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Posts posted by Zeus

  1. ^ haha that's funny. Anyone that's remotely paid any mind to anything I've said in this thread knows that I bash all my favorite bands relentlessly. The GazettE is nowhere near my favorite band and never will be. I'm rather indifferent towards them.

    Also, SCREW's only gotten better since they've signed to PSC. Byou's learned how to sing and Ancient Rain has to be their best single so far. As for BORN, they haven't changed at all and are still pushing out good music so I don't get your claim that PSC ruins artists. Most recording companies are out for popularity and very few are in it for the music. I don't get why people pick on PSC so much when SAS milked the shit out of Versailles with multiple types of releases and got away with it red-handed. Like you said, it's a company, but aren't all record companies? For once I'd like to see someone point out what they think is representative of a GOOD VK record company before they start complaining about which ones suck.

    And also, I don't really care what bands you like and what bands you don't. I care about the reasons behind them because, as I said before, people that say they hate X band do so for the stupidest reasons and think they're "enlightened" for it.

  2. VK isn't popular anywhere no matter which way you look at it. It's unheard of outside of Japan, it's not popular within Japan and with the exception of forums like these VK isn't widely discussed on the Internet. If your reasoning is that "these bands aren't popular enough" every visual band should not be mentioned.

    Is this Visual Kei? Yes. Should someone look at the outfits and be able to say "you know, they look kinda bad"? Of course. But when people go out of their way to use the cloth Ruki is wearing as an excuse to bash the GazettE and say they suck, that's just fallacious. At the end of the day, it doesn't matter how much (or how little) clothing any of these rockers wear. It comes down to how mediocre, good, or crappy their music turns out to be. Underground visual bands can be amazingly good and underground visual bands can be complete shit. They can sign to PSC and still make great music and they can sign to Avex and turn mediocre. They can turn "poppy" and get better or they can get heavier and turn to shit. The generalizations of the Visual fandom are some of the stupidest, most unintelligent bullshit I've ever had the displeasure of reading anywhere. Half the time, I feel that the people trying to pass their opinions off as fact got into Visual Kei last week and try to pass off old arguments to make themselves look like they're "in the know". The VK fandom can only quantify music in terms of "poppy", "jazzy" and "heavy" and any attempt to bridge the two or describe it as something else is nigh impossible. If a band doesn't have riffs in drop B for one song or doesn't squeal their way through 42 minutes of an album OMGGZ THEY WENT ALL KAWAII DEY SUXX0RZ.

    Trying to distinguish a band out of ideas from a band experimenting with their sound or maybe musicians just trying to have fun has been jumbled into one huge clusterfuck of stupidity where people interchange meanings thinking that bigger words means their opinion is more valid when it isn't. Instead of using their brains and maybe taking an open-minded approach to a new concept by a band people go off and blame the clothes the band is wearing or the label they just got signed to as a reason to why they suck now when many bands haven't even released music to be judged! As an added incentive, they name bands that they subjectively judge as crappy to "prove their point"!

    tl;dr - hate on a band all you want. That's what the thread is here for but if you're going to do it provide GOOD reasons, not uncreative bullshit.

  3. I was around here and there in the beginning when this thread showed flickers of promise. Then it went down the shitter, just like all threads that get past page three on TW. Then came back to set a Dirutard straight and generally spout off my unwanted opinions. Just because I don't post lame .gif's every other post doesn't mean I'm not here ;D

    I was quoting the movie o-o

    Back to on-topic: I agree with Jon as well; although I think lynch. deserves a bit of hype. Deathgaze, however, would be a better example for me since I find it hard to like an entire release by them.

    x_____________x. Ignore me I'm a dumbass with a penchant for not catching mass culture references.

    And I semi-have to agree with DEATHGAZE, even though I like them a lot they're pretty typical.

  4. I was around here and there in the beginning when this thread showed flickers of promise. Then it went down the shitter, just like all threads that get past page three on TW. Then came back to set a Dirutard straight and generally spout off my unwanted opinions. Just because I don't post lame .gif's every other post doesn't mean I'm not here ;D

  5. And to the person who said Versailles isn't overvalued? LOL. I LOVE Versailles and I can tell you they're overrated. Have you ever been to one of their concerts? The fangirls are fucking insane.

    I think the main thing about Versailles (who I like btw) is that they're nowhere near as special as some fans make them out to be. Sure, you don't find that many symphonic metal bands in vk, but you find lots of non-visual symphonic metal bands all around the world. But a lot of Versailles fans wouldn't touch these bands with a barge pole, yet they praise Versailles as if they re-invented music. Yes, they do good handiwork, but so do other bands of that genre.

    Thank you Champ for interpreting my post when my brain farted and I couldn't say what I meant to. :D

  6. Saying they are a boy band because half of their fanbase may like them for what they look like brings me back to me saying about why judge the band just because of some of the fans, why does that make them a boy band just because some of their fans like them for what they look like, the whole meaning of the term boy band is a group of people put together and they don't play instruments they mainly just dance, so how does the reason why their fans like them determine what kind of band they are?

    Shou can definitely sing, he proves that every time they do a live.


    VK is considered a subset of boy bands in Japan. Plus, being a boy band isn't a bad thing. Put your prejudice away.

    And to the person who said Versailles isn't overvalued? LOL. I LOVE Versailles and I can tell you they're overrated. Have you ever been to one of their concerts? The fangirls are fucking insane.

  7. I'm a girl and i like j-rock music for the music not what anyone looks like.

    Cool sentence, but just because you supposedly do it doesn't mean the rest of their fans don't, which leads right to this:

    Why does everyone blame the bands for having lots of fangirls that love them, they don't choose who likes them.

    No one said being overvalued was a BAD thing, it just is. Alice Nine is an overrated band. Sorry.

  8. Zesshoku's theory: every other GazettE album is trash.

    Disorder? Unpleasant noise.

    NIL? Some good stuff.

    STACKED RUBBISH? Eponymous.


    Album 5? Shaping up to be weak.

    SHIVER preview was representative of the whole song and RED's no different, right down to the person-bearing cover art. So far, the only thing I have against RED is that it sounds too similar to SHIVER, which means they're crapping out carbon-copy songs and THAT is worse than a generic, uninspired song. I bet VERMIN is going to be a meaningless heavy song that fans will no doubt jizz over and claim to be GazettE's BESTEST and then AN UNWAVERABLE FACT is going to be a half-decent attempt at some sort of Gazerock weirdness that would have worked had they taken the time to craft the song first, but in the mire of the entire single will just sink lower, lower, lower into obscurity.

    And you know what? I don't think PLEDGE is going to be all that different. Maybe a little slower, but this upbeat commercial vibe they have going on isn't disappearing.

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