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Posts posted by Zeus

  1. 6/10

    fuck it, I like it.

    because it's a fun live song. because they went out and actually TRIED something new, next to shitty girugämesh and Gazette who actually are covering themselves OVER and OVER and OVER again.

    Just want to point this out before someone else does but neither one of those bands are covering themselves like you mentioned. I'm pretty sure 90% of Giru's fanbase want them to go back to their earlier style and a sizeable chunk of Gazette's fanbase want them to return to their DIM sound. In terms of all three they aren't doing the same thing over and over again. It's just up to debate over who is doing their new style right and who isn't.

    Also, seconded about the YAY's in Mary. They are so badly placed. It doesn't make me like the song any less though.

  2. I want the creepy bassist and the pink-haired tranny back.

    Seriously Lycaon, what the fuck happened? ID is the lamest SE you've ever come up with - it even beats flowing in terms of lameness. But even as this went on, I retain my hope.

    VERDICT: n/a

    Then EROS comes in.

    As much as I want to like it, you made it damn near impossible. It's earsplittingly bad to the point where I'm pretending it doesn't exist. The longer it goes on, the more I want it to end. For all intents and purposes, I'm going to call those elements they incorporated (badly) "country swing" and they make me feel like I'm in a bad strip club where Yuuki's squealing at me while he's removing his thong. Not good. Rito and Satoshi's needless twin guitar melody doesn't mesh with all the crap going on in the background and I'm too busy applying brain bleach to remember anything noteworthy Hiyuu did. I know there was a poorly-placed bass interlude but other than that I can't care.

    VERDICT: ...

    PINK MILK WITH DRUGS MY DRINK. sounds odd. I'm going to call what Yuuki does "vocal vomit" here because once he starts he doesn't shut up ever. He keeps attempting different things but from the badly processed barking to the YEA YEA YEA's and the UH UH UH's make what he does do right inconsequential because sooner or later he's going to do something to nullify it. It's psychotic but not in the good way. It could have used some fine-tuning and a Yuuki that dropped his vocals just a bit.

    VERDICT: meh

    Mary is the only good track on this single and it's great in comparison to everything else on here but it's just an average track when compared to the rest of their output. This is straightforward Lycaon with their new guitar tuning and it's the first song where I'm not polarized enough to be able to appreciate Hiyuu's bass lines. Yuuki also doesn't screw up in the vocals either and the guitar melody actually WORKS. Hey Rito, we need more songs like this and not that disaster called "the rest of this single".

    VERDICT: OK. It's listenable. I might even like it after a while!

    MAD NEUROSIS CHILD isn't bad. The effects they put over Yuuki's voice work to his benefit in my book - I detest it when vocalists put effects over their voice but it makes him sound less annoying so I'll take it. However, I find the guitar tuning to be ill-fitting for this song - it's supposed to be heavy but where they have it set takes a lot of that away. Still, this is the song on the CD closest to their older concept of "hunting instinct" - at least in sound anyway.

    VERDICT: Why wasn't this the single?

    I've taken to not writing too many reviews because of time constraints but this is just exceptionally bad and the fans need to know what they're in for. They are capable of SO MUCH BETTER so I don't what happened but Lycaon needs to tune the guitars down a notch and Yuuki needs to lay off the helium. Back to the drawing board guys, and this time come back with something respectable. I'm counting on you.

    EDIT: I just glanced over the lyrics and...Yuuki screams YEAH in almost every song. Just worth noting that whenever he can't think of something worthwhile to sing he just screams that.

  3. Stop it guys


    Guys...just no. I enjoy these types of threads but only when they're done right. If this was changed from "most brutal" to "heaviest" then we have a great thread. None of these bands in here (save maybe GREGORY and some of DEATHGAZE) can be considered anything remotely brutal. Everything else is just heavy. Heavy =/= brutal.

    And OP's definition of brutal is closer to heavy or dense or harsh. I wonder if his definition of heavy is brutal xD.

    But OT: If I had to pick one I'd probably second GREGORY or something. Most people don't look to VK for br00tal music. The bands that try usually end up failing.

  4. what? second press already?

    have the first press already sold out though? :P

    As far as I'm concerned, the first press hasn't even started selling yet! Might as well view this as type A and type B. They did the same thing with chains of collar, except this one isn't live-distributed (thank god, they have too much of that crap already)

  5. So...it's good?

    Or just decent?

    Hmmm...now I want to hear it just to judge for myself. As long as the quality is there I won't complain too much.

    EDIT: and what about Yuuki's T-Bag?

  6. Is it because of KANADE's health reason or is there another reason for their disbandment?

    Just curious...I thought this band was interesting when I first heard of them but not interesting enough for me to go find something of theirs to download. I always had a gut feeling this was going to happen :x. Sad to hear of this though.

  7. Meaning... what exactly? Dir en grey are beyond reproach now to protect overly sensitive fans from becoming butthurt, while lesser known bands like this one are fair game?

    Nope, none of that in the slightest. Even if they are my favorite band, I don't care if someone pokes fun at them. If that's where the line was drawn I would be fine but TW is home to a horde of Dir en grey fans who inspect every post to make sure it's in line with the Bible of Kyo, and if not they have to Pon farr all over the board until they're decently satisfied. I mean, if you actually LIKE sifting through pages and pages of back and forth drawn out samedrama over a band which has no place in this topic than that's great but otherwise I'd much rather save my Dirubashing for some other time.

    I'm only trying to protect the last of my brain cells from a horrible, horrible death.

  8. It amazes me how so many people on this forum can get into so many generic VK indies bands when I rarely see any of their stuff floating around the download forum. This is the only time I'll hear of VELGREED and that's often the case with most of these visual bands. Haven't heard their stuff, not too interested in it and since they weren't very well known nothing of value was lost. In a week you'll have three new generic bands with potential to take the place of this one and you'll probably stop listening to them altogether given a year.

    And here's a friendly note to whoever wanted to bash Dir en grey - I do NOT want another o hai itz will shitfest in this thread. I respect your opinion but please, respect the communal sanity of TW more.

  9. >.

    (actually i think gazette is the only jrock band i hate.)

    No, she's not. I do.

    And the GazettE being the only j-rock band you hate implies you do listen to bands that sound similar to them, since most of VK is either Dir en grey rehash, nu-metal rehash (+the GazettE rehash) and X JAPAN fanboys.

    No. I see it too. Of course though, they're so much better because their underground live-limited single demo tape and their crap recording quality and 17 member departures makes up for the shit vocalist, bad melodies and fuzzy bass.

    And SUBLIMINAL, you must have my babies. I simply demand it.

  10. also chariots are really undervalued. or is only me?

    Nah, I think it's just you. They were step down from Riku's previous works in every department and the worst part of it was that while he was in chariots he forced his voice to come out unnaturally. I think he was trying to sound more aggressive but it just sounded like he had a permanent stuffy nose.

    There were some songs of theirs I liked but overall they weren't that spectacular IMO.

  11. Boohoo Gazetto has no originality because they take guitar riff from Kuukyo na Heya.

    Boohoo Gazetto has no originality because they take guitar riff from SHADOWZ.

    Boohoo Gazetto has no originality because they take piano ending idea from Kisou.

    Boohoo Gazetto has no originality because they make two songs that sound sorta kinda similar, but not really.

    Boohoo Gazetto has no originality because they make two upbeat songs that don't sound like a constipated blender.

    A) The VK scene is one big melting pot of musical theft. Prime example is E'm~grief~ and Amentia. Get used to it.

    B) If it's so simple get a guitar, play it, then upload your video to YouTube by the end of the week. Otherwise, your statement is invalid.

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