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Posts posted by Zeus

  1. Semi-agree with will. I don't think it will be as heavy as the last two releases (Warsaw & Hageshisa) but I don't think it will be a plodding ballad either. I think it will be something along the lines of Toguro, but matured a bit with their sound. That's always a possibility.

    Then with Dir en grey you just never know.

  2. No joke, I've lost about seven accounts. I think I have two more but I don't use them anymore. I got really slick too, re-encoding music without metadata, changing the name of titles, re-formatting videos two or three times to get around copyright. About two years ago I knew every trick in the book they had to detect people that "broke" copyright but they ended up getting one step ahead of me.

    What really pissed me off was that I would spend hours making a video and then they'd call copyright on something most people would consider relatively insignificant and then censor my video.

    I survived through the entire "let's ban AMV's" phase, the entire "let's cut the audio out of a video for five seconds of infringing material" phase and the entire "let's ban people after one video" phase. I think they went far enough to IP ban me because they'd nail me before I even got to upload anything (or log in again, for that matter) but I ended up switching locations so now I'm back on. I think I have one active account with a few uploads in but what made me end up leaving YouTube was YouTube itself. The admins range from laid back, chill people to people that have to do their job and enforce copyright to tyrannical fascists that get delete happy. To me, YouTube is dead because it's not a place that I feel like I can express myself any longer - why, with everything and everyone being copyrighted it's very hard to do anything that's not completely OC.

    and sometimes OC isn't enough. :\


  3. I've known about this for a while, and I will check it out of course. But Boris is so amazing live that they aren't able to capture the greatness on video. It's impossible. They've already released 4 DVDs, + all the clips on youtube and so on. But none hhave been able to catch the atmosphere, intensity and greatness that they deliver live. Yet their DVDs rule hard and harder.

    boris fanboy detected

    Ignore him. He won't respond.

  4. I was thinking around the beginning of 2010 in that short period of time where Mago was quiet, there was no news of Lin and Synside was plastered all over the UCP website. I might be thinking a bit too optimistically though.

  5. Synside has announced at their live at ESAKA MUSE at 2010/12/10 that they will disband after their live at 2011/03/31, although details have not yet been announced

    I find this amusing for some reason. Weren't these the guys that went on hiatus before they even started? Now practically a year later UC's second flagship band is calling it quits. Apparently they weren't even THAT important. They never struck me as a band that took any of this seriously anyway. Now they can gtfo the scene.

    Also, nothing of value was lost. They weren't good. They weren't even decent.

  6. the original track is your standard Stalin-punk. This is unlike anything I've ever heard.

    This, in a nutshell. My head's still spinning. I have no words available at my disposal to not only describe this, but categorize it into some sort of genre. In that respect, Diru did it again.

  7. I agree with Chianti...except in this case. I've been dying to hear the new version of OBSCURE and I had a big feeling that they were going to put it on their next single since they've headlined almost every set with it so that came as no surprise. Reiketsu Nariseba live is just a joke though, but I'd rather that then the shitty remixes they had on a lot of their earlier singles.

  8. Why couldn't it be like the ballads on STACKED RUBBISH. That album was pure gold.

    Err...I can't agree there. I would say the NIL era ballads were better than the SR-era ones.

    I liked PLEDGE at first, but I think it'd be a lot better if they shaved it down a bit. It runs a little too long for my tastes.

    DISTRESS AND COMA has this same problem IIRC. Lately they've had problems bringing diversity to some of their tracks because I realize a lot of tracks repeat "catchy" segments and it just gets repetitive.

  9. I was wondering if the member conflicts also had anything to do with it. I could have sworn I heard about a huge fight. I do remember TOMOZO being all emo about it saying "I will never take the stage with any of these people again" (or something to that effect). Somehow, I always had a feeling Kyotaro had something to do with it.

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