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Posts posted by Zeus

  1. Um...question. Around Black:List's disbandment, didn't TOMOZO write an angry post on his now deleted blog stating that he never wanted to take the stage with any of the current members ever again? I see him and AIKA back together in a new band. Although this squashes any hope of a Black:List revival, Kyotaro's disappearance from the scene is more to blame for that I think, even though he's played some guest lives with AIKA.

    Anyway, glad to see half of B:L back.

  2. Love the tracklist.

    And please, for the love of god, re-record or at least re-master some of those old indies tracks!! that would make this release epic.

    I'm thinking they'll more likely than not re-master the old tracks. If they choose to re-record, I think they'll only re-record the instrumental portions and re-master the vocals. Which I would prefer more IDK.

    If I'll even be able to tell a difference IDK.

  3. Looks like on their second best of, they did it right. Great tracklist and I'm looking forward to it. Might even purchase it if I have the cash.

    And sad to say, I have the same gut feeling as nekkichi, although I'm going to ignore it.

  4. I keep listening to the preview, I love the guitar style. It sounds more like their Vulgur/Withering/Marrow days rather than Uroboros/Hageshisa's style.

    Were you not a fan of Uroboros/Hageshisa or was this just a general comment and didn't reflect your feelings on Uroboros/Hageshisa any?

  5. this is going to suck. how do i know? bands who announce shit a month or so after an ALBUM usually rush material which sounds like fucking garbage.

    BEFORE I DECAY anyone?


    Judging material by comparing it to the GazettE >___>. Just because they had a great album and an iffy single afterwards doesn't mean that every band that does the same thing will have the same results.

    It's completely possible that they started working on this material around the same time they started working on ROUGE and they picked the songs that were "ready" for ROUGE and worked on these a bit longer. They could have been working on these for even longer than the songs that were on the last album. Maybe they have a couple of great songs that didn't take too long to compose and they've got enough material for a new album. Point is, you just don't know. We could have looked at BORN's recent release spree and said "oh wow, this is going to suck because they're releasing too much too fast" but that came out just fine and by what the previews indicate their fourth mini will be no less stellar, even though they've released over fourteen songs in a five month period. I also suppose you're going to say that "Chinese Democracy" is the greatest album ever released because Axl Rose worked on it for so long and didn't announce it "a month after an album". Time spent composing music is only partially related to how it will sound. You can lay down a hit track in a week and you can spend three years writing a song to have it come out bad. Have some faith.

  6. ^

    Wasn't Cry More used in an anime as well? That one was much heavier than the other two.

    Toge was used for an anime. I don't think Cry More was... Was it? Were all three used in anime? Maybe their label struck a deal with an animation studio. I see the whole anime music thing bands do as a way to make a little extra cash they wouldn't from just releasing a regular single so they can just be financially stable enough to continue releasing shit later on. You know, since there is no money in VK. I mean... Look at the 5000 members here that mostly just download shit. Yeah a lot of people buy and upload (bless their hearts) but way more download. Which means the bands have more fans than they are aware of from sales but they also aren't making as much money because of all the fans downloading stuff. Which means they have to find other ways to earn money so they can continue living off of doing what they love. Thus, doing songs for anime.

    I was thinking the same exact thing about two days ago as well. Unlike some people here, I have no qualms with Sadie doing songs for an anime. I have a problem with them doing it badly. I think people forget that many, including myself, got into Japanese music because of the theme songs used for anime. There's also this stigma around anime songs and them never sounding good, which is so far away from the truth. HIGH and MIGHTY COLOR did Ichirin no Hana for BLEACH and that was a fantastic song. Even Dir en grey used CHILD PREY and -I'll- as theme songs for anime.

    Of course there's bound to be a smartass saying "but they're not visual so they can make good music". The failure in that statement is so evident I don't need to explain it. There is no tie between anime and music and if the music is bad then that's the fault of the artist.

    And right now, that blame lies on Sadie and they're doing no favors to remove that stigma either. All three title songs on these releases weren't good, but Juggernaut was my least favorite of the three. If they want to stay in the scene, while they're cashing in on the songs being used for anime they also might want to make sure these same songs are good.

  7. ^ people who think like that , should just think about it and not write about it.

    That would just be silencing a person's opinion. What about a neutral opinion? Like mine? Which is that it does not matter at all to me whether he gets better or if he is forever paralyzed and unable to create music ever again. If he is meant to continue making music he'll get better. If not? Well, I guess he wont be making music anymore, will he?

    The way you initially wrote it, it sounded as if you were asking about people that wished ill for him, in which case I agree with byou that they should just stay away from this thread unless they want to stir up drama and a whole lot of unnecessary reading and deleting for the mods.

    However, if you just don't care either way about what happens to him (like me) then I suppose you don't have to post here either. After all, if you don't care what use is this topic to you? That's not to say you have no place posting here but if you do, what do you have to contribute? Not much, really. In your one paragraph, you've written pretty much all there is to write.

    To be fair though, there's not much to write no matter how you feel about him so it's beyond me why this topic is three pages long.

  8. I don't get all the sivaism here.

    cocklobin is a total step-up from a shame that siva was for the most part

    (and they went downhil even more with iori's departure, lack of other member's talent shows itself)

    I just love how everyone crucifies Iori for leaving a band, as if that doesn't happen in the visual kei scene ever. No one knows why Iori left SIVA. Maybe he had a disagreement in direction with the other members of the band. Maybe he was planning on leaving for a while and it just so happened to be then. Maybe, just maybe, he decided that he wanted to pursue new musical endeavors in a new project. God forbid Iori from living his life and doing what he wants to do instead of what fans on an online forum thinks he should do!

    Get over it. SIVA's dead. Bands come and go. I don't want any more mention of SIVA in this topic because it has absolutely nothing to do with what's at hand here. If you want to discuss that more, go make a SIVA topic in the artist forum and do it there.

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