of ideas but they don't move anywhere with any of them. I felt nothing listening to the first link you posted and had no incentive to move on to the next.

    Otherwise, what these two said.

    Also, easy-listening =/= bad. That's just a (really bad) stereotype. Besides, this isn't anywhere near "hard-listening".

  15. I have a question for you... All my serious relationship were with boys interested also in visual rock/anime/Japanese culture (and my current bf, let's say bf, is even from there). But some of these few relationships them ended with a certain, common, reason. I am asking you boys if you know some boys, who like Japan, who behave badly with girls like this 'cause they want an Asian girl in their bed and what do you think about them. 'cause I knew a guy who was all like that (oohh I want a japanese girl, ohh I want to be japanese) an year ago, so in the end I decided not to get involved with him (luckily) °_°''

    Because you're probably the closest someone like him would ever get to a real Asian girl.

    I know a lot of Asian girls because I live in an international dorm at college and not ONE of them know about visual kei. At first, I found this rather shocking because a few of them even come straight from Japan! Then, I dug around the internet, did some research and found out vis-kei is pretty underground in Japan. The pop scene is really where it's all at.

    It may sound completely unrelated, but the guy is way too busy trying to emulate a stereotype and hoping that by liking Japanese things a Japanese girl would like him (when most Japanese women would probably have nothing to do with him). He doesn't understand that beautiful women come in all shapes, sizes and ethnicities and that by demanding himself to have an Asian woman this badly he's dooming himself to not ever getting what he wants - or, if he does he's probably going not going to get the beautiful, photo-shopped airbrushed Asians he's used to seeing on his laptop.

    You're much better off without him methinks.

    Personally, I wouldn't mind having a Japanese girlfriend but I wouldn't let the ethnicity of someone get in the way of how I feel about them (and that works both ways. I won't force myself to fall in love with a girl simply because she's Japanese).

  16. Women of TW, I require your assistance.

    I'm taking a women's studies course next semester at college. My roommate from last year took this class and he summed it up in a nutshell for me: it's 60% discussing actual issues women have, 40% women venting about how much they hate men and how men are the cause of all of their pain and suffering.

    How do I counter this? Comebacks would be appreciated.

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